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Tip to avoiding weight gain on the weekends??



  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    Don't leave yourself open. Plan your weekends just like you plan your weeks. Know what your will eat at each meal. Know if your going out to eat where you will go, look up the menu online, or swing by the restaurant and grab a menu and plan what you will order. Including drinks if you have them. Avoid fruity sweet drinks, If you want to drink, limit the amount you will have. Have a diet cola with alcohol of your choice. Beer and sugary sweet drinks will pack on the pounds fast. Make time for exercise even on the weekends.
  • kwin91
    kwin91 Posts: 128
    I don't really give myself "cheat days" I just give myself little treats almost everyday. But then there are days when I have a family BBQ to go to and you don't have a lot of choices, but just have some will power and manage what your eating.. That's why people say diets don't work because they give themselves a day to go wild, and then they hinder any progress made. This is a lifestyle choice for me so I always try to pick good choices.. that's all you can ever really do.
  • lmeslie
    lmeslie Posts: 46 Member
    Sounds like you are depriving yourself during the week and then "binging" on the weekend. Are you calories set too low? You need to find a calorie balance where you lose slowly bu don't feel like you are depriving yourself so that you don't have that urge to go crazy on the weekend. You can't make it a lifestyle change the way you're doing it. Good luck!
  • Jessicapages1
    Jessicapages1 Posts: 114 Member
    Write out a plan just as you would for the week.Prep yuor meals on friday so you wont have any excuse not to eat clean,go tto the Gym in the AM so you get it out of the way,and when I workout in the AM I don't want CRAP to eat.I want to eat healthy! stay true to your goals!! Put up note to remind yourself what your goals are!
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    Eat before if you can
    Bring a healthy dish if it's a bbq/potluck/etc
    Look up the menu if you know where you're going
    Pre-log so you know how much you can afford to eat/drink
    Set a goal and a reward (for instance: work out sat/sun, get ice cream Monday)
  • pinthin87
    pinthin87 Posts: 296 Member
    I find it is all about planning. If I know where I am going to eat I look up the nutritional info before hand. I figure out how many calories are in my drinks and figure out how many I can have and not go over my calories. It is a lot of planning and a lot of work but I find it is worth it.

    This^^ It's hard I won't lie but it saves you in the long run.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Don't eat like crap on the weekends, you won't gain! And I mean that in the nicest way possible.

    This ^^^^^

    Everyone in my social circle knows that I am exercising and limiting my caloric intake. Tell your friends about your journey. If they are true friends, they will support you in it.
  • gobunkos
    gobunkos Posts: 36 Member
    I try to stick to grilled chicken and light beer when going out on weekends. Substitute cottage cheese for the side dish or get more veggies. I either skip the salad or make sure there is no regular salad dressing on my salad (dressing is a diet killer). As others indicate get a box or just leave 1/2 your meal uneaten (maybe others will get the hint).
  • If you have been attempting to lose the same 10lbs for over a year, something is seriously wrong. Either your not following your nutrition regiment enough, or not putting enough work in at the gym. Try getting more rest and spend more time doing long duration, lower heart rate (65% bpm) fat burning cardio. 45 minutes to 1 hour, 2-4 times per week, plus resistance training you should start dropping at least 1/2 to 1 lb per week, or even more.

    To stay on track on weekends/going out, drink low calorie beer, or even better opt to be the designated driver. Then you can hydrate, drink water all night and still have fun with your friends. Eating healthier alternatives, and resisting nachos and wings can be tough, so just stay goal oriented, and reward yourself every 2 weeks with a "cheat meal" for sticking to your diet plan.

    Good luck and enjoy =)
  • mountainmare
    mountainmare Posts: 294 Member
    I agree with all the advice given--plan plan plan!! You don't eat out for every meal every day of every weekend do you?
    AND--in the kindest way I can think to say it--don't blame your friends and family for the choices you make, only you are in control of yourself.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    I have the same problem. I kill myself working out 5 days a week and watch my calories like a hawk, so I often feel like I'm entitled to rest and eat what I want on the weekends. And on those weekends, I find myself undoing an entire week's worth of hard work.

    The thing is, you probably do enough during the week to avoid gaining weight, even if you fall off the wagon on the weekends. But you don't do enough during the week to continue LOSING weight if you're going to eat, drink, and be merry on weekends.

    First, the obvious: you don't have to drink alcohol or eat poorly just because everyone else is. If you're an adult, I don't want to hear about social pressure. Secondly, understand that "bad" foods and drinks are typically high in sodium, so it's pretty common for people who eat clean all week to gain water weight after a weekend of partying. It may take you a few days to get that off, and then a few days after that you're partying again, so your weight goes right back up. Finally, at some point, usually when you get down to within 10 to 15 lbs of your goal weight, you have to come to realize that "every now and then" doesn't mean "every weekend," and it most definitely doesn't mean "all weekend long."
  • Anya06
    Anya06 Posts: 95
    I plan ahead for the nights when I know eating less healthy and alcohol will he involved and make sure that I exercise a bit harder that day to earn callories to eat :) I have one of those nights almost every week,as I have quite a demanding job so its my way of relaxing and switching off...i pre-log as much as I can and just make sure that my breakfast and lunch r mega healthy that day too :)
  • antizoni1
    antizoni1 Posts: 334
    I exercise longer and harder on the weekends that way I can eat anything and drink anything I want
  • Anya06
    Anya06 Posts: 95
    I have the same problem. I kill myself working out 5 days a week and watch my calories like a hawk, so I often feel like I'm entitled to rest and eat what I want on the weekends. And on those weekends, I find myself undoing an entire week's worth of hard work.

    The thing is, you probably do enough during the week to avoid gaining weight, even if you fall off the wagon on the weekends. But you don't do enough during the week to continue LOSING weight if you're going to eat, drink, and be merry on weekends.

    First, the obvious: you don't have to drink alcohol or eat poorly just because everyone else is. If you're an adult, I don't want to hear about social pressure. Secondly, understand that "bad" foods and drinks are typically high in sodium, so it's pretty common for people who eat clean all week to gain water weight after a weekend of partying. It may take you a few days to get that off, and then a few days after that you're partying again, so your weight goes right back up. Finally, at some point, usually when you get down to within 10 to 15 lbs of your goal weight, you have to come to realize that "every now and then" doesn't mean "every weekend," and it most definitely doesn't mean "all weekend long."

    couldnt agree more :) i let myself one night of freedom but make sure that hangover munchies dont take over the next day and it seems to work for me
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    dont drink.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    Honestly, one or two days of a few poor eating choices won't ruin your diet. Just make smart choices but allow yourself a little wiggle room. Have A drink or split a small dessert or something. Moderation!
  • HulkDiesel77
    HulkDiesel77 Posts: 219 Member
    Odds are you are not totally binging out on the weekends so more realistically the bad food choices are making you retain more water than throughout the week. If you are going to go out to dinner and have drinks be sure to hydrate hydrate all day before going and even continue throughout the night if possiable. It will make a world of difference. Trust me I have been there. :)
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    Make official weigh day the beginning of the week - I dont splurge at the weekends as I get weighed on a Tuesday lunch time - I do think to myself 'On tuesday night I am going to have......' I never do as I am always so chuffed with the weigh in that my 'I can do this' head reappears. Good luck
  • I try to come up with social events that don't center around food. Instead of making plans to go out for drinks, make plans to grab a cup of coffee/tea and go window shopping. A 0 calorie cup of tea and two hours of walking around stores ends up being more of a work out than sitting on the sofa, you still get to hang out with friends and family, and you haven't over indulged. Little changes in your social plans like this can really start to add up!

    THIS HAS BEEN HUGE FOR ME!!! I do this exact same thing.
  • dont drink.

    well then - there is ALOT to say for this one also....