Would like someone to look over what I have been eatting

As topic says I've been here for awhile and now I try to log everyday however I would like some feedback from others on areas to improve on...thanks!


  • Jaymazing
    Jaymazing Posts: 32 Member
    It looks like you are doing really good. If anything my suggestions would be to try eating smaller meals, more frequently. Like two 300 cal meals a couple hours apart instead of one 600 cal meal. Also you could swap some of your higher sugar items like corn and bananas for higher fiber, lower carb fruits and veggies like apples or something. Also, try using one whole egg and two or three egg whites in your breakfast, instead of three whole eggs. Keep up the good work!!
  • Berto0391
    Berto0391 Posts: 273 Member
    bump for more advice...ty
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Took a look at a couple of days and you are doing great! Wouldn't change a thing. You macro mix is good with adequate protein and you are hitting your calorie targets.

    Just as an fyi, other than help with satiety and cravings, eat smaller meals more frequently has no benefit for fat loss. For some of us it is detrimental to eat more often as it keeps our focus on food. Also, if you are fitting them into your calories and macro, whole eggs are by far more nutritionally dense than egg whites. You seem to be doing fine with them.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    On teh whole it's not bad!

    What are teh quick add calories?

    And are you measuring your food - 8 oz is a lot of chicken!
  • alexvallely
    alexvallely Posts: 11 Member
    i would say just try and cut out the bread, adds high calories and wont fill you up for very long as processed etc. try rice cakes, corn cakes or other alternatives. otherwise good job!
  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    Unless you have a Phd in nutrition, how on earth would you know? Smaller more frequent meals help keep your metabolism from crashing, which will put a halt on your weight loss, as your body will go into starvation mode. The initial stages of starvation mode include STORING body fat in case you can't find food later. The body is very primative like that.

    Bogging down your body with 600 calorie meals is not the solution. There is only so much your body can handle at any given time, everything else just gets processed as waste or stored as body fat. Once your blood sugar is level, and your glycogen stores are full in your muscles and liver, your body stores the remaining calories for later, aka body fat.
    Took a look at a couple of days and you are doing great! Wouldn't change a thing. You macro mix is good with adequate protein and you are hitting your calorie targets.

    Just as an fyi, other than help with satiety and cravings, eat smaller meals more frequently has no benefit for fat loss. For some of us it is detrimental to eat more often as it keeps our focus on food. Also, if you are fitting them into your calories and macro, whole eggs are by far more nutritionally dense than egg whites. You seem to be doing fine with them.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Unless you have a Phd in nutrition, how on earth would you know? Smaller more frequent meals help keep your metabolism from crashing, which will put a halt on your weight loss, as your body will go into starvation mode. The initial stages of starvation mode include STORING body fat in case you can't find food later. The body is very primative like that.

    Bogging down your body with 600 calorie meals is not the solution. There is only so much your body can handle at any given time, everything else just gets processed as waste or stored as body fat. Once your blood sugar is level, and your glycogen stores are full in your muscles and liver, your body stores the remaining calories for later, aka body fat.
    Took a look at a couple of days and you are doing great! Wouldn't change a thing. You macro mix is good with adequate protein and you are hitting your calorie targets.

    Just as an fyi, other than help with satiety and cravings, eat smaller meals more frequently has no benefit for fat loss. For some of us it is detrimental to eat more often as it keeps our focus on food. Also, if you are fitting them into your calories and macro, whole eggs are by far more nutritionally dense than egg whites. You seem to be doing fine with them.

    I would know because there is a huge body of research that states that nutriional timing is irrelevant for lipolysis. There are easy to find links on the Leangains website. In a 24 hours period, it makes absolutely no difference if you at every 2 hours or took in all your calories at one sitting. Yes your body stores the excess at any one sitting but then it burns it right back off in the periods between feeding. For additional info on this you can search at www.bodyrecompostion.com and www.weightology.com.

    PS: If your metabolism crashes, you have bigger issues than nutrition timing. You are dead. Also, you don't even begin to approach adaptive thermogenesis until you eat at a reduced rate for days or don't eat at all for about 72 hours. Your post is realy a mishmash of fact and myth. You metabolism hums along just fine without eating that often.
  • Berto0391
    Berto0391 Posts: 273 Member
    Thanks everyone, I'm glad I'm doing good ^.^ and I will try not to eat so much at dinner
  • Jaymazing
    Jaymazing Posts: 32 Member
    Scientists from every field can argue about any given topic until they are blue in the face. There are very few absolutes in this world. Just keep doing what you're doing! You're doing awesome!!