How to lose love handles?

More specifically, the annoying ones that look okay from the front and with clothes on, but are humongous from the posterior view and are more voluminous than your butt so they look even worse. x_x

I've reduced my calorie intake and done cardio (and will start swim season with my high school team this Wednesday), but I'm hesitant to begin any strength training or spot removal until I'm more well-informed of what would bring optimal results. If I'm being too vague, just let me know what I need to clarify on. Thanks. (:


  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    There's no such thing as spot reduction. Keep losing fat and it will come off the body however your genetics dictate. Unfortunately, nothing we can do (or eat or take) will influence where the fat goes away from first.
  • gmichaelguy
    gmichaelguy Posts: 123 Member
  • davidlbass
    davidlbass Posts: 159 Member
    Sweat. As Anvilhead said, you can't spot reduce. Keep up the exercise it will go away.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Exercize overall will help with problem areas eventually and it changes your whole body overall. I LOVE Zumba and kickboxing and HATE jogging, but do it anyway. Push ups, squats, and lunges and Pilates helps to pull everything in. I used to be able to put a plate on my back hips, but they have "deflated" finally.
  • EmmaCarolime

    Now that is an insightful, relevant post that will help me achieve my goals. Thank you.