I need friends who know.

I have a very long road ahead of me, one that I have traveled back and forth throughout my life. Only this time, I can't go back. I am currently about 100 lbs over weight, and scheduled for gastric bypass surgery in June of 2013. I don't want the surgery, but my health is suffering and I have 3 children to think about. If I had the will power to do this on my own I would never have gotten to this point so I know now more than ever that I need help and support from friends. Someone to poke me when I get discouraged and kick me in the butt when I feel like quitting.
I love to eat, I eat when I am bored, I eat when I am celebrating and I eat when I am depressed. In other words...I always eat. I love to try new foods and I adore sugar...anything with sugar in it. I love to bake and that makes it so much worse.
I hate exercise, I am doing it because I have to, not because I enjoy it. I am not trying to be negative but I am not one of those people who enjoys it. I don't sit there in the gym on the elliptical trainer going, "Wow this is great, I love it." No, I am more likely to be the one grudgingly doing it because I have to but thinking of all the other places I rather be.
I am new and have made a few friends and I appreciate the support they have shown me already, but I am looking for more friends, ones like me...the food lovers, the exercise haters. I need you, because you know about my struggles, you can relate. Please help me. I will be just as supportive and try to give you any advice I have in tackling the same issues, but I need to surround myself with those who may be able to help me most.

Please add me,


  • PrayerofAmity
    PrayerofAmity Posts: 176 Member
    If you don't want the surgery, don't do it!. You can lose 100 pounds by June next year no problem. Heck, I've lost almost 45 in two months. Gastric bypass is great for some but it is a very tough recovery. If you don't really want it I'm sure you can do it yourself with a little support from your friends.
  • graceinbreath
    graceinbreath Posts: 49 Member
    I am an exercise hater and a food lover! I try to be really encouraging to others and appreciate the encouragement I get from my MFP friends when I need it ... add me! I also started a halloween challenge - a bunch of MFP pals are trying to lose as much weight as they can by halloween - i will send you an add - might be the jump start you need and a great way to connect with some new folks!
  • hijude57
    hijude57 Posts: 97 Member
    Sent friend request. I have over 100 lbs to lose. I hate vegetables and exercise. It'll be hard but we can do it!:smile:
  • jkc041709
    jkc041709 Posts: 31 Member
    I need to lose about 80 pounds so we have pretty similar goals. Good luck woman - we can do this!
  • pudgeylou
    pudgeylou Posts: 202 Member
    Wow, you lost 45 lbs in 2 months? How did you do it?

    I have a few friends who have had the gastric bypass surgery and it isn't a gaurantee. One of them became so sick that she almost died. My doctors have been pushing me to lose weight for years and this is their final answer on the subject.

    I am dedicated to not having the surgery at this point, I have done everything in my power to give myself the tools I need to make it. I have joined a gym, gotten on MFP, downloaded the app, hired a personal trainer, changed my eating habits, and am surrounding myself with positive influences in the hopes that this time I can do it. I am trying to put all my past failed attempts behind me and starting over, telling myself that I am doing it the right way this time and I will make it.

    lol. Almost sounds like one of those self help books.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    You can add me.

    My neighbor had the lapband done and because she didn't keep up with the fills, she's back to the weight she was (and refuses to go get a fill until she loses the weight she gained so the doc doesn't yell at her) so it may not be the best choice to get that done (just because it's the doc's final answer doesn't mean it has to be yours, there are plenty of other weight loss programs, it just depends on YOUR committment.)

    In your second post, it sounds like you've got the committment, and you may find by 2013, you can do this without the surgery.

    I agree with you on the exercise thing, but I would suggest that you check out other things besides equipment at the gym, I am too easily distracted by doing just the treadmill, and too dangerous to myself with most equipment when left to my own devices (I tore a muscle in my shoulder one time, just trying to move a seat on a piece of equipment). But, about 9 years ago, I took a class called Bellydance Booty Camp (how could I not, the name alone pulled me in) I was hooked, I went to a studio and started taking classes and have been dancing ever since, I'm now one of the lead dancers in the studio troupe and dance professionally as part of a duo. At the gym I go to now, I take a combat class that I love and is great exercise. I've tried Zumba too (I think somebody else mentioned they enjoy that) I really enjoy it, there's just not classes at a time I can take it right now.

    I also found that instead of walking on a treadmill, I enjoyed going to the local parks to walk/jog outside (granted, I'm in Florida, so it's a year round activity) so check out somethings there's something out there that will strike you: Go for it!

    You CAN do this without the surgery, especially with all your new friends on MFP!
  • NaeToday
    NaeToday Posts: 3 Member
    I just started this week. I understand about loving exercise. I think I have to find things I like to stay motivated. If you live near the beach and love the ocean, walk along the beach. If you love fast crazy music maybe join a ZUMBA class. I hope this helps. Hang in there you'll do it.:smile:
  • jiddu17
    jiddu17 Posts: 187 Member
    You can ABSOLUTELY do this. You can set yourself on a path that you can maintain. You can learn to love (or at least tolerate) the changes you've made. You MUST have realistic expectations. You MUST want to do this for yourself and for your kids, not just to avoid the surgery. Your doctors do not dictate whether you have the surgery or not. Surgery works for many people, and surgery doesn't work for many people. The difference seems to be mindset. The risk of getting ill from the surgery versus getting ill from being obese might be comparable. But even if you choose to have the surgery, you have to get into the same frame of mind the rest of us are in. Change your habits, make better choices. This is the only way you will succeeed with either method of weight loss. Now is the time to begin. Be patient. Be persistent. Be responsible. Be positive.
  • GidgetW
    GidgetW Posts: 23
    I to also love food and hate vegetables and exercise. I want to lose about 130 lbs. Surgery is not an option that I would consider now, b/c I have never seen a person that didn't gain the weight back, or become sick b/c of it. ( I did consider it at one time) If that is how you choose to do it, I hope it works for you. I have been on this site for 55 days today. I have lost only 11 lbs, but that is b/c of a leg injury. I had to quit exercising. This site works if you are truthful when you eat your calories. It IS so hard in the beginning. BUT it really does get easier. I am also the type that I am not going to quit eating the things I love. I just adjust my calories to fit it in. I think I actually eat more desserts now, but in healthy moderation. I just eat smaller portions and only once a day, instead of throughout the day. Anyway good luck and you can add me if you like.
  • bloodhoundlady
    bloodhoundlady Posts: 80 Member
    Reading your post you described me when it comes to emotional eating. I also need to lose over 100 lbs and I know you can do this without gastric bypass. I am also a nurse and have seen other nurses, patinets and even doctors get this procedure.. It is much easier for you to lose the weight on your own. Yes some did lose a lot of weight, some did and gained it back and some did not follow the plan and made theirselves sicker. The first 3 months you will be on a liquids, no meat for one year. I honestly would give this one more gungho shot and try this yourself. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I work way too many hours and eat way too much crap everyone brings in, nurses we eat mostly on the run. I never have time for a break for lunch or dinner. Tommorow I plan on stopping that, I am starting clean eating again. It worked for me before til I decided to cave and eat whatever but lost 40lbs in about 3 months.