


  • chrystee
    chrystee Posts: 295 Member
    So fun!! Some are more dancy.. some are more workout-ish.
  • RuthSenz
    RuthSenz Posts: 2 Member
    It's an absolute blast and at 48 years old I feel like i can get my sexy back (maybe i'm the only one who thinks it, but that's all that matters). Go try it!
  • KittyCandy
    I think Zumba is a lot of fun! When I do it I love it! I have it for the Wii though I'm still a bit to self conscious to go to a class I think and I have been enjoying the pool way to much this summer ;)
  • childofArtemis24
    I absolutely love Zumba. It is too much fun. My gym offers classes 5 days a week. I'm pretty much there everyday. Zumba really makes you forget you're even working out. I say try it.

    Wow! 5 days a week! I wouldn't be able to recover! You go girl!
  • MrsCCWoods
    MrsCCWoods Posts: 142 Member
    Yes...!!! it is a lot of fun and it doesn't feel like a workout and you burn a lot of calories i have been doing Zumba for 8 months now and i love it
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  • taintedbutterfly18
    taintedbutterfly18 Posts: 189 Member
    My favorite class! Lots of fun!
  • MsDivineM
    I walk every morning and try to make it to at least 3 zumba classes a week! You will love it! Calorie burn will vary a great deal depending on class. I burn anywhere from 200 to 600 for an hour! That's pretty awesome!
  • chriscleary
    love Zumba!!. its a fun way to tone up as well as burn calories!! Im not very coordinated but it is fun to do especially if you like to dance, the music is great, my instructor uses zumba music and some radio stuff. I really get a workout and $6 is about the going rate here to. I try to walk twice a week and zumba once a week and can see a difference in my shape.
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    It's an absolute blast and at 48 years old I feel like i can get my sexy back (maybe i'm the only one who thinks it, but that's all that matters). Go try it!

    I know exactly what you mean. I am 45 and sometimes the old lady of the class but it makes me feel sexy in a way i havent for a long time. And i can keep up better than some of the younger ones too.
  • wifey826
    wifey826 Posts: 26 Member
    Day 2 of doing it at home. I borrowed it from my sister to see if I could even do half the moves. I absolutely love this program! I think I will actually start going to classes once my sister demands I return it. Never have I done a program that I think about ALL day (which I have today), with the songs stuck in my head. I'm so glad I finally gave it a chance. I hope to see great success with Zumba as part of my exercise regimen. Best of luck!