Needing help with motivation.

I have always been slightly overweight but it has never been something that bothered me, and so I never felt the need to do anything about it. Recently O have gone up to my biggest and I think I was in denial, until I saw some pictures from about a month ago. Now Im just looking for support really - I have the worst will power ever and love a bit of chocolate. Any, advice, tips or general encouragement would be so appreciated.


  • acpgranberg
    acpgranberg Posts: 137 Member
    Just keep logging away on MFP. It really gives you an idea of your eating habits, nutrition, etc. Also find an activity that you like to do that gets your heart rate up. Don't think of this as a chore. I try to think of MFP as an interesting experiment, trying different things and seeing what happens. Currently I'm doing a 30-Day Dumbbell challenge. I'm not thinking about gaining muscle or losing weight. I'm only thinking about completing the challenge and seeing where I am in 23 more days. Good luck!
  • SuziQueue
    SuziQueue Posts: 64 Member
    Only eat 50% or higher chocolate and do Jillian Michael's 30 day shred with me =) I just started it today. You can get the DVD on Amazon and they'll give you the instant download for free so you can start right away. Good luck! (if you add me as a friend, remind me in your message that you're going to do the 30 day shred).
  • lynn14
    lynn14 Posts: 116
    Ohhh the dreaded pictures! Yes, it is eye opening and you are off to a great start with getting some help! Once you have made the choice to do something about it, help yourself out by getting rid of all sweets in the house. I know I can just have "one" usually leads to more!!
    Stack your refrige with go to foods.....yogurt, cut up fruits and veggies. More veggies and more veggies!!!
    Drink lots of water and move everyday!!!

    You can do it and we are right here...YOU are going to do great!!!
    Believe in yourself and take one day at a time!
  • djeff41
    djeff41 Posts: 28
    Come to the realization that nobody is perfect. So many people beat themselves up over small mistakes and lose focus of the main goal. Everyone has points in their lives where they give in to the indulgence of a craving. Having the fortitude to bounce back is more important than anything else.

    Good luck!
  • sarahdbenson
    I will pass on the best advice I was given when I started this journey. The one main thing to remember is that you can still eat whatever you want, every day. Just start by reducing portion sizes, and keeping treats to a small minimum. If you normally eat a burger and fries for lunch, only eat 3/4 of the burger and half the fries. You are still eating food you enjoy, just less of it. I lost about 35 pounds in under 3 months just by doing this. Once you get your body used to eating less, you can slowly progress into eating healthier foods, more fruits and vegetables, cutting out high calorie drinks and snacks, etc. The trick is to stay at your own pace, so you don't get overwhelmed and want to quit. The other "secret" is to stay active. You don't have to be at the gym 5 hours a day, just get moving. Go for a 30 minute walk around your neighborhood with a friend, play with kids/pets/etc, go for a swim, just keep moving! I hope this advice can help you as much as it did me! Good luck on your journey :)

  • avlona
    avlona Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks guys! Its certainly a cliche but just to know that other people are going through or have been through the same things is such a help!

    My biggest problem is definitely portion size. I just love food. I even sneak back into the kitchen for another mouthful once the plates of been cleared. I know that the first thing I have to change is my eating habits, and it will be hard, but I will do it!
  • Celestialfairie
    I can easily relate to that. My boyfriend is into video/photography work and happened to catch me as a part of one of his projects. I was very unhappy with what I saw. Looking back I can even see the difference between then and now. Motivation to actually stick with any ideals of weight loss was difficult for me. I used to just say 'Well, my body will be whatever size it wants to be' and eat another bag of candy.

    If you're a fan of chocolate, perhaps switch to dark chocolate and just cut back on the portions? The one thing I noticed is that it's difficult to jump right into a strict diet and be right on the amount of calories that you want to consume a day. Ease into it, and into small amounts of exercise, and before long you'll have the hang of it.

    Just keep with it, and look to MFP for tons of support. :)
  • jbl0233
    jbl0233 Posts: 16 Member
    You are at the right place. MFP is a great place to record what you eat. Just think of it as a challenge. I really enjoy finding the calories in my food. If it is not in the database, I enter it from the nutrition label. MFP tells you how many calories, carbs and fat to eat in order to lose the weight you want to lose. Adding food in my plan is so easy. I get up from the table and eagerly come here to record what I just ate. The secret is being honest and recording everything. If you can make it interesting and feel like you are learning something that will last for your lifetime, it does work. Don't consider it a chore. Make it fun.