Anyone tried liquid diets vlcd etc

Hey has anyone here been on those liquid diets such as optifast optislim etc? And if so did you manage to maintain your weight after?

I've been reading all about the eat more to lose weight and do understand that it clearly works. I was just seeing if anyone has had success maintaining weight after a very low calorie diet?


  • Hi,
    I stupidly done a diet which was 2 whey protein shakes a day and 1 small meal of fish n veg. I lost like 7lbs the first week and 6lbs the second. I only did this as I was going on holiday and was looking for a quick fix. Given the chance I would NEVER do this. I'm 20pounds MORE than where I started. I have only just got back on track too as it messed up my eating habbits.
  • Did it make you wanna eat heaps after? Or did you just gain quickly eating normally after?
  • taj417
    taj417 Posts: 3 Member
    I did Optifast and was very successful, 90lbs down. I maintained for a year, but most of it has slowly crept back over the last 4 years. In all honesty, it was not a difficult transition or hard to maintain after. It was totally due to a combination of life chaos (sick mother) and laziness (I stopped working out totally) for me. It can be done and maintained. I actually started the modified plan again today where I eat 1 meal a day while the rest are shakes. The first week is rough, but after that, I really don't have any hunger pains.
  • mommyweighless
    mommyweighless Posts: 192 Member
    I do Slim Fast 3-2-1, which is 2 shakes a day, 3 snacks, and one well rounded 500 calorie dinner. I have been doing it about 3 weeks and I have lost a little over 10 pounds. I really enjoy the structure of this plan as well as the shakes. I get the high protein low carb shakes. My meal and snacks are not Slim Fast products but are healthy foods. I stay full for up to or longer than 4 hours after each shake and do a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio a day. I could see myself making this a permanent lifestyle.
  • kaervaak
    kaervaak Posts: 274 Member
    In my opinion, crash diets are a bad idea. They're punitive, emotionally trying and make you extremely prone to cheating and/or rebounding at the end. Try a healthy lifestyle adjustment instead. Be patient, eat a modest calorie deficit, eat good, healthy foods and up your exercise. Losing weight should not be a punishment...think positive and focus on positive goals for the best results.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    VLCD should only be done under a doctor's supervision and only by those where weight lose is a life or death situation.

    Crash and Fad diets are in general not a good idea. They do not teach you how to survive in the real world. They do not teach you portion control and healthy eating through out the day. They don't change your lifestyle. They only give you a temporary easy fix that can not be done for the rest of your life.
  • Did it make you wanna eat heaps after? Or did you just gain quickly eating normally after?

    I binged for a full week after. If I'd had added food back in slowly I probably wouldn't have gained so much but I felt so hungry!
  • AthenaErr
    AthenaErr Posts: 278 Member
    Pre-mfp I did lighter life which is a VLCD with weekly group counseling. The counseling bit was good for talking thorugh how and why I ate and I still refer back to that bit of things. The VLCD was too much, I stuck to it for 2 weeks (lost heaps) then cheated for another 4 and didnt lose. Afterwards I sky rocketed to my highest weight ever.

    I am now weight training 3 times a week and eating 1900cals and losing. It feels amazing to lose weight and be eating plenty. I deeply recommend this.
  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    My uncle did one for a year and he lost 6st but a year later he's almost back to where he started! Personally it would drive me mad just drinking shakes instead of eating, I imagine it's quite depressing.