Weight Watchers vs.MFP

I ate a bag of Trader Joes stir fry vegetables for dinner today and the bag is something like 200 calories but it's JUST vegetables. If I were on weight watchers these would be free points. Any thoughts on this?


  • sherronh
    sherronh Posts: 119 Member
    a calorie is a calorie. log it
  • ZyheeMoongazer
    ZyheeMoongazer Posts: 343 Member
    I never agreed with the weight watchers view on vegetables being "free". They are still 200 calories. Granted its a healthier choice then say 200 calories of cookies. Macros aside, calories are still calories.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    As far as I know, Weight Watchers sets the daily calorie intake (in the form of points) to a pretty low level, lower than I think most people on MFP would eat. So considering how many servings of vegetables most people eat, having those "free" will probably take Weight Watchers clients up to a calorie level similar to what many people on here are eating.

    Basically, the end amounts are probably about the same even though they're being recorded in different ways. Personally, I prefer knowing exactly what I'm taking in, but that freaks some people out and the "free" system might work better for them.
  • mesee619
    mesee619 Posts: 84 Member
    I use to follow weightwatchers until the veggies and fruits became free. I started gaining---so I would have to agree that calories is a calories
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    I don't really care for how WW over points protein either.

    That's one of the main problems I have with it, but it works for my wife...
  • mollyW2012
    mollyW2012 Posts: 94 Member
    As far as I know, Weight Watchers sets the daily calorie intake (in the form of points) to a pretty low level, lower than I think most people on MFP would eat. So considering how many servings of vegetables most people eat, having those "free" will probably take Weight Watchers clients up to a calorie level similar to what many people on here are eating.

    Basically, the end amounts are probably about the same even though they're being recorded in different ways. Personally, I prefer knowing exactly what I'm taking in, but that freaks some people out and the "free" system might work better for them.

    I agree with the above poster.
    Although, I did WW twice. Once the old way where there were no free foods, and once the new way. I quit, because I couldn't seem to lose or stick with it the new way.....
  • MsHolly731
    MsHolly731 Posts: 54 Member
    As far as I know, Weight Watchers sets the daily calorie intake (in the form of points) to a pretty low level, lower than I think most people on MFP would eat. So considering how many servings of vegetables most people eat, having those "free" will probably take Weight Watchers clients up to a calorie level similar to what many people on here are eating.

    Basically, the end amounts are probably about the same even though they're being recorded in different ways. Personally, I prefer knowing exactly what I'm taking in, but that freaks some people out and the "free" system might work better for them.

    I agree with the above poster.
    Although, I did WW twice. Once the old way where there were no free foods, and once the new way. I quit, because I couldn't seem to lose or stick with it the new way.....

    I think that's when I fell off the wagon too :(

    I also felt that the 26 points they gave me for the day on the Points Plus plan was starving me because I couldn't really find breakfast/lunch/dinner meals that stuck within that 26 point range and also gave me a little room for snacks.

    I know we also had the "week" (I called them "weak") points, but I really tried not to use them unless I really had to, which I had no problem doing before they changed it to the Points Plus.

    I'm new to MFP and I'm already liking following calorie intake over points.
  • JinksE21
    JinksE21 Posts: 77 Member
    Counting points for fruits and veggies varies even among WW leaders. I have had some who say all are free and some who say to count points after you have eaten the recommended daily amount which I am a believer in the latter because those calories do add up! I think the guidelines to get so many fruits and veggies in is great for those who are not big fruit/veggie eaters but when you eat a salad with 4 cups of lettuce, broccoli, tomatoes, and a ton of other veggies, and maybe some fruit for those who like it on their salads, the calories add up and sometimes more than a turkey sandwich!

    No plan works for everyone. The most important thing is to find what works for you and when it stops working, take a step back and be honest with yourself about why it may not be working for you.
  • avocado12
    avocado12 Posts: 197 Member
    I lost 2st on Weight Watchers, so it does work. But it's slow - it's been a lot faster on MFP. I agree also that calories are calories and on WW because fruit is 0pp some people take advantage of that and eat tons of it - I was guilty of doing that a few times!
  • lilsis10
    lilsis10 Posts: 72 Member
    I do Weight watchers and I also log on MFP. If I stay within my MFP limits set by my dietitian, it comes out equally well with my Weight Watcher's points.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    It doesn't matter if you log it or not, your body will count it.
  • doinit78
    doinit78 Posts: 17 Member
    I too started to gain on WW once fruits and veggies became free. I log everything on MFP and now I'm losing again.
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    I traded in my WW membership for a gym membership.
  • sunshinesquared
    sunshinesquared Posts: 2,733 Member
    I also gave up WW. Very happy with MFP and I have to agree with the previous posters...a calorie is a calorie!
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Weight watchers got 25 pounds off of me, then I plateaued really bad. I lost my job and dropped WW for MFP due to premium and now I think MFP works better for me. Fruits and veggies have calories too. So you should still log them. I think that's where the points plus system fails. >.<
  • nataliexxxx
    If you have dieted before and given up then weight watchers could be a better option because you have to go there and get weighed and other people can see if you have lost weight so there is less chance you give up, thats how i feel about slimming world anyway
  • veerichie
    veerichie Posts: 214 Member
    Are you following the WW plan or using MFP?? "Free" fruits/veggies are INCORPORATED into the WW plan. They are NOT incorporated into the MFP plan.

    Also, keep in mind if they are JUST veggies, then yes they may be "free" on WW. On MFP, no. Do they have any sauces or oils added?? If so then you need to track them on WW.

    In the end, I think everyone is just better to count EVERY calorie they consume, WW or not.
  • veerichie
    veerichie Posts: 214 Member
    Weight watchers got 25 pounds off of me, then I plateaued really bad. I lost my job and dropped WW for MFP due to premium and now I think MFP works better for me.

    Same with me :)

    I think WW is a great program for the right person. The meetings and "official" weigh ins can be especially helpful.
  • kjw1031
    kjw1031 Posts: 300 Member
    I'm currently tracking on both WW and MFP.

    My calorie goal on MFP matches with WW, leaving fruits and vegetables at 0 points, as long as I use all of my weekly and activity points as well.

    I think that's why I was on such a plateau with WW - - - I tried to stick to the 26 points when I really should have been using the weeklies and activities as well.

    It's been eye-opening to track on MFP. I was definitely not eating enough fat or protein on WW as those macros make a food more "pointy".
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Weight watchers got 25 pounds off of me, then I plateaued really bad. I lost my job and dropped WW for MFP due to premium and now I think MFP works better for me.

    Same with me :)

    I think WW is a great program for the right person. The meetings and "official" weigh ins can be especially helpful.

    Right. I did it online though as the WW meeting place was too far and mom and I didn't want to weigh in front of other people. :)