No late night snacking - 01/04/2010 to 01/11/2010



  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    Ok I think I get it now. So, I need to set a goal about late night snacking and then see how many times in the week I accomplish the goal. Got it.
    I do not have to worry about a "cut off time" for eating, I stay up way later than my dinner time so that is not an issue. My problem is when the house gets quiet (I am the last one up), and I am relaxing, then the salty food (potatoe chips, etc) and/or sweets "call for me". So, my goal will be to not have any late night snacks at all OR to limit it to a snack(s) that is low calorie and healthy. Breaking the HABIT of late night snacking is more pressing for me than if I consume another 100 calories or not.
    I've done great on this all week so far, so if we started on 1/4 Monday, and today is 1/5 Tuesday, then I am 2/2. :)
  • ktala24
    ktala24 Posts: 17 Member
    lulabellewoowoo, I seen this post last week and thought to myself I wonder if this is one of my problems and I just haven't been paying attention. So as I sit down for dinner I've been looking at the clock, if I think to get up and look for something later, I look at the clock if it's past 730 I pass it up. Thanks to your post :flowerforyou:
  • DiDislosingit
    Hi Everyone. Checking in. This has really helped me tremendously - up until last night that is. I was feeling really blah from a head cold or allergies or maybe combination of the two and needed some real comfort food. So I had about a tbsp of peanut butter and a smidgen of trail mix after my cutoff time of 8 p.m. I felt better afterwards....:happy:

    Starting with Monday - I'm 1/2.

    No more cheats this week for me!
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    :heart: YA LULLABELLE!!
    I have been doin awesome.. not eating after 7 for the past 3 days! yay! I might not be able to check in all the time, but I will mosey around! keep up the good work Ladies!!
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    Opps... double post
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    I know it is the 6th, but I am currently at "0"
    Hopefully tonight will be night 1
    I will be "cut-off" at 7:30
  • healthworks
    Hi Girls :smile:

    Tues 01/05 - I made my cut off by 7 pm at 6:55 . But went in durning a commerical of Biggest Loser to put the leftovers away and MINDLESSLY ate a nibble of chicken before it sunk in what I did..:frown:

    So I an 4/5.. gonna give it another go tonite!
  • tristen_elaine_01
    I am meeting with a registered dietician and she said for me there will be no eating after 8pm... sometimes when I've had dinner at 5 or 6 I find myself getting hungry about that time so I substitute the "snack" at 8pm with a protien shake and water and that helps me from eating after or during the night :smile:
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    Last night I made an awesome dinner. We ate a 5:15 and I didn't eat a thing after dinner.... I was even up until midnight with one of the kids!
    I excersied around 7:00 and drank 2 glasses of water from the time I was done with dinner until I went to bed!

    I couldn't beleive it!!!!!! I wasn't even hungry!!!!! And I didn't do my normal mindless eating!
  • Bebe
    Bebe Posts: 22
    After all my good thoughts on good eating habits, I have totally blown it. I guess I made the mistake of weighing in every morning, instead of once a week. In one day, I was up 3 pounds, I believe because of water or maybe even 'starvation mode' when your body keeps the fat if you are not eating enough.

    Will get back on track again tomorrow!!
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    My goal is just to not get goofy with late night snacking. For me, I am not stressing on if I have a HEALTHY snack after dinner (my calorie count will allow for it). And, a real treat for me is a nightly cup of sugar-free hot cocoa. So tonight I ate 1/2 cup of black beans and my cocoa. OK, I'll admit that the cocoa mix is anything but "healthy" (it is all chemicals), but it takes care of my chocolate "fix" with very low calories, so I'm allowing it on that basis. As of tonight I am 4/4.
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Hi guys! I wasn't able to report yesterday's cut off episode; it was a specially made for me ethnic dish, I didn't even know how to log it! And I wasn't even able to eat it until 9pm, so you can imagine how my 7om cutoff was out the window. Though, I am grateful to say that I do eat smaller portions so I do not think I blew it too much.

    As for tonight, I cooked a great meal and was done eating by 6:51pm, cutting close, but finished. So far for this week, I am 4 for 5 nights.
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    Lastnight I let myself have a couple adult beverages after my cut-off while my husband and I played cribbage, scrabble, sequence and "Toy Story Memory" yup I said it..... we played a game intended for 3 year olds.... (I kicked his butt on everything except cribbage (I was only 2 holes away from winning).
    back to square one and we are going to a family game night party at a friends house tonight so I am sure I won't be good tonight either. I am going to at least try for veggies.
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    Since I allow a reasonable snack after dinner, tonight was a granola bar and sugar-free hot cocoa. I'm still under my daily calorie allowance by a hundred or so, so I'm counting today as 5/5.

    BTW, my "no late night snacking" means, for me, not a time cutoff but instead staying away from the junk food late at night, such as chips, cookies, candy. That is want "no late night snacking" means for me.
  • ccounts
    ccounts Posts: 57
    DeeDeeHawaii, I like that you are saying, it's okay to have something good as a late night snack. Good meaning nutritious and light. As a diabetic, I am supposed to eat a bedtime snack to help keep my blood sugar from dipping down at night and soaring in the morning because of it. I have been known to have some very heavy, nutritionally useless snacks that end up being gorges in the middle of the night. The healthy snack before bedtime is essential and will go a long way, preventing such a binge.
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    Yes, CCounts, I agree. Having something reasonable keeps me, too, from doing do horrid binging on junk food. Also, I've learned for myself that if I feel too "deprived", then dieting is too depressing a voyage. So, I try to keep on hand heathy and low-calorie treats and snacks, so that I can eat something healthy and feel fulfilled. Thus the granola bar and sugar-free hot cocoa, tonight. I'll have hot tea later to my heart's content. Zero calories.
  • Bebe
    Bebe Posts: 22
    I totally agree with the healthy snacks at night, especially when everyone else is snacking. I have started my committment again today. Boy, do I ever feel unhappy when I am not doing what's right. Here's to turning that around.
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    Bad night last night. there were NO healthy snacks at the party. I limited how much I ate and sat at the seat farthest from the food so I had to get up and walk over to it for each chip.
    I did cut myself off at 10:30ish, which was still 3 hours before I went to bed so I think it counts.

    Ccounts, DeeDeeHawaii and Bebe, I agree with the sensible snack. I love raw veggies. That is what I am going to allow myself to have those after 7, but only one serving of them to curb the hunger. Thanks!
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    My dinner was at a party where there was not the right food choices for me, so I ate some less than desirable foods, and then was still hungry when I got home. So, once home, I had healthy soup, healthy granola bar, and low-calorie cocoa. Technically, it was way too late to call "dinner", so it was an enormous healthy snack. Due to the late night eating, I cannot count today so I am 5/6.
  • Bebe
    Bebe Posts: 22
    Hey Deedeehawaii, I like your name by the way. Another way to curb the chocolate craving is to have chocolate milk, the kind already made in the container. (Not sure what brand you have in the states, since I live in Canada.) It is very creamy, but has the same calories as a regular glass of milk. Go figure.

    I had a better day yesterday. No chips, but 2 bowls of sweet cereal. Not exactly a healthy snack, but one of the healthier ones. Trying to be better every day. It really is a matter of listening to your body and self control. Sometimes your body may be extra hungry, and that may be because we are losing too fast. I think that is what happened to me the first week. I have not weighed in yet since. I will soon, when I feel I have had a few more days of getting back on track. I am not going to get into the daily weighing panic anymore. We are doing this for a healthy life, not a healthy day.

    Hope everyone is doing well. It's nice to hear from everyone!!