The power of intermittent fasting


This is a really interesting article - I am not convinced by it - and there is no medical evidence - but has anyone had any success / failure in doing this sort of "fasting" (doesnt seem like fasting to me though!)


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    This is a really interesting article - I am not convinced by it - and there is no medical evidence - but has anyone had any success / failure in doing this sort of "fasting" (doesnt seem like fasting to me though!)
    There is medical evidence compares continuous and intermittent approaches to achieving a 25% calorie reduction. 75% on two days a week or 25% 7 days a week. looks at 75% reduction and ad-lib alternate days.

    One of the breast cancer researchers at South Manchester has a paper on intermittent low carbing in preparation.

    I shall watch the programme tonight.
  • DorsetMCM
    Thanks Yarwell - that'sreally helpful! - did you watch all of the programme? I've recorded it - we get up at 5am and I couldnt stay awake any longer - but the first half seemed interesting. Not sure about that american chap that ate masses of fruit for breakfast and restricted his calories........... and now it looks like high protein / low car while possibly helping weight loss may do the opposite - arggh! confusion!!
  • DorsetMCM
    Thanks very much Chris - sorry I didnt find your helpful post first - fairly new to this and still finding my way around the forums!: