Demon drink - what do you do about alcohol?



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I don't drink often. Maybe 1-2 times a week at most, typically on weekends when I'm not logging my food anyway.
  • meabhaline
    meabhaline Posts: 43 Member
    I open mouth and consume demons.

    hahah me too :) i love wine a bit too much
  • indieway
    indieway Posts: 4 Member
    Drink whatever you want, but do not overeat. :devil:

    Bottom line is keep track of your alcohol calories, get some form of exercise every day, and eat a sensible meal with all of your alcohol calories accounted for. I'm a late riser, so I try not to drink before noon. I skip breakfast, except for coffee. I also have no lunch. I realise that this is not the healthiest, but it works for me, because I usually do not get up before 10am, and I stay up late.

    A light beer is less than wine, and about the same for an ounce of pure alcohol (40% or 80 proof). If you just like having a drink in your hand, try Budweiser Select 55. Yep, it's only 55 calories and it tastes better than Miller 64's, which are watery. You will find that a beer will make you feel full, so I replace that full lunch with a beer or two, and just have a healthy snack instead.

    One thing I did find that is great for summer is drinking Malibu Coconut Rum on the rocks. Put it in a Martini glass for a little glitz. It's tasty and it will give you a slight buzz and keep your calories in check. I know it's hard to keep from drinking more alcohol in the summer, when it seems everyone is drinking.

    It's working for me because I do not eat much; therefore, I can afford the alcohol calories. Good luck, and listen to all those who swear off alcohol, or limit it to one or two a day, if you love to eat. I'm on a 1200 calorie a day diet, not counting my exercise.
  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
    I get tanked once a week ;-) but eat great and don't drink the other 6 days
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    I've cut back a lot. I used to drink skinny girl and still enjoy it once in a while. But lately I stick to rum and diet coke, gin and tonic, lite beer , or a glass of white one.
    Funny since I've been on MFP, I don't enjoy it as much because it's just not worth the calories. Also I'm officially a light weight now,
  • kristapennie
    kristapennie Posts: 105 Member
    I was a HUGE beer drinker until I found out 1 corona = 143 calories....doesn't work so well for a night of drinking and only 1200 calories a day!

    my new secret trick is I order vodka sodas and bring MIO with me in my purse to flavour it up. I tried the same once with crystal light singles but they have added calories where MIO doesn't (and it's a bit of a mess!)

    turned out to be a riot as we were adding flavour shots to peoples beer!!!
  • Jaymazing
    Jaymazing Posts: 32 Member
    my new secret trick is I order vodka sodas and bring MIO with me in my purse to flavour it up. I tried the same once with crystal light singles but they have added calories where MIO doesn't (and it's a bit of a mess!)

    Great idea! I'm definitely going to try this!!
  • Anola13
    Anola13 Posts: 36 Member
    I really think it all depends on you. I love my wine and I will not allow any diet to take that from me. My sacrifice was to drink it less. I try to only drink once or twice a week and it most definitely is part of my calorie county for the day. If I'm going to do it, I'm going to take responsibility. I do feel a lot better and I have noticed a difference. If your willing to cut it out, cut it out. Do what works for you.
  • gpwalling
    gpwalling Posts: 22 Member
  • Pooks1n1Schmoops
    Pooks1n1Schmoops Posts: 199 Member
    I like to drink something my Schmoops calls a "whor-ga-rita". :)

    Diet 7-up or Sprite...Squirt works well too.
    lime juice.

    Mix and serve over ice!
  • tanyaslosingit
    tanyaslosingit Posts: 178 Member
    I've stopped drinking alcoholic beverages for the most part; but when I do indulge, I count the calories. It's weird: I used to love to drink; but as I've progressed in my weight loss campaign, I've started making different choices and alcohol has been losing out FTW :-)
  • laurenellenmarie
    laurenellenmarie Posts: 331 Member
    I just make sure I'm within my daily intake.

    ...also don't go to get breakfast/fast food/drunkchies afterward.
  • meldaniel
    meldaniel Posts: 111
    I stick to low cal drinks and I only drink 3 nights a week (this includes a glass of wine at dinner). I used to have at least a glass of wine almost every night, so this cut the drinking in half. I either have a couple glasses of dry wine or a vodka/club soda/splash of juice or lime. No more margaritas or lemon martinis til I hit my goal weight! :) I just can't be sooo restrictive and never have a drink. Where is the joy in that? I would just end up breaking my diet if I tried! :)
  • pstarrr
    pstarrr Posts: 1
    share recipe?
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Only once a week either a couple shots or glasses of wine with friends....since starting low carb....and not even that often since starting low ...why? because my cravings have all but dissapeared! Thankyou low have done wonders for me personally:)
    Before that...I'd tend to binge drink...I was what they would call a "weekend warrior" was all peaches and cream until I finally had a spark in my brain .....that REALLY made me feel incredibly dehydrated and made crave all the horrible processed foods I had tried(during the whole week) so hard and worked out so hard to get rid of. duh. Moderation is KEY.
  • If I actually have time to sit back and have a few drinks, I won't let it stop me. HOWEVER, that happens MAYBE once a month but I am not going to give up on a good time if its presented. I am a big fan of drinking and having a good time, when I can. I lost 60lbs before MFP and 11lbs in the last 3 weeks since joining, hasn't set me back yet.
  • NZhellkat
    NZhellkat Posts: 355 Member
    I drink no more than once a week and then maybe 2 or 3 if I'm drinking at all. I count the calories and up the exercise. At the moment I could take or leave it cause it's just not that important.
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    Exercise more, eat less, and drink less... most of the time. It is hard, and sometimes I just go over. I'm in maintenence, so it is easier now. If I were trying to lose lots, I would probably exercise more, eat less, and NOT drink.

    My husband and I also have no drink weeks where we don't drink for a week to bring calories down...

    Its totally a numbers game. If you want to drink, the calories must come from somewhere else. Good luck!!
  • Linda_Darlene
    Linda_Darlene Posts: 453 Member
    All I can is: All of the above.
  • KWNurse
    KWNurse Posts: 45 Member
    I save up all day and workout extra if I know it will be a big drinking night. I switched to miller 64 for my daily beers and skinny girl vodka is only 75 cal for 1.5 oz and it is 60 proof. Use zero cal mixers and get lots of water in during the day... Drink up!