100 Cal. Creamy Cajun & Parmesan Noodles?!?

InvidiaXII Posts: 315 Member
Creamy Cajun & Parmesan Noodles

I whipped this together tonight on a whim and it turned out SO good! Big bowl o' noodles and only 100 calories... hard to believe.

-1 package tofu shirataki noodles (40 calories)
-Pan spray (I used an olive oil spray)-- just enough to coat pan (0 calories)
-"I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" spray-- I used about 20 sprays (will be about 20 calories)
-Shredded parmesan cheese-- 1 tablespoon (20 calories)
-Fat-free half and half -- 2 tablespoons (20 calories)
-Garlic powder, salt, pepper, cajun seasoning to taste (0 calories)

Shout out to Chelle for her awesome guide to shirataki noodles here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/667310-let-s-talk-about-shirataki-noodles-the-continuation

Step 1: Dry-fry the noodles according to Chelle's instructions in the above link.
Step 2: Add all other ingredients. It's that easy.
Step 3: Eat delicious noodles with no guilt.

100 calories, 10g carbs, 5g fat, 5g protein, 4g fiber, 210mg sodium

In the future I might add some mushrooms, yellow peppers, and chicken to make it even more of a meal! Will definitely be making this again. :bigsmile:


  • amanda52488
    amanda52488 Posts: 260 Member
  • bump...sounds great!
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
  • kaliso
    kaliso Posts: 42 Member
    Sounds good! How do you make those noodles taste good? They made me upchuck when I had them. :-(
  • xshortiex
    xshortiex Posts: 120 Member
    Bump for later. Thanks!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Oh that sounds good! Made my belly rumble :) Wouldn't be game to have cheesy buttery pasta right now so I must remember this.
    ITS_MY_CHOICE Posts: 62 Member
    Creamy Cajun & Parmesan Noodles

    I whipped this together tonight on a whim and it turned out SO good! Big bowl o' noodles and only 100 calories... hard to believe.

    -1 package tofu shirataki noodles (40 calories)
    -Pan spray (I used an olive oil spray)-- just enough to coat pan (0 calories)
    -"I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" spray-- I used about 20 sprays (will be about 20 calories)
    -Shredded parmesan cheese-- 1 tablespoon (20 calories)
    -Fat-free half and half -- 2 tablespoons (20 calories)
    -Garlic powder, salt, pepper, cajun seasoning to taste (0 calories)

    Shout out to Chelle for her awesome guide to shirataki noodles here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/667310-let-s-talk-about-shirataki-noodles-the-continuation

    Step 1: Dry-fry the noodles according to Chelle's instructions in the above link.
    Step 2: Add all other ingredients. It's that easy.
    Step 3: Eat delicious noodles with no guilt.

    100 calories, 10g carbs, 5g fat, 5g protein, 4g fiber, 210mg sodium

    In the future I might add some mushrooms, yellow peppers, and chicken to make it even more of a meal! Will definitely be making this again. :bigsmile:

    2 Questions.

    - what is the difference between pan spray and I can't believe its not butter spray?

    - what is fat free half and half?

    Sorry from Australia and never heard of them.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Don't think we can get the butter spray any more here in Aust. so just use other oil spray or a touch or real butter and the half and half is like a light cream. About 18% fat.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Oops... she said fat free half and half so hmm no idea what to substitute it with.
  • InvidiaXII
    InvidiaXII Posts: 315 Member
    Update: I made this again last night, double portion with 100 grams of chicken for an absolutely MASSIVE bowl of noodles. Amazing.

    To answer those questions, pan spray is just pressurized oil in a spray can, whereas the "I Can't Believe it's Not Butter" is a buttery flavored liquid that comes in a press-down spray bottle. Both have 0 calories if used in small amounts. You could probably substitute skim milk for the fat free half and half, it might be a little less creamy though.
  • Jenny_Lou20
    Jenny_Lou20 Posts: 60 Member

    Sounds sooooo good.
    Does anybody know if Wal-Mart carries the noodles? I was going to look for them when I went grocery shopping the other day but forgot.

    If they don't, where are places that do?
  • tjoyjohn
    tjoyjohn Posts: 31 Member
  • Sounds great. I have always had great luck my with shirataki noodles. I usually get them at a Asian market, but Albertsons supermarket also sells it. This recipe sounds really good.!
  • onehurt
    onehurt Posts: 143 Member
    Does sound good!
  • YUM you had me at Parmesan! That sounds delicious...have never heard of that type of noodle. Must try. Thanks!!
  • AshleyTonks
    AshleyTonks Posts: 12 Member
    yum...this sounds amazing!
  • rachelilb
    rachelilb Posts: 179 Member
  • cbo1o
    cbo1o Posts: 55 Member
  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member

    Sounds sooooo good.
    Does anybody know if Wal-Mart carries the noodles? I was going to look for them when I went grocery shopping the other day but forgot.

    If they don't, where are places that do?

    Not around here. The grocery store has them near the tofu items, asian markets have them, and you can also order them online.
  • bump :3