Eating back Calories

First, I want to say Sorry for creating another topic about eating back calories!

So I'm really kind of confused about eating back calories. Currently I base my exercise of the day off of how many calories I want to eat for the day. So say I'm having a night out with the girls and I know theres going to be some high calorie pasta or chocolate cake- in that case I'll make sure I walk/bike longer and maybe go out for a second walk/bike ride later on in the day to save up enough calories to get through the night under my goal. Is that bad? Because as long as I stay under my goal I tent to loose 1.5-2 lbs a week and it seems pretty good for me.

On the other hand if I did all I could and did not eat back calories could I loose weight faster? And would it be healthy? What would happen if I had 200 calories left over for the day? What would happen if I had say... 800 calories left over for the day? What would be healthy and were do you draw the line at healthy vs. unhealthy.

Thanks in advance for the help! :)


  • jman1985
    jman1985 Posts: 2 Member
    Im not sure but i do know when i under eat and i logit in red it tells me that i need to consume more calories to stay out of starvation mode i listen i also never countmy excersize i dont do a lotand im slightly active but i put sedimentary and i lose more then the ser 1.5 lbs a week i think
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Your current approach sounds perfectly healthy. A deeper deficit will cause faster weight loss, but also cause muscle loss. Slow and steady is better.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Keep doing what you're doing if it's working for you.

    If you're 200 under here and there it's fine. If you're 800 under every now and again it's okay. I would not advocate being 800 under your goal every day no matter how fast you may or may not lose weight.

    The rate at which you are currently losing is considered safe. Any more than that and you'd likely be losing lean mass along with fat.
  • KimMesser319
    KimMesser319 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm also interested in everyone's thoughts. Right now I typically have calories left over, and when I don't, I feel that I am not losing anything. Maybe I'm doing it all wrong?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    First, I want to say Sorry for creating another topic about eating back calories!

    So I'm really kind of confused about eating back calories. Currently I base my exercise of the day off of how many calories I want to eat for the day. So say I'm having a night out with the girls and I know theres going to be some high calorie pasta or chocolate cake- in that case I'll make sure I walk/bike longer and maybe go out for a second walk/bike ride later on in the day to save up enough calories to get through the night under my goal. Is that bad? Because as long as I stay under my goal I tent to loose 1.5-2 lbs a week and it seems pretty good for me.

    On the other hand if I did all I could and did not eat back calories could I loose weight faster? And would it be healthy? What would happen if I had 200 calories left over for the day? What would happen if I had say... 800 calories left over for the day? What would be healthy and were do you draw the line at healthy vs. unhealthy.

    Thanks in advance for the help! :)

    Usually when deficits become too big, unless obese and under Dr care and doing other things, you'll get less return for what no longer becomes a big deficit.
    So actually your metabolism slows down to compensate for what you are doing to your system.
    Your body can longer recovery from the workouts you give it, so they aren't as intense as they could be, though they still feel tough.
    Your body slows down other daily activity so the basic metabolism for functions of life have their energy needs met.

    Your basic guidelines for safe minimum is 1200 with no exercise.

    So do you want to provide your body with the least possible safe amount, and expect it to do well.
    Think of cheap tools or clothes you've bought, how well do they last and perform.
    Your body is worth more than that.

    Do it right, keep the safe deficit that is working for you now, and keep using MFP the way it was intended.

    Deficit is given with no exercise included. You exercise, you eat more, you keep same deficit.
  • Stary714
    Stary714 Posts: 110 Member
    Ok, thank you for all the responses! I guess I'll keep on doing what I'm doing. It works, its healthy, and its dependable.

    Thank you everyone! :)