Think ive cracked my weight loss problem

Ok so no matter what diet i go on it never ever works, unless i basicaly starv myself lol. o i brought a heart rate monitor so it can tell me my burnt calories at rest and on normal day... well i found out that my heart rate is 70 bpm ( low) at rest and i only burn about 1440 calories in 24hrs. No wonder i dont lose weight on normal diet as my body doesnt burn much lol.

I ve always know i have low blood pressure but come one lol


  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    your reading is very inaccurate. a heart rate monitor is not meant to be worn all day. it is meant to be used for activities where you exert more energy than you normally would, such as running, using an elliptical, zumba, swimming if it's water proof, etc. etc. etc.

    If you attempt to use a heart rate monitor for walking walking around at stores, going to work and taking part in other routine daily activites you will come up with a reading similar to what you do, and that, as I said, is very very wrong.

    For that, you would want a Fitbit, Bodybugg or Body media fit....

    Please note, this applies to ALL Heart rate monitors (with and without a chest strap)

    The fact that you view this as a diet (it should be seen as a lifestyle change) and stated that you "practically starve yourself" could be why you don't lose weight, but your diary is not open so that is merely an assumption on my part.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    So far as I am aware 70 bpm is not low. Don't rely on that for an answer. Friend of mine has a rate of 55 bpm. THAT is low.
  • KelliW_runner
    KelliW_runner Posts: 150 Member
    Google BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). It will give you calories you burn to exist based upon height, weight, age, sex. The 1400 number you quote is roughly what my BMR is. However, I eat 1800-2400 calories per day depending upon my activity level, as you shouldn't be netting below your BMR.
  • Nicoleleeee
    Nicoleleeee Posts: 42 Member
    My bpm is 60, how has that got anything to do with me losing weight? Shouldn't your heart rate during exercise be the number you should be most concerned with?
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    70 is not low. It's within normal range. Also, as stated HRM's are not meant to be worn all day and will not tell you how many calories you burn in a day. A Body Media Fit or Body Bugg will tell you your daily calorie expenditure.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    HRMs are designed to calculate calories burned during relatively steady-state aerobic activity. The algorithms they use don't work for day-round use. They are also inaccurate for weight training due to the spikes in HR.

    Use an online TDEE calculator for the best estimate of your daily calories used and eat 500 less than that. If you don't want to do the hard sums, MFP's calculation bears up well against the most well-regarded. Set yourself to lose 1lb a week, eat back a good proportion of your exercise calories and Bob's your uncle.

    If you follow MFP to the letter you will lose weight. If that's not happening, chances are you're not tracking accurately, overestimating your exercise burn (here's where you use your HRM!) or not checking your portion sizes.

    70BPM isn't that low, by the way. The more cardio training you do the lower it will get. I run and mine's down to 55BPM.
  • jmhurley87
    I was told 70 was low !

    I dont like repeating myself but i will for 1 persons sake... I have been on EVERY diet possible and not lost weight, i then lowered my calories even more and found i lost weight, it seems to be the only way.
    which no i dont like but i need to find out why.

    Im using watch on a day of rest to test the difference between a day of rest and when im exercising. Only yesterday i used it all day. today im using it just for exercise.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Also will give you a pretty accurate number on how many calories you expend in a day and how many calories you should eat to lose weight.

    My HR is 60 sitting at work typing this message. It's probably lower at rest. Resting HR really has nothing to do with weightloss.
  • aliciandoug
    Mine is between 50-70 bpm resting. I eat 1500 calories a day and usually lose around 2lbs a week. I'm also a big girl with a lot more to lose.
  • dionne_williams
  • jmhurley87
    Also will give you a pretty accurate number on how many calories you expend in a day and how many calories you should eat to lose weight.

    My HR is 60 sitting at work typing this message. It's probably lower at rest. Resting HR really has nothing to do with weightloss.

    according to that i should eat 2323 at rest
  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
    70 is definetely not low. And the others are right. HRM will not give you an accurate reading for just doing day to day activities. You need a BodyBugg or something similar to track that.

    Following a diet plan won't get you anywhere anyway, it is destined to fail. Thinking of it as a healthy lifestyle and making your own choices is what will help you lose weight not following whatever meal plan is in fashion at the time.
  • jmhurley87
    Im not longer on a diet plan, im trying to sort that out myself
  • jmhurley87
    TDEE calculator says 1824 when at rest
  • ess1972
    ess1972 Posts: 2

    Have you tried the BMR thingy in the tools page? That tells you how many calories you would burn if you stayed in bed all day? I found that quite interesting, I would burn 1500 or so and they've got me on 1200 calories a day to eat!! Eeek
  • jmhurley87
    yeah and they have also put me on 1200 to burn, do you have much weight to lose? do you exerciise alot?
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    TDEE calculator says 1824 when at rest
    So enter 1324 (1824 - 500) as your daily goal to lose 1lb a week. This may not be that different to MFP's calculations, it wasn't for me. Either eat back a good proportion of your exercise calories on top of this number or take the TDEE appropriate for your level of exercise and don't eat back extra.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    Ok so no matter what diet i go on it never ever works, unless i basicaly starv myself lol. o i brought a heart rate monitor so it can tell me my burnt calories at rest and on normal day... well i found out that my heart rate is 70 bpm ( low) at rest and i only burn about 1440 calories in 24hrs. No wonder i dont lose weight on normal diet as my body doesnt burn much lol.

    I ve always know i have low blood pressure but come one lol

    Let me get this straight.......Your trying to lose weight by starving yourself and also by doing nothing all day so you can burn 1440 calories a day? Did I read this correctly?

  • slim_photographer
    slim_photographer Posts: 310 Member
    If you were to have a low resting heart rate that's probably a great sign. The HRM is a great tool for finding out how to workout and how hard to push.
    You may have a lower metabolism than the calculators tell you because of all the starving. to increase metabolism you would need to exercise regularly and eating more also speeds up the metabolism. This is why the fat2fit radio guys preach 'eat more to lose more'.
    You are not way out of shape. Only about 20 to lose is a great place to start.
    I'd hate to suggest you may not be honest with yourself but mindless eating can ruin anybody's best effort. Extra little bit of ketchup here, butter on your toast, extra sugar in the coffe, a lot of dressing in your salad and even portion measurements can trick us. You may be eating 3/4 of a cup or a cup of rice when you think you are eating 1/2 a cup. Do you measure your intake and religiously log what you eat?
    I think I have a slow metabolism but I get to that conclusion by logging absolutely everything I put in my mouth, exercising with a HRM and then comparing that with how much I lost. I know it's a lot of calculating but it may be the best way for you to find out what your BMR is.
    I hope this helps :)
  • Agator82
    Agator82 Posts: 249 Member
    70 is not low. It's within normal range. Also, as stated HRM's are not meant to be worn all day and will not tell you how many calories you burn in a day. A Body Media Fit or Body Bugg will tell you your daily calorie expenditure.

    This makes me feel better, I thought my hear rate, typically 72 BPM, was high and I have been working out in the hopes of lowering it a little, perhaps 60 range. Then again I knew a guy with a normal HR in the low 40s, he ran a lot. Amazing how our experiences affect our perceptions.