Help reducing body fat??

I'm trying to get into good shape. I already have quite a bit of muscle mass (I think) cause I can sorta see my hamstrings, there's a lot of definite muscle in my calves, and I feel a lot in my arms and stomach, but i can't SEE it. I think I need to burn some fat.....

I'm trying to drop 20 - 25 pounds (138, aiming for 115 - 120) but if that doesn't happen, just losing fat pleases me.....

I do 35 - 40 minutes of various, intense cardio, 6 days a week. And about 25 minutes of strength training every other day. Alternating muscle groups

My diet is clean, and high in protein. I only have a little treat occasionally (like holidays, special events, desperately craving something) and I eat treats in moderation. I also drink green tea (no sugar) and water, and besides a glass of skim milk with breakfast, nothing else.

Any advice? :(


  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Any advice? Keep doing what you're doing. Maintain that deficit long enough and the fat will eventually burn off. Patience is your best friend.
  • reptile86
    reptile86 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey, I'm curious to know, what are you doin for your cardio as I'm wanting to lose fat too, already have a weight training schedule in place for every other day but looking for cardio work for in between :)
  • Voca_Star
    Voca_Star Posts: 140
    I do a lot of different things for cardio! Sometimes I'll do 45 minutes on my stationary bike, or I'll do 20 minutes on it, and 20 minutes of rope jumping. Other times I'll play Dance Dance Revolution, a dancing video games that really gets your heart rate going! I'll do it for about 40 minutes ,or sometimes I'll do it for 25 minutes and either jumping jacks, rope jumping, running in place or a combination of the three for about 25 minutes. I mix it up as often as possible! :D