is anyone else doing a calorie intake of 1200?

dom300186 Posts: 127 Member
edited September 20 in Success Stories
when i set mine up for my weight etc and age its told me my calorie intake needs to be 1200? i hvaent been finidng it hard just wondering what you are cooking and eating to hit this target?


  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    My calorie intake is also 1200. I really do not do too much cooking because I am overseas and most of our meat is frozen anyway, but for breakfast my usual is oatmeal (the weekend I treat myself to waffles)
    Lunch: wrap with mustard no mayo or cheese. Lately its been peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on whole honey wheat
    Dinner: Healthy choice complete meals (have a very tasty dessert too) or I make meatless spaghetti or sometimes add turkey sausage. My snacks throughout the day are sometimes protein shakes or fresh fruit.

    Also remember, that when you work out, that increases your calories too. Alot of people have different opinons about eating those. Me, I normally do not try to eat all, but I will go over about 2-3 times a week, (by 100-200 calories) but normally, I would have burned like 600-800 calories during cardio that same day also.

    Hope that helps. Eventually, you get used to eating smaller meals. Tonight I haven't added all the calories yet, (still trying to calculate the homemade sauce) but I am baking t eriyaki chicken and some green veggies.

    Also, I use that little weight esitmate at the end of the day to help guide me, if my weight stays within the same range then (5 week out estimate) then I know I did pretty well, if it goes up or down, I compare with previous days.
  • dom300186
    dom300186 Posts: 127 Member
    thanks for the reply, its my first time doing this sort of diet, i have done the weightwatchers diets etc and i hated it.

    I have been having weetabix for breakfast and lunch which is very filling sometimes i add fruit etc and then having a homemade meal in the evening only been going 3 days but im not feeling hungry as i was on weight watchers.
  • Joanneh
    Joanneh Posts: 40 Member
    Hi there
    I am on 1200 also. I find it hard to keep it to that, so I avoid fried stuff and I should be ok. Also doing some exercise in the evening resolves that problem. I normally have some granola for breakfast, an egg and soda bread for mid morning, a balanced meal at lunch time and then something light like a fresh soup or salmon and a salad for dinner.

    I've been dipping in and out of it over the last year, but its a new years resolution of mine to get control of my fitness and weight so I plan to stick to it this time.
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Dom: I've done WW too.

    I've learned that with any kind of diet, having snacks in between meals are always helpful and prevents you from eating a lot. I'm not one of those to eat 6 small meals a day, but I do have a snack between breakfast and lunch and also before dinner. It helps.
  • I am also on 1200 calories a day and do not find it hard (except for the holidays!) I have a neat breakfast recipe if you like oatmeal. It is a complete meal and very easy to make for the whole week. That way, I don't feel tempted to make anything new each morning.
    I mix 2 cups of quick oats with one package of maple and brown sugar oatmeal in a large microwaveable bowl.
    I add 1 cup of apple sauce, 1 cup of pears (which I puree first in the blender), 5 tbsp of flax seed, 40 grams of raisins and 2-3 cups of water.
    Stir and cook in microwave for about 3-5 minutes depending on how you like your oatmeal.
    Then I divide it up into tupperwares and let out to about 6-7 servings for the week.
    When I am ready to eat it, I heat it up, add 1/4 cup vanilla soy milk and 1/2 cup of blueberries on top. YUUUMMMYYY!!
    I also find that when I am running out of calories for the day, I get on my treadmill or I dance around the house!!! It becomes almost a game to balance out each day, but I am enjoying the challenge and I love this!! It keeps me in line! Good luck.
  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    I am at 1210........ my diary is public if you want to view it from my profile. (Keeps me more accountable anyway) I try to plan my meals the day before based on what I have in the fridge. I usually adjust it a little bit the next day but this way I know just how many calories I have to play with.
    I tend to eat a lot so hopefully this will help you from starving yourself.
  • dom300186
    dom300186 Posts: 127 Member
    how often do you way yourself? every day every week? or monthly?
  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    I just started doing MFP again, and have decided to weigh myself (officially) every Sunday,
    Originally I had lost 38 lbs but life took over and I gained back some. I am going to log in the 10lb at a time challenge thread (in motivation and support) every sunday. I think my first weigh in will be really good too. I am excited to see although I have peeked a bit already.:blushing:
  • dom300186
    dom300186 Posts: 127 Member
    lol you cant help it, im excited about doing this sort of plan its more easier i think than weightwatchers plus all their foods taste of water!
    ive just had my second batch of weetabox that will keep me going till after work and then i can have something nice for tea.
  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    before I started, this time, I bought a couple of staples (cereal, almond milk, 100 calorie english muffins, fat free cheese and 10 different weight watchers meals) guess what is still in my freezer lol my 10 WW meals, I am saving them in case of emergency I guess
  • jbuffan218
    jbuffan218 Posts: 275 Member
    I am also allowed the 1200 calories. This is only my 2nd day so not much input. I was WAY under yesterday, had 372 leftover. Not good, almost as bad as going over. Plus I haven't started the execise yet, trying to talk myslef into it for today.
    The only other experience I have with weight loss is WW and I beleive that was also 1200 cals.
    For me this seems like plenty, as long as I dont go out to eat or just use common sense and do what we all know we should be doing. Thats the hard part.
    Doing what we already know and making good choices. Not much fun but better results.
    We can do this,
  • Belle84
    Belle84 Posts: 36
    Im doing the 1200 as well or trying to ... trying to keep out of my exercise cals gained as well.....not too hard as im doing slim fast in moring and lunch and thats 220 each so with my snacks being about 300 throughout the day i can eat nicely at night x
  • dom300186
    dom300186 Posts: 127 Member
    what are exercise calories??
  • raleigh
    raleigh Posts: 87 Member
    the extra calories you burn (that get added on to your net) after exercise.
  • I also find that when I am running out of calories for the day, I get on my treadmill or I dance around the house!!! It becomes almost a game to balance out each day, but I am enjoying the challenge and I love this!! It keeps me in line! Good luck.

    I love that quote!!!!! Sounds good to me!
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    how often do you way yourself? every day every week? or monthly?

    I weigh on Thursdays, because where I am our workweek ends on Thursday, so it allows me a week to undo any damage I might do on the weekend. I am looking forward to tomorrow. I use the machine at the base gym which measures your height, weight, BMI, and body fat. Before I start to use MFP regularly, I referred to the scale as the lying device, because I was working out everyday but not seeing any changes. The first week after logging my food and watching what I ate, I was running around showing everyone my ticket because I lost 3 lbs, and the second week, the number was even lower. I'm almost excited looking forward to tomorrow morning!
  • dom300186
    dom300186 Posts: 127 Member
    sounds like everyone is doing weell then, so if i exercise and i know how many calories ive burnt can i eat a little more afterwords?
  • thecheese
    thecheese Posts: 51 Member
    My intake is 1200 I list my food in my blog daily so feel free to check it out. I cook almost every day as I am pescetarian (vegetarian who eats fish eggs milk). I list it simply so I have a plan for the day. I also tend toward natural and organic...I'm trying to make a health change more than go on a diet.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I'm at 1270 before exercise. Does that count?

    Anyway, most mornings I have a banana or Ensure, or both. Lunch is usually a low sodium Healthy Choice frozen meal. Dinner is home cooked. My diary is public if you ever want to check it out.
  • Im on 1200. It wouldnt be that hard if i didnt like to eat so much! lol Some weeks i go 100-200 over every 3rd day or so. I feel like staggering your calories is a great way to get past the last 5-10lbs. It worked for me because it showed on my scale!
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