In some serious need of some help!!!!!!!!!

Hello all,
I am new to the site only been here for a few weeks thought id write and ask for some help. So me and a few girls from work have been going to the gym the past 4 weeks and i for some reason have only lost 1 pound. we go 5 days a week every morning for an hour, usually i do about 30 min or so cardio and the other 30 weight training and abdominal crunches. i eat healthy i stay within my calories i been trying to eat only the 1200, sometimes i go over. but either way i dont see why i am not losing any weight. I took my inches today and they didn't change at all. The last time i did them was a little over a week ago. I dont understand this somebody help me understand please.


  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    You may want to consider starting to eat some or all of your exercise calories. Take a long look at the posts at the top of the General Diet and Weight Loss Help forum. :flowerforyou:

    Have you noticed any other changes? Is your strength or stamina improving? Focus on the positive. :wink:
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Check your net calories. They need to be above 1200 in order for you to not go into starvation mode. I would start eating my exercise calories if I were you, once you do that I would suspect you will see a difference!

    Check out the links on this page:
  • shanwow16
    shanwow16 Posts: 203 Member
    You may want to consider starting to eat some or all of your exercise calories. Take a long look at the posts at the top of the General Diet and Weight Loss Help forum. :flowerforyou:

    Have you noticed any other changes? Is your strength or stamina improving? Focus on the positive. :wink:

    Definately agree with this!! Focus on the weight training, maybe try taking a whey protein shake after your workout to help build lean muscle mass (which will burn more fat). Anything you burn you should be eating, MFP has already given you a deficit in calories, you don't want to starve your body. Your body needs that energy to refuel after you've burned all those calories. I know it seems like you are defeating the whole purpose of working out, but as long as you are eating healthy and not going to McDonalds after a workout all should be good. I myself just increased my daily intake because I hit a plateau myself.
  • cassandra1220
    cassandra1220 Posts: 284 Member
    Don't forget about the muscle you are gaining (thats a good thing). Just loose the scale and get a tape measure. If you know your measurements you will know the true fruits of your labors.
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    You must also consider that if you are lifting, you are likely building muscle... this is a good thing as more muscle burns more fat. As far as density goes, muscle weighs more than fat as well! This may be why you have only lost 1 pound, only 1 noticeable pound... maybe it's more like you lost (X) pounds of fat and built (X-1) pounds of muscle!

    Again, this is a good thing! Look for the positive!
  • laralou
    laralou Posts: 21
    but is that hitting a platu? i mean ive only been working out for a month, so your saying i should definitely increase the calories then, and what about cardio and i doing enough?
  • laralou
    laralou Posts: 21
    i did my measurements they didn't change either. should i maybe only take them so many times like once a month?
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    but is that hitting a platu? i mean ive only been working out for a month, so your saying i should definitely increase the calories then, and what about cardio and i doing enough?

    You need to eat at least 1/2 the excersize cals. You're starting to starve yourself. Please look at the link below.
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    I would also up your cardio, switch your routine a little, or your up weights that you are using. Do some combo moves that incorporate both cardio and strength like squat kicks or ab moves on a stability ball with weights.
  • laralou
    laralou Posts: 21
    this is saying my NET calories are around 800... that's horrible :(
  • shanwow16
    shanwow16 Posts: 203 Member
    I would reset your goals, that doesn't seem right!!
    I sit on my *kitten* all day at a computer and my net calories are 1,470 with a deficit of 250 calories based on three 60 minute work outs a week and my weight loss goal of 0.5 lbs per week. Your net should never fall under 1,200??
  • laralou
    laralou Posts: 21
    maybe i am looking in the wrong spot because i don't see a deficit. I clicked reports at the top and chose net calories. is this right?
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    maybe i am looking in the wrong spot because i don't see a deficit. I clicked reports at the top and chose net calories. is this right?

    Look at your My Home and it should give you the calorie counts for exercise, food, and net calories.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I would reset your goals, that doesn't seem right!!
    I sit on my *kitten* all day at a computer and my net calories are 1,470 with a deficit of 250 calories based on three 60 minute work outs a week and my weight loss goal of 0.5 lbs per week. Your net should never fall under 1,200??

    You're right on the below 1200. But, remember that she may be a different size, shape, height, and have different goals (only workout 1-2 times a week or 7 times...goal weight less or more).
    I'm set at 1200 and work out 3 times a week...but I am only 5 feet tall and that effects how much "I" should weigh. Everyone has different goals.
  • laralou
    laralou Posts: 21
    well i am 5'4 and it says i should eat 1200 i work out 5 days a week and i usually burn somewhere between 510 to 610 cal. i am shorter so its saying i need to lose like 50 lbs makes me feel so fat LOL and i looked on myhome and it says 419 is my net cal.
  • laralou
    laralou Posts: 21
    im sorry 519 is my net cal. i earned 520 from exercise today.
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    Hello all,
    I am new to the site only been here for a few weeks thought id write and ask for some help. So me and a few girls from work have been going to the gym the past 4 weeks and i for some reason have only lost 1 pound. we go 5 days a week every morning for an hour, usually i do about 30 min or so cardio and the other 30 weight training and abdominal crunches. i eat healthy i stay within my calories i been trying to eat only the 1200, sometimes i go over. but either way i dont see why i am not losing any weight. I took my inches today and they didn't change at all. The last time i did them was a little over a week ago. I dont understand this somebody help me understand please.

    I went to the gym for a month straight on a daily basis and stayed within my calories limits and was not losing weight. I didn't give it any thought that when I was doing my 30 minutes of cardio, I was not busting a sweat, I just took it as 30 minutes is 30 minutes..I did it, why am I not losing weight?
    Once I started intensifying that 30 minutes of cardio and resistance training using weights..weight started dropping fast.
    For example - I was doing elliptical for 30 minutes at level 4 everyday and was like..."something has got to give, how come I am not losing". Once I started switching level 4 for 4 minutes to level 9 for the next 4 minutes, etc. etc. I started losing.
    Maybe switch up your routine and make sure you are getting the most out of that workout.
    Same with weights...for example working my triceps I would lift 20 lbs at a time and do about 5 sets of 12 reps...then I realized I can actually lift 60 lbs with no problem. For me doing weights when I first try to lose...really helps take those lbs off.
  • laralou
    laralou Posts: 21
    Calories Remaining
    Goal + Exercise - Food = Net
    1200 + 516 - 1202 514

    this is what it shows
  • laralou
    laralou Posts: 21
    thank you that was inspiring.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Calories Remaining
    Goal + Exercise - Food = Net
    1200 + 516 - 1202 514

    this is what it shows

    When you eat the rest of your cals for the day you will have met your net cals. You still have 514 to go.
    Also, have yourself set up for 5 days a week of excercise...that means you need to do it everyday (at the amount you set) in order to acheive the loss that you want. I have mine set for 3 days a week and anything extra is a bonus.