Just starting!!



  • Hi Everyone, this is my first day here. I am hoping to be able to find a great support system to help me lose my 75 lbs. :smile:
  • aubreysgrammy
    aubreysgrammy Posts: 37 Member
    I have every size under the sun in my closet from 10"s up to 18!! I have a much younger husband and I have to do something soon, don't want him losing interest in this grammy!!
  • aubreysgrammy
    aubreysgrammy Posts: 37 Member
    Angie, we'll do this together, I have 65 to lose!
  • hollyann thank you for the advise i do have a excerise dvd . i am not making up excuses but first me and my husband and daughter live with my in laws and by the time i get home its late, we eat dinner, i give my daughter a bath, play with her for a while put her down for the night, take a shower and put MYSELF to bed. i have one day off during the week and that is my day to go to dr appoinment and spend time with my daughter. but i can work out with my daughter
  • HollyAnnH
    HollyAnnH Posts: 81 Member
    My Honey is younger than me too....almost 10 years! I have to get back into to shape so he keeps chasin' me! :laugh:
  • aubreysgrammy
    aubreysgrammy Posts: 37 Member
    Holly I have made spagetti with ground turkey and ground sirloin, so the hubby doesn't get suspisious! I have also mixed regular noodles with the whole wheat ones not to upset the apple cart too much! Try grilled salmon basted with BBQ sauce, lightly and it is wonderful and y;ams with just a small amount of butter spray is delicious!
  • aubreysgrammy
    aubreysgrammy Posts: 37 Member
    I hear you sister, mine is 6 years younger than I am, always have that fear in the back of my head he'll find someone younger, prettier and skinny!
  • That sounds great to me!
  • i am 5 months older then my husband and when my birthday comes close he tells our daughter that "It's time to fine a new mommy with less miles and a new version" and i sometimes think that he's serious :(
  • i am 5 months older then my husband and when my birthday comes close he tells our daughter that "It's time to fine a new mommy with less miles and a new version" and i sometimes think that he's serious :(
  • HollyAnnH
    HollyAnnH Posts: 81 Member
    DeiselMama...I know....I know. It is so tough working, taking care of our kids ( I have 4) and finding time to spend with our husbands. As women we are always putting ourselves last! I definitely struggle with this crazy balancing act on a regular basis. What I do know though is that I feel so much better and I truly believe that I am more relaxed and feeling good about myself when I make the time to exercise. I do feel like I'm a better ME, wife and mother for it. It was stressful to figure it all out and trust me I don't LOVE getting out of bed at 4:15 AM but I had to work out time for me. I even feel a wee bit guilty for even saying "me time"....I swear we as women are pre-programmed to beat ourselves up for even daring to think WE are worth it. We are....I am...YOU are and I know I'm better for it!

    Fight the good fight baby....everyone will win! :bigsmile:
  • HollyAnnH
    HollyAnnH Posts: 81 Member
    Oh Geez ladies! Aubreysgrammy and DeiselMama....I have the same fears swirling around in my head!

    I'm gonna tell you both what I tell myself....."SMACK TO THE FACE".....Knock it off girl! You are fabulous....yes you are fluffy....but if he can't see the GEM that you are....then he is the one with the problem NOT YOU! Then I use that fear to make myself get on that damn eliptical machine that I LOVE TO HATE! :laugh:
  • Holly, I like your attitude! His lose I figure!
  • HollyAnnH
    HollyAnnH Posts: 81 Member
    Amen Angie!

    Well ladies I have to sign off! I am off work now.....time to race home, fix dinner, play the Memory card with my little guy....cram in some pilates with the honey hopefully and then crash into bed to start all over again at 4:15AM tomorrow.....WOOHOO!

    Have a great night all! I look forward to chatting with you tomorrow!
  • aubreysgrammy
    aubreysgrammy Posts: 37 Member
    I know he'll never leave me, I was fluffy when we met so I'm pretty sure I'm ok!! But there is alway's that fear!!
  • sh2010
    sh2010 Posts: 12
    @ jadey1987

    food ideas:

    I like to make home made veggie soup. It's very very low in calories. When I was doing the weight watchers points system, it was 0 points per serving.

    All you do is buy veggies you like, I do potato, leek, kale, carrots, bell peppers, onion, garlic, zuchini etc.
    Cut them up into small bite size pieces and add to a big pot of water. Add any seasonings you like, I use sea salt, pepper, thyme, basil, then boil for 10 mins and simmer till the veggies are how you like them (ie: soft, more crisp)

    You can also add a can of tomato paste, for ministroni. I'll eat this on it''s own, or with some pasta or rice, and it's a very low calorie meal :)

    Good luck!
  • aubreysgrammy
    aubreysgrammy Posts: 37 Member
    I've made that WW soup, pretty yummy and easy to make!
  • Hi I am just starting too. Happy "new you" Year! I am 45 and am sick of feeling tired all the time.
  • Oh, that sounds good. I am on a Dr. prescribed diet called "The Ultra Metabolism Diet" and it pretty much consists of fruits and veggies. It is an organic diet. It has worked well so far. I lost 16lbs before starting on here.
  • aubreysgrammy
    aubreysgrammy Posts: 37 Member
    That's great Angie, got on the treadmill for the first time in a while and was able to do a mile and half, bought those Sketcher Shape Ups, boy do they feel weird but my old bad knee isn't screaming at me!!! Day one.........so far so good!
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