Not new to MFP, but new to caring!! Want supportive friends!

Hey all!

Like the topic says, I'm not new to this site... but I'm new to actually TRYING. I'm back on a regular Yoga schedule, and I'm using Lean Cuisine portion control to stick to the recommended caloric intake for me, which is only 1200 calories and is difficult! I know there's a "sodium issue", but every day I've eaten 3 LC's and been UNDER the recommended sodium level intake! I love the meals, and working rotating 12 hour shifts, it's GREAT for me since I have zero time to prep meals. Plus, it's of course better than the 3K calories a day I WAS eating!

I started my blog on here where I am reviewing recipes I've made off, so please add me if you're interested in trying to foods!

My current weight is just shy of 200 lbs. My goal weight is 140-150 (anywhere in between and I'll be happy). I am 5'3" and 23 years old.

3 years ago when I was approximately 155 lbs I underwent liposuction on, literally, every single part of my body. 8 liters of fat was sucked out, causing me to drop 10 lbs overnight. Within 4 months, I had rocketed up 30 lbs and have been steadily gaining since. At first I was exercising regularly and following a healthy diet. Because I kept gaining and gaining, I got very discouraged and for the last year, year and a half, I stopped caring. Now at a Size 16 from my original Size 8/10... I have had enough. I need a change!

Please add me!!


  • GinaBeana1121
    GinaBeana1121 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm the same way, trying to build a support network. Change is good, we've got this!
  • Justwaitlonger
    I know what you mean about being new to trying. I've joined this kind of site before, but never with the kind of determination I have now.
    Wish you all the best in achieving your goal. :)
  • rach41413
    rach41413 Posts: 82 Member
    Adding you!
  • isingthebodyelectric
    Hey there! I totally relate to your post. I've been pretty fickle about this losing weight thing and recording my food intake for a very long time now, but I'm beginning to get more motivated. As far as your diet goes, at least you are reaching your calorie goals! That's an awesome accomplishment in itself (I still haven't managed to do it since I've joined MVP several months ago). I say just take it one step at a time and worry about the sodium and such once you've got the calorie thing down. That's how I'm working on approaching weight loss this go around - every time before it's been this all or nothing mentality, and each time I have failed I've packed on the pounds so just baby steps this time! It's a marathon, not a sprint! :)

    Adding you!
  • svetadoll
    svetadoll Posts: 12 Member
    adding you! :)
  • rmn1972
    rmn1972 Posts: 20
    I have only been on MFP for a few weeks. My younger son and his wife have been using it for some time and recommended it to me. It has been the best thing I have found in a long time.
    I started in late June at 300 lbs. (I am 6'1") I have been trying to set small, intermediate goals so I don't get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of weight I need to lose.
    I set a total goal of 220 lbs, which is actually less than I weighed in high school. By the way, I am a 57 (soon to be 58!) year old male with a wife of 34 years, two married sons and three grandkids ranging from 4 yrs to 7 months.
    I decided after seeing MFP for the first time that I would use it to get myself back to a healthy state where I can live long enough to see those grandkids grow up.
    So far, I have lost a little over 20 lbs. While that is a good start (at least it is for me), I realize that it IS only a start and that it will get tougher down the road.
    I have also found that tracking my calories every day forces me to be more careful what I eat and also lets me know that I can add more exercise as my allotted calorie intake is reduced.
    I started out riding my clothes rack, also known as an exercise bike, for 30 minutes each morning before I went to work. I am now up to an hour in the morning (I HATE getting up early enough for THAT!) and 30 minutes in the evening.
    At this point, it seems that the more I lose, the more exercise I am willing and able to do.
    All this is said, not to brag, but to let you know that there is someone who understands the struggle and can empathize with you when things get difficult.
    Good luck and keep me posted!
  • britlee1986
    Adding you as well! feel free to add me as well anyone!
  • lwhite0889
    lwhite0889 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I joined this site ages ago, primarily to use the iPhone app but never took advantage of the online community. I've started backsliding lately, and I'm even farther from my goal than I was when I first joined this site, so I'm ready to really buckle down and start caring about all this too. We can do this!!