Looking for support...

I am a single working mom of 2 beautiful daughters. I have a 20 yr. old and a 2(soon to be 3) yr. old. I am determined at this point to change my eating habits. I have high blood pressure and was told that if I lost weight I could possibly be taken off of the medication. Many of my family members(mother, father, aunts and uncles) also have been diagnosed with high blood pressure and/ or diabetes. I'm praying that joining MyFitnessPal will help. Please assist me in my efforts.


  • jaj68
    jaj68 Posts: 158 Member
    hello, and welcome. I hope you find this site to be as beneficial as I do. I have been doing it for about three weeks. It really helps me make better food choices.
    like today.....I thought hm.....banana chips are dried bananas. Wow...I was surprised when I plugged in what I ate here. They have lots of sugar/carbs.
  • jodrake5
    jodrake5 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi and welcome! Just started about a week ago, the going can get pretty rough but keep at it. Having a healthy lifestyle does indeed prevent so many diseases. Feel free to add me for encouragement!

  • jodrake5
    jodrake5 Posts: 30 Member
    Sorry, I'm trying to figure out how to post an image.
  • RiyaO
    RiyaO Posts: 19
    Hey! My mom is in the same boat and has managed to keep both the bp and diabetes in check through diet and exercise. She did it one step at a time- but it most definitely is a lifestyle change, and she's healthier than ever. The rest of the family reaps the benefits of her clean cooking and eating as well. You can do it- it might be a bit overwhelming at first, but just take it one step at a time.
  • hilary57
    hilary57 Posts: 18
    Hello! Will gladly give you any support you need ... just holler!

    Hubby came home with a diagnosis of hypertension (high blood pressure ... stage 1) and has done a very good job in fighting it without medication. The primary key? Fresh vegetables and fruits. Lots of them!

    The single best thing you can do is rid yourself of any and all processed foods. Eat fresh or frozen veggies as much as possible. Cook with as little fat as possible ... or even better, eat raw. 4 cups of fresh, raw spinach can be rather filling!

    You may not like the taste of many healthy foods to begin, but stick with it and convince yourself they taste good. I actually started to *like* fresh baby spinach ... tastes somewhat nutty, kind of like sunflower seed sprouts. By tasting food raw and alone, you may notice those subtle flavors that you miss when cooked and/or disguised by sauces and/or fats, etc.

    You sound like a very busy woman! It may seem hard to avoid the convenience of processed foods, but learn all about cooking clean and light and you will discover that it often takes less time to eat healthy! It's not *cheaper* but it can be easier. Besides, whatever extra money is spent on clean and healthy gets returned when you find yourself free from paying high dollar for medications.

    Best wishes!