At Home Fitness DVD's/Games?

Hey guys, I'm pretty new to this site, but definitely see the effects of the site and the power of the community. I know there's probably already tons of threads about this... But I would love to hear some input...

I am a mother of a 4, almost 5 year old and I work almost 40 hours a week... I would love to join a gym but don't have the money or time to! I do however have time after she goes to bed and a dvd player, a wii and a xbox 360... looking for suggestions for a dvd/game that I can get a good workout from...

A little bit of background... I used to do soccer, track, basketball, and volleyball...used to be very active, and in very good shape, but haven't worked out in years now. So I need something to work up to.. something semi easy to start with but I really want to work up to something to get into good shape again.

I've also been making plans to be able to do some running a few times a week some time in the future.

So just looking for some suggestions on games/dvds that you guys have found fun/successful!

Any input would be great!


  • Bobbie_89
    Bobbie_89 Posts: 146
    If you want to start out easy I would suggest a walking DVD like Leslie sansone Walk away pounds. She goes by miles upto 5miles on most DVDs. I enjoy doing it on days I can't take my daughter out for walks with the hot weather. You can also try The Biggest Loser workout DVDs they do have it for the WII Fit and Xbox360. Once you've worked your way up you can do Jillian Michales 30 Day Shred and her other DVDs.
  • camelothosting
    camelothosting Posts: 60 Member
    I have your fitness evolved 2012 for the xbox,
    its decent,
  • Spence8705
    Thanks for the ideas! I actually haven't researched any "walking" dvds? How does that work? I have looked into the Jillian Michales 30 day Shred but wasn't sure if I was ready for it yet. Might get it anyways for something to work up to. How old is your daughter? I wish I could take mine for walks, but she'd have to walk with me and I think she'd get too tired before I was ready to stop.. Plus I get her home around dinner time, and then it's dinner, story and bed time and then I'm stuck! My boyfriend doesn't get home until almost 11 most nights and I'd rather not go out walking after then.
  • Bobbie_89
    Bobbie_89 Posts: 146
    Thanks for the ideas! I actually haven't researched any "walking" dvds? How does that work? I have looked into the Jillian Michales 30 day Shred but wasn't sure if I was ready for it yet. Might get it anyways for something to work up to. How old is your daughter? I wish I could take mine for walks, but she'd have to walk with me and I think she'd get too tired before I was ready to stop.. Plus I get her home around dinner time, and then it's dinner, story and bed time and then I'm stuck! My boyfriend doesn't get home until almost 11 most nights and I'd rather not go out walking after then.

    On the walking dvds all you do is march in place, do side steps, knee lifts and some kicks and she takes it to a higher pace at different miles. VERY easy to do if you can't do anything else. You can go to youtube and type is walking away pounds and youll be able to look at some of her dvds. My daughter is 9 months, she'll be 1yrs old Oct.25. She doesn't do to well with hot weather. She tends to get very cranky after a walk. My boyfriend works 12or a little more hrs a day so I'm by myself 90% of the time. Its hard getting in my exercise with it only being me and taking care of my daughter. I usually split it up, do 30-45mins when shes taking a nap then I'll do at least 30mins again after she's gone to bed for the night.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    I have a 2 1/2 year old, and she can do a mile, mile and a half easy. My nephew at your daughter's age was doing 2 or 3, and I know several kids that age that can go longer. Work up to it, and pick interesting spots to walk in so she won't get bored. If you end up hauling her a bit, consider it a bonus.

    As for DVDs, you should be ble to do 30 DS and others like it just fine. The whole thing is only like 20 minutes and you can modify if necessary.
  • Jackie80taylor
    Jackie80taylor Posts: 76 Member
    I have 'Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012' for xbox 360 and its excellent. got loads and loads of different exercises on it and counts the calories you lose as you go, as long as you have got kinect your good to go :-)
  • jenqoe
    jenqoe Posts: 7 Member
    On the Wii: Wii Fit Plus and My Fitness Coach: Cardio Training are fun and good for breaking into a sweat.

    I've also found Jillan Michaels Burn Fat Boost Metabolism to be good - and the full thing is available for free on Youtube which is even better! :wink: