new to this

Hi all,

ive been on so many diets did weight watchers for a while and lost loads but getting bored so thought i would try this out, im strugerling to stick to my suggestered calorie intake,does any one have any tips or advise?

and do you track all types of "movement" as exercise even just like say walking to town?? im on crutches at the mo due to servally sprained ankle so cant do much exercise wise...


  • doomspark
    doomspark Posts: 228 Member
    Log everything you eat. That helps me. I've only been here about 3 weeks.
  • aquamarine36
    Hi Caspa, I'm pretty new to this too. I have lost 3 pounds so far, and the most important thing is to just log in every day. Once you get into the habit of doing it, it becomes kind of fun. I have good days and bad days with food, and some of those days I don't really want to log everything I eat. The most important thing for me is to walk every single day. That's been the biggest change I have made in my life, and I feel 90% better than when I did 25 days ago. I know you are on crutches, but maybe you can find some stretching exercises you could start off slow with. It's good just to do something - even if it's just a little something - every day.

    As far as the food diary, I made mine private. I was having less than perfect days of eating, and it was hard for me to share it with everyone. I am doing better and I am actually very proud of how I have been eating, so I think I will make it available for my friends to see. That's what is nice about My Fitness Pal. It's very flexible and easy to use.

    Good luck, and if you need any encouragement, I am here for you!

  • joaniej75
    joaniej75 Posts: 136 Member
    I am new today--I've tried WW but I just cannot stick with it. I do so much better when I am counting calories. I've got a friend that has lost 25 pounds using this site and that really motivated me to do this. I have at least 30 pounds to lose. I just feel plain miserable.
  • caspa
    caspa Posts: 8
    thank you everyone, my friends started it and lost 4lb but shes been exercising lots..... i think if i can just try log everything even if having bad days at east i will see were im going wrong......... wat can i say i LOVE food.... bad food taste to nice lol...... b$ i sprained my ankle 7 weeks ago i was cycling loads, on a stationary bike and a regular bike now i cant even ride my stationary bike, feeling quite down, i have a legs bums and tums dvd so may try do that..... i guess any movement is better then noun.... i went out and was walking around or hoping around for about an hr so tracked that burnt quite a few calories :) i will try log on everyday... so need to do this