Starving in the Afternoon

I just finished lunch a half hour ago and now I'm absolutely STARVING. I suspect the hungeris more of a craving snacks issue but how can you tell? Do any of you have any suggestions on getting through the afternoon at work without eating everything you see? I have a protein shake every afternoon but 95% of the time it just doesn't cut it.


  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    Where do you work where you have food surrounding you?
    I like an apple in the afternoon, or one of those Kashi granola bars. Yum.
    You could also try nuts or some green tea.

    When it comes down to it though, it's all about willpower.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    What did you have for lunch? Did you feel satisfied after you were done? Depending on what you have eaten, it could be more of a mental hunger than an actual hunger. Are you bored, stressed or something else?
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I used to have this problem all the time. I have found that if I eat a good breakfast--at least 300 cals, and eat every 3 hours after that I am not as hungry in the afternoon. I also try to balance all meals and snacks so that I have a carb and a protein together. It seems to make a difference.

    How much water have you had today? Perhaps you are just thirsty!!:drinker:

  • mplummer123
    Sounds like boredom to me.... Think about the upcoming summer...
  • teenuhbees
    Lately, I've been buying granny smith apples. Like the REALLY big ones...they seriously fill you up for awhile, I barely can finish one sometimes. It sounds really boring or unsatisfying, but some are so tart that it tastes like candy!
  • angelajeanne23
    I work in a courthouse. Every single office you go into has some sort of food in it. Also, someone in my office just brought in a bunch of stuff "for all of us". Ugh. I've been good so far but it's driving me bananas. i think you're right's got to be a mental hunger. I had a healthy lunch that I actually had a hard time finishing because I was so full. I have some nuts and healthy trail mix that I can have but I really want anything and everything bad for me. 4 glasses of water so far today. I guess it's time to start working on 5-8!
  • ktlowe77
    I have been eating things throughout the day... I found it to work best for me because i couldn't make it to dinner!

    For example: I had a hard boiled egg for breakfast (which I don't eat until 10am - since i need some time to wake up in the am before I eat) which really stuck until about 11:30 which at that point a had a low fat cheese stick. That held me for an hour so I ate lunch at 12:30 - Tuna Fish (i can) with very little mayo and tons of veggies (no bread) and a quater of cantalop. Just a second ago I had another snack - Special K fruit Crisps - 100 calories and right before I leave work i'll have a banana so i can make it through my workout and i can have my dinner (which will be a salad with lots of veggies) and it will still leave me (for dinner) with 654 calories and 101g of carbs, 2g of fat but i did use my protien up. But I found eating small portions throughout the day tricks my mind to think i'm having more food.
  • carla529
    How long have you been at this? I'd say give it some time, after the first week or two, your cravings should subside. Keep drinking lots of water, eat some almonds, and learn to focus on other things. I had the same issues, particularly right after work...however, I believe it's more of an emotional response than a physiological one.

    Hang in there!!!!
  • snoozen29
    I get the same way in the afternoons and generally I crave sugar or junk. What I find really works if having "healthy junk like things" such as crispy minis or some special K vanilla almonds. It gets rid of my chip or sweet craving and tides me over until dinner.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    It does sound like your hunger is mental if you were full after you ate. You have to recognize that and try to work through it. If you can try to distract yourself and ignore the areas where there is food, you might be able to fight the hunger off.
  • mlett82
    Always, always, always keep healthy snacks on hand, esp if you are surrounded by junk food! Almonds are a great snack, they are really filling and (double bonus) they help block your body's absorbtion of fat and carbs ! Its perfectly fine to snack in between meals, as long as you're eating healthy. You need to be sure you are eating enough calaries each day, or your body will actually go into starvation and it will start to store fat instead of burning it. So don't ignore those hunger pangs, your body is trying to tell you something!!!
  • tigger2009
    Stress can make you hungry or want to eat too. I felt it yesterday when I got home. Although, I worked through it and still had an snack in the evening and stayed within my calories etc....
  • mbrownks77
    I completely understand! The hardest part for me also seems to be after work. I pick up the kids at 4 o'clock, give them a snack, and within 30 minutes I'm cooking dinner to be done at 5. I find myself actually eating Doritos WHILE I"M COOKING! I have been trying to eat a snack about 3 pm so I'm not starving till dinner but so far it's not working.... I would gladly appreciate any ideas also. I will let you all know if I come up with something that works too. Keep your head up high!

  • IUChelle423
    Do you by any chance drink diet soda with lunch? I used to have a Diet Coke or Pepsi every day at lunch and I was ALWAYS wanting something sweet/bad for me in the afternoons. I decided to cut out the diet soda about 3 - 4 weeks ago after reading a book called "Ultra Prevention" and since then my sweets cravings in the afternoons are almost non-existent. The book said that the fake sugar actually makes your body crave real sugar, which undermines attempts to lose weight. Don't get me wrong - I'm still tempted if I walk into the kitchen and see it there, but I no longer go "hunting" for sweets (i.e. in my co-worker's candy jar). Not sure if it will work for everyone, but it might be worth a try.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    change up the shake for something that has slow digesting carbs such as oats and whole grains but still incorporate protein. Even a protein bar would be better as it will stay in your stomach longer prior to being digested, the shake digests almost immediately and are not good for eliminating hunger for an extended period of time.
  • 2bthinagain
    I just finished lunch a half hour ago and now I'm absolutely STARVING. I suspect the hungeris more of a craving snacks issue but how can you tell? Do any of you have any suggestions on getting through the afternoon at work without eating everything you see? I have a protein shake every afternoon but 95% of the time it just doesn't cut it.
    read comment below..... sorry
  • 2bthinagain
    Try drinking more water in the afternoon.
    When i get "hungry" i down 2 8 ounce glasses of water
    and i am fine till snack time...
    I work in an office building full of women and Construction workers
    running in and out all day using the microwave, so i smell there food and
    yes sometimes I do get a Craving for something not healthy, but i try really
    hard not to turn to my temptation, but every now and again you just have too...
    but as my friend used to tell me, if you have to HAVE it.... always make the next meal a diet meal...
    and never OVER indulge....
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Protein, fiber, and water are my 3 best friends. I'm rarely ever hungry except first thing in the morning before breakfast -- especially if I've eaten within the last few hours. There is cake, doughnuts, chips, and dip sitting about 15 feet from my office door. I had 1/4 of a piece of cake (yes, it's logged. It was actually only 60 cals!) and I haven't been tempted to eat anything else. You just get used to it after a while, I guess. It's surprisingly easy for me to say "No, thanks, I don't want any" and not only stick with it but actually mean it!