Hungry every night!

I'm finding nighttime to be a struggle in terms of hunger. A few hours after dinner, I'm usually starving again. In the past, I was eating at night, right up until bedtime. Some nights I'm about ready to naw my hand off! I have even been going to bed earlier, just so I don't eat. I'm looking for suggestions on how to deal with nighttime hunger pangs?! Thank you :)


  • RiverDancer68
    RiverDancer68 Posts: 221 Member
    I'd like to know that too!! I am the hungriest after 9pm. and usually will have a big bowl of cereal before I go to bed. Otherwise, I can't sleep because I am so hungry!
  • Swinter82
    Swinter82 Posts: 2 Member
    I hear ya on the eating cereal thing! Always crave cereal before bed. Have been trying to eat fruits instead so I don't go to bed hungry.
  • tabatham1982
    tabatham1982 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm in the same boat!! It's like I have dinner think I am doing good then hubby and daughter go to bed and I am starving! Really need some help getting this in control so I can get back on track!
  • pepin1224
    pepin1224 Posts: 21 Member
    Eat fruit, they are low calorie and are good for you.
  • I am finding that I am not hungry at all because I exercise enough that I can add those exercise calories and it's alot!!

    If I didn't exercise I would only have 1550 calories to eat...I would be so hungry!! But I add 1 hour of cardio = 800+ calories = lots of food!!
    Some day's (like today) I couldn't eat enough and left 350 calories, never thought I would see that day:) I save those for my "cheat day"
  • thebrianmo
    thebrianmo Posts: 108
    Sometime after dinner and before bed have a light snack. Fruit is an excellent choice as it has fiber and helps you feel full. Also make sure you are drinking your 8 glasses of pure water each day. I say pure as in "straight" not tea or crystal light or anything like that. I've just learned to ignore feeling hungry if I've reached my calorie limit for the day.
  • I had the same problem but recently I've been making room in my calorie allowance to have a couple TBSP of peanut butter as a dessert for after dinner and it really keeps me full right up until bed time
  • uwdawg07
    uwdawg07 Posts: 372 Member
    I am the same way. I'm always hungry at night. I found what helps me is to eat smaller amounts during the day and save a lot of my calories for dinner (and I eat a later dinner) and a snack before bed. Drinking hot tea, or diet hot chocolate, helps as well.

    Sometimes brushing my teeth works because I feel all clean and minty and I don't want to eat.
  • tazzy_toon
    tazzy_toon Posts: 17 Member
    I eat every night before bed. Just something small, fruit doesn't help at all, leaves me hungry, so i eat a piece of rvita crispbread with a slice of cheese and a glass of water Honestly, if you haven't hit your calorie limit you can eat. Like previously stated, more excercise means you can eat a few more cals. So for more, healthy choices through out the day and exercise allows me to eat more and more often. (which I like) If I don't exercise I feel all depressed because I don't get to eat as much, so sad, but at least it motivates me to do more. LOL
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    mee too. i just save most of my calories for night and eat light during the day. works for me.
  • zozzabubba
    zozzabubba Posts: 137 Member
    I have the same thing, I prepare for it...always try to make sure I have about 200 cals still after dinner, so I can take a snack upstairs for right before bed - usually fruit and yogurt or a bit of cereal or sometimes a few squares of chocolate or a cookie or something...count it in your daily plan and have that snack without guilt :)
  • When I feel hungry before bed, I tend to go for vegetables. I prefer a stalk of celery with a touch of peanut butter, since that gives fiber plus protein. If I don't have celery, I go for broccoli. I try to stay away from fruits or anything with sugar because sugar just before bed tends to give me nightmares more frequently than I otherwise have them.
  • stephm112
    stephm112 Posts: 297 Member
    I have fat free yoghurt. Maybe one. Maybe 2. I always have tons of fruit in the house. That way I don't feel guilty if I eat too much of it. Plus it fills you up I have chopped up fruit and natural yoghurt for breakfast most days and it is surprisingly filling (I'm used to enormous bowls of cereal) I do find the more fruit I eat the less I want to snack in the evening. Maybe it's because it's sweet and I have a mega sweet tooth and the fruit is managing my cravings! x
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I eat around half of my calories between 7-8pm and that solves this problem for me. Exercise calories are a godsend. Why not take yourself out for a half hour walk after dinner to earn calories for a snack before bed? You may even find that reduces your appetite due to the distraction.
  • Thanks! I have gotten to the point many nights where I've reached my calories goal for the day and then I go for a long walk so I have more calories I can eat when I get back home :)
  • Thanks! I know what you mean, I'm starting to learn to ignore my hunger too. I used to always give in, but I'm getting better at it. Thanks for the reply!
  • hi there im new to this and wondering what are the best things to eat :)
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 929 Member
    Or how about a 100-calorie bag of popcorn? easy on the butter and salt, of course. :wink:
  • NatsukoG
    NatsukoG Posts: 104
    Have you tried eating more during the day? Perhaps you are just hungry from not eating enough.

    If I lived on the 1200 calories MFP recommends for me, I'd be starving all the time so I eat more than this and I'm doing quite well with weight loss (down 70lbs in 5 months)

    For me, night time eating was a bad habit I fell into. I now try some sugar free gum when I get cravings at night but failing that I have a small handful of nuts or a tea spoon of peanut butter as it's satisfying without being too high in carbs.

    Best of luck x
  • katicasi82
    katicasi82 Posts: 121 Member
    chromium is supposed to help with cravings - blood sugar etc... that may help but I'd google it or something!