My new job is searching for a new job

Unfortunately my position was eliminated (last Thursday) -- not something I was anticipating -- but not the end of the world with a small severance package etc.

Day 1- was just getting over the "shock" of it (phone calls to friends etc.)
Day 2- involved paperwork, finding out what to do about insurance, unemployment, etc.
Day 3- I overindulged in wine.
Day 4 - glad we bought season tickets to Dollywood - because I walked 5 miles and hit the rollercoasters to "forget"
Day 5- a couple hours in the gym, more paperwork, a little economical grocery shopping and food prep.

I think the most important thing is to just keep exercising. Time can't be an excuse.

On the bright side I already have a couple of interviews scheduled - so hopefully, I will find something within a month. Of course, this is also the perfect time to evaluate and consider a career change. Time will tell. I won't say I am NOT stressed, I am -- but I am just trying to keep a schedule and really focus on fitness to alleviate the stress.

I am interested in hearing how others in a similar situation are doing -- or what did you do. Did you change careers? Take a part-time job? Any insight will be welcome as therapy really isn't in my budget right now!! :laugh:


  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I'm sorry that has happened to you! I have not been in your situation, but with the economy the way it is, we should probably all have contingency plans.

    You sound like you have been taking it well and doing what I would have done (including the wine! :smile:). Network as much as possible - opportunities sometimes show up in the strangest ways! Good luck and keep us posted!
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    I had a really great job 2 years ago and then my husband was transfered to Dallas. I got back "home" about a year ago and have had nothing but problems finding a job in social services. I worked in fast food for the last 5 months or so until I found a job I wanted :) Just started today!

    The pay isnt what I was making 2 years ago by any means, but the reality is in social services you cant be picky right now... everyone is cutting back or closing facilities because of state budgets cuts :(
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Thank you to both of you. I have been in legal services for most of my professional career. My passion is cooking - and I do have a very small business as a personal chef on the side that I did more as a hobby than anything else... but maybe with some networking - this back to school time may be a good opportunity to network and get a few more clients.

    In the meantime - I have an interview with a risk management company, a real estate company, and my neighbor told me that his son-in-law is looking for someone to run a small bistro at an upscale assisted living place. It would be really, really nice to have options to choose from rather than take the first thing that comes my way.
  • sarahwilloughby07
    My job situation is extremely complicated. I've been a temp-to-hire since December 19th and had to wait 90 days to get hired. 90 days passes and I'm told "oh it's 90 Monday through Friday working days" so I recalculate and the day before my 90th day they brought in a handful of full-time employees. Some more time passes and Friday before last I received a phone call from the temp agency that I've been one of the 35 temps to be laid off but I'll be getting a call back no later than September 1st and that I could receive unemployment. Filed for that and due to the way the "system" is set up I didn't make enough money in the time allotted (they went back to the time when I was unemployed last year!) therefore I can't get paid for the 2-4 weeks I'm laid off. There's a good chance (not holding my breath though) that when I do get to go back to work I'll be hired full-time and receive the same raise as everyone else.

    I hate my job (it's a fireplace factory) so due to all the stress and heat I've lost 25 lbs. (yay!) but this time off I've been depressed and lazy (my only exercise I'm getting is when I take off out of the house to smoke a cigarette to ignore the fight my mother and I just had). I want to be an actress but acting classes at this modeling agency I found are expensive and no work means no money to save for these classes. Another trigger to my depression is the fear that I will be stuck at this job forever and I'll never get out of this town (that I was born in, no less) and have zero support from my family when it comes to wanting to pursue my dream.
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Interviewed with a couple of companies last week... found a part-time job that will be supplemental income to unemployment without an impact on my unemployment payments. I really feel very fortunate... I know there are a lot of people out there going through this with more obligations than I have.... not to mention I have a very supportive partner... but at the same time... I do identify myself with work...

    I am in different cycles of the hiring process... one I am waiting ot hear from but wont kow until the end of the month... another I expect to hear by end of week and another I am waiting to be set up for second interview... needless to say Id like time all this so I potentially have a few offers to choose from rather than take what comes my way....

    In the meantime..exercising like its my job!