ugly,ugly belly fat

Hi, I am 63 and fat for the last 8 years. I was trim and healthy in 2004 then I was bucked off my horse, broke number 2,3,4 vert. in my neck, broke 6-11 verts. in my spine and broke 2 verts in my lumbar. ONLY through the Grace of GOD , I am not crippled or dead. I am just really fat , it is an effort to walk, and I am sick of it. It has caused me to have knee pain now too. I am in pain every day, I pray a lot and take baby aspirin, but you know what bothers me the most, the UGLY< UGLY BELLY FAT that just hangs down like a big bag of UGLY!!!! Will dieting take it away, I cannot excercise but I can walk, but will that get rid of it??? Does anyone have an answer? By the way, my name is Barbara and I truly pray that I can stick with this, I will give it my all. Have tried weight watchers, but didn't like driving 80 miles just to get there and home, on line didn't work for me, tried special K, slim fast, etc got bored or just wasn't able to keep buying all the fresh fruit and veggies( live too far from a town. So, I hope to make friends here and do the lose with all of you. Thanks for reading


  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    HI Barbara! Walking is exercise! Building up the strength again take time and it works. I'm there with you about that belly fat. I hate the stuff! We can do this!!
  • Scully0007
    Scully0007 Posts: 6 Member
    Barbara, I'm kind of new here to but so-far-so-good. I started exercising and was gaining weight before finding myfitnesspal. Just be honest with yourself and log ALL of your calorie intake in every day. I was amazed how many calories some of the foods I'd been eating were. Once I started paying better attention I was able to make better choices and still enjoy the food I eat. You'll do fine as long as you stay within your myfitnesspal calorie goals and keep on walking. I have a neighbor that started walking when he was huge, he's thin as a rail now and still walking - a lot - but looking good. I'm sure he feels better also.

    (On a side note, I was in a car accident in 1993 which broke by back in 3-places. I was only 18-years old and had been very athletic in high school so luckily I bounced back quickly. However, I do worry what it'll be like as I age so I'm trying to do what I can to stay healthy to minimize the future impact.)

    STAY WITH IT AND DO THIS FOR YOU! (and your family who will enjoy you longer the healthier you are)


  • lotzopets
    Sandhillsmom and Scully, thank you for the encouraging words, they help, A LOT!!
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    Having gone from 198 to 135 (health reasons) I will say the ugly belly fat does go away. Now that my weight is back up so is the belly. Now that I am losing again I know I will lose the belly again. we can do this. One day at a time. One meal at a time, one workout at a time.