Demon drink - what do you do about alcohol?



  • I just count the calories, like I count from everything else I consume. My husband and I are home brewers because we like home brewed beer. One a day is 140 calories, about the same as a soda, but it contains much better nutrition. Just don't over do it :-)
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    :happy: Hi all, I'm new to this site and love it. My question is - if you like to drink alcohol like me, do you try and cut down to keep your calorie count lower, or do you do loads of exercise to make up for the calories, or do you just cut it out altogether as you're trying to lose weight and get fitter?

    What's the best approach to alcohol and can it work? Thanks for any advice you can give.

    on the days im planning on going out drinking, I do tend to eat less.. then I get the double wammy of more calories free for alcohol, and I get drunk on less drinks because im drinking on an empty stomach.

    that said, you cant do that often, or multiple days in a row or anything... if you socially drink everynight, you're going to have to eat your full amount of regular food, and just exercise a crapload more to "afford" the alcohol calorie wise.... but if its an occasional thing, no harm in reducing food as long as you can take it mentally...
  • FeatherBoBeather
    FeatherBoBeather Posts: 255 Member
    Depends on how you define 'drinking'... sometimes I'll have a glass of wine with dinner, but be sure to count for it / eat healthy meals all day... or if I'm partying then I exercise a ton in the morning. That way if I down a good 800 calories between drinks and food (not gonna lie, usually it's pizza) I'm all good. Either way, it gets counted and I enjoy life. :P
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    Very seldom i go out with friends and drink. I do not count those calories. If I am at home and have a few drinks, I make sure I have enough calories to do so, I love vodka!
  • ggcat
    ggcat Posts: 313 Member
    I limit myself to straight spirits, not too high calorie

    Same here (I prefer vodka)...
  • I dont eat much during the day, then drink double vodka and diet cokes all evening xD 1) They taste lovely 2) Because you've not eaten very much, it takes far less to get tipsy.

  • I've cut way down, and gave up mixed drinks. I've learned to appreciate brandys, Irish whiskeys and scotches straight, neat, or on the rocks. When I drink beer I go for Guinness, evidently a "healthier" beer... not vouching for the science, but hey, its on the internet so its got to be true, right?
  • linzee2207
    linzee2207 Posts: 28 Member
    Recent college grad here, obviously I drink lol. The trick is to keep your drinks 0 cal except for the alcohol, which is typically 80-100 cals a shot, And dont go overboard! Don't make a daily occurrence, and keep it to a minimum on the weekend. my low cal drink of choice is vodka+soda water (not tonic water!) with a splash of lime juice. Skinny girl also makes good low cal mixed drinks. Stay away from beer, white wine, and sugary drinks like margaritas.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    I drink in moderation. Certainly not every day. I never get drunk. I opt for low calorie drinks or a glass of wine.
  • deepfuture
    deepfuture Posts: 35 Member
    Exercise to balance the calories ;-)
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Side note: My GP once told me to drink more beer or wine.

    I went to him at my healthiest... excellent body weight, 18% BF and very active. My good cholesterol was low. I asked what I could do. He said, "You can exercise more." I said, "I'm training 13 hours a week with only one rest day." So he said, "Well you shouldn't exercise more, then. You should drink more beer or wine."

    Done! :bigsmile:
  • vachm
    vachm Posts: 19 Member
    I think it depends on your age - at least for me, at 51, cutting alcohol out almost completely gets me the best results. Something about the empty calories of alcohol - they just don't burn off and tend to congregate on the waist line.
    I will set a goal during the week of no alcohol - then "reward" myself with a glass of wine one night/week which I sip very slowly and make last as long as possible!:drinker:
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member

    look for lower cal/carb drinks also ALOT of coffee and try to only drink ither a little a day or once a week and stay in your macros:drinker:
  • I forget to drink..... for months, then wonder why I have an edge that will cut through glass. Usually a marguerita or martini does the trick.
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    The problem for me isn't the amount of beer I drink. It's the need to eat everything deep-fried after I start.:drinker:
  • kellyyjean
    kellyyjean Posts: 499 Member
    I found an awesome recipe for skinny margaritas! :)

    Please share
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I stopped drinking during the week and work out enough to have what I want fri-sun. I try to eat more cleanly those days with lots of veggies and protein and fewer carbs. I'm usually more active those days too...
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Side note: My GP once told me to drink more beer or wine.

    I went to him at my healthiest... excellent body weight, 18% BF and very active. My good cholesterol was low. I asked what I could do. He said, "You can exercise more." I said, "I'm training 13 hours a week with only one rest day." So he said, "Well you shouldn't exercise more, then. You should drink more beer or wine."

    Done! :bigsmile:
    Mine told me the same thing!
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    Side note: My GP once told me to drink more beer or wine.

    I went to him at my healthiest... excellent body weight, 18% BF and very active. My good cholesterol was low. I asked what I could do. He said, "You can exercise more." I said, "I'm training 13 hours a week with only one rest day." So he said, "Well you shouldn't exercise more, then. You should drink more beer or wine."

    Done! :bigsmile:

    Mine did too! Once I was coming down with a little bit of a cold and he told me flat out to go get some Hefeweizen and have a couple! I love my doctor lol
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    I cut back. It's not just about calories but also macros. When I do drink, I try to choose better options and don't have more than 2 unless it's a super special occasion.
