A little bit of advice please - maintaining weight

Hi, hopefully somebody will be able to advise me on this matter. I have recently lost around 75 and I am now around the weight I want to to stay at. (11st 5lbs / 159 lbs). But after putting my details in on this website for my food consumption / exercise I get this message "If every day were like today... You'd weigh 150.1 lbs in 5 weeks".

I don't want to be 150lbs in 5 weeks, so my question is how accurate is this information? Is it generally quite good, does this mean I will have to increase what I eat in order to maintain despite the fact I am happy with the amount I am now eating?

i think it is probably best to just see what happens but I thought I would see what you guys thought first.




  • alexmrusu
    Hi Mark,

    While this website is wonderful and has helped me a lot, I think nothing is better than your own intuition. Listen to what your body tells you. Also, generally, I've found that the 5 week prediction is not accurate [ it usually portrays less pounds ]. After reading some other posts on here, I learned that this is a popular opinion.

    I don't know how long you've been at your ideal weight, but generally your body plateaus when you've stopped losing weight for 2-4 weeks. If you've been consistent with your diet/exercise for a good amount of time and have remained at 159 lbs, I don't think you should worry about increasing your calories based on what MFP says.

    Congrats on your successful weight loss!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    if you have net the number of calories that MFP has as your maintenance number then it shouldnt be saying you will lose weight in 5 weeks?
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    I've been maintaining for over six months and can safely say that the maintenance calories that MFP provide for me (and others) is not accurate. It is unfortanately a bit of a game of trial and error to find the right balance. My advice would be to get some maintenance friends and there is also a maintenance group on here which is very good and supportive.

    Congratulations on reaching your goal!
  • partingtonred
    Cheers all. I have only just reached my goal weight and I have just come off my diet (Lighterlife) and decided that using this site would be a good way of tracking what I eat / drink etc... Yesterday was the first time I have used this site properly after a couple of months of being a member and I was quite alarmed that I may still be losing 2lbs a week.

    Trial and error as you say. Thanks for the advice.