Doing Slimming World and MFP - Too much conflict?

Hi :) I've just started slimming world again but this time I've been using MFP to log my food and exercise. I wanted to use the slimming world rules but control my calories too. However, I've had my 1200 calories, and I've got about 100 of my exercise calories left... but I've had no syns. All my calories are from free and superfree food... but in order for slimming world to work, you need to have the syns. So I'm not sure what to do - does calorie-counting conflict with slimming world too much or is there a way to use them in conjunction?


  • wannyreed
    wannyreed Posts: 8 Member

    I have just joined MFP and had decided to do it along side the Sliming World way of thinking, as a past gold member know the diet worked but wanted to also ensure that I keep to my 1200 Cals as I know from the past I can eat a lot of pasta and this has prevented me from losing weight, so though MFP will help with the portion sizes.

    Your right Syns are essential to Sliming world. What I have been doing is ensuring that I do have a treat each day, be it cheese (use milk as A choice) this way i get variety and feel like I am treating myself for my hard work all day.

    I would suggest you make sure you use some of your calories for syn items.

    This is my week one so will soon see if this worked...... fingers crossed

    Not sure if this helped or not, but good luck be good to hear how you have got on?

  • Blueberry024
    Blueberry024 Posts: 8 Member

    Yeah portion control is what I want. I tried slimming world and I gained 1lb each week, week 1 and 2. I gave up and in the next 3 weeks I gained 10lbs. I saw my doctor who said it was most likey the depo injection causing my weight gain, so I have no come off it. My slimming world consultant checked my food diary and I even had photos of my meals - she said they were exaclty right, so I'm sure I've got a good knowledge of the diet. She's suggested trying 10syns a day for this week. But I have a suspsision its down to the amount I am eating, as I have an extremely big appetite.

    I've just had half a fruit scone, 1tbsp of clotted cream, and some strawberries, which I've counted as 11.5 syns. Only had 7 yesterday so going slightly over is ok.
  • wannyreed
    wannyreed Posts: 8 Member
    Sounds like SW mixed with MFP is the way to go for both of us.

    You syn choice does sounds appetising!!

    I had the same issue when i was only doing SW, just no good for me to be told I can eat pasta till it comes out of my ears, as I will!!
    To be honest I always found that as long as you have five minimum you can spread your over the week, never good to have less than 5 or only five all week, (I would have extra at weekends) as your body can go into starvation mode and then just stores the fat... boo!!!

    At the mo I am having between 10 and 5 a day, but each week have two days of 10 -15 to prevent me going off the wagon when the craving for something nice hits in, I know a little will keep me going without splurging.

    When your next weigh day? Would be good to see if our experiment works. We deserve an A for effort and dedication to the weight loss!!!
  • Stoicus
    Stoicus Posts: 34 Member
    I started SW last week after a long period of using MFP and I also decided to track what I was eating on here. Mainly to see the differences as my weightloss really slowed down whenever I tried to go under 1500 cals as MFP suggested. I have to admit after such a long period of controlling cals per day, SW seems alien and I am worrying I won't lose weight even though loads of people lose weight with it every week. My diary is open to friends if you want to add me have a nose :) I weigh in for the first time tonight.
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    Hi :) I've just started slimming world again but this time I've been using MFP to log my food and exercise. I wanted to use the slimming world rules but control my calories too. However, I've had my 1200 calories, and I've got about 100 of my exercise calories left... but I've had no syns. All my calories are from free and superfree food... but in order for slimming world to work, you need to have the syns. So I'm not sure what to do - does calorie-counting conflict with slimming world too much or is there a way to use them in conjunction?

    1200 cals is possibly too low for you, the MFP default settings are sometimes too low especially if you set it to lose 2lb+ a week.

    You can't really combine the two systems, do one or the other, but if you do calorie counting then look for a thread called "in place of a road map" (or words to that effect) about how to calculate your calorie needs better than the default MFP way.

    If you follow the Slimming World rules and are just using MFP to log/keep track, then ignore it when it says you've run out of calories, provided you're following the SW rules, you may find you're over some days and under other days, or it may be that you simply need to eat more calories than MFP suggests.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    I personally wouldn't recommend using them together? I have lost a lot of weight with SW before and although at the time it suited me, I gather the whole point of SW is that free food is just that - free food, so you can eat unlimited amounts of it and still loose weight. This rather conflicts with MFP in that you have to account for all the food you eat, be it free or not. I did like SW at the time, but I found it wasn't sustainable for me personally in the long term and I ended up re gaining the weight I lost. It didn't teach me portion control which I think was a bad thing for me. It's all down to personal preference though at the end of the day, if it works for you to combine the 2 then go for it. Good luck x
  • 4manda76
    4manda76 Posts: 47 Member
    I've been doing SW for around 10yrs now and since January been using MFP mainly as a food diary to keep track, but over past few weeks have decided to leave SW I've been still cooking the SW way and logging it and sort of combining the 2 systems one day I may be cal counting and the next doind a SW day, last week was my first week doing this and lost 2lbs. Cals last week were set at 1500 this week I've lowered them to 1200, WI on Wednesday so will see how this week has gone then :smile:
  • I'm doing both too and you don't need syns for slimming world to work Ive lost 39lbs and most days I dont eat syns or eat very little syns
  • Marquism123
    Marquism123 Posts: 152 Member
    I think it depends on how much weight you have to lose. What weight/height are you? I think Slimming World is a great plan for overweight people that works by teaching them to eat the right types of healthy food and strictly controlling the intake of "treats" ( via syns). I think once you get to a healthy weight, however, it may not be the best plan for shifting 10 -15lbs. With a small amount to lose "unlimited" pasta ain't going to be the way forward! You totally need to keep an eye on calories as well so I think it is a good idea to combine the 2. The rules of SW allow you to get the most from your calorie allowance.
    Also - I agree with the poster who said you do not need syns for SW to work. This belief they peddle that if you don't have your syns you will not lose makes zero sense at all. Are you seriously trying to tell me that I will lose weight better by having a 10 syn chocolate bar instead of a yoghurt and a banana ( free foods but probably about the same calorie content)?? Course not. Syns exist to encourage people to eat controlled amounts of the food Slimming World assume made them fat in the first place. The thinking being this reduces feelings of deprivation and makes it more likely that people will stick to the plan and lose weight long term. If you don't want them though, don't have them!
  • GreyV
    GreyV Posts: 60
    I did Slimming World a few years ago and lost just under 2 stone which brought me to target. Unfortunately it didn't teach me portion control and I ended up putting the 2 stone back on plus another 2 stone! I still use some knowledge from Slimming world like only using frylight and making sure that a third of my plate is filled with veg. For me, MFP is much better as it ensures that my portions are a normal size. On SW I would sometimes have a 6 egg omelette or 2 baked potatoes with 2 tins of beans as a SNACK!! No wonder I put the weight back on. I would think it would be hard to strictly do both at the same time just for the portion sizes. Good luck though! x