Well I have decided to change my life

I have been here before and lost weight. SO I just need to get my butt back into it. Summers are hard. A friend of mine started trying to lose weight after me and she is really doing good. So after that I started second guess myself. Like what am I doing wrong. She is on weight Watchers. So im thinking im doing it wrong and maybe I should start doing weight watchers. then another friend is doing the HCG diet and is losing and feeling great. So Im really confused.. WHAT TO DO!!


  • xiola511
    xiola511 Posts: 22
    Hi Melissa-

    I tried weight watchers online for a few months with some success but I've found that it's very similar to MFP. I decided that I liked this site better because well.....it's free:) I'm just starting out on here but it looks like several people have had success on here so I'm motivated at the moment. If you're looking for friends - feel free to add me:)
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    Im likeing this one so far. But I really want to lose weight again.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I've done weight watchers in the past, but I like the atmosphere on MFP better. I find I am more motivated by keeping track of my food here and I like the community. I don't know how long it will take to lose all my extra weight, but I am enjoying the process.
  • brelbe
    brelbe Posts: 7
    Hi Melissa,

    I have personally done the HCG as well, but it didnt work great for me when i worked fantastic for a friend of mine. You have to do what is right for your body type .
  • Hey Melissa -- I am with you! I have been reading all kinds of stuff and trying to find the right thing. I think I inherently know that eating protein and fresh fruits and vegetables without processed foods is the right thing to do. However, finding the right "program" is driving me crazy. I am currently reading Jillian Michaels' "Master your Metabolism" and its all very clinical in a lot of ways but it is making sense. I am reading the whole thing -- trying to understand the science before just jumping in and then just tracking here and monitoring my intake calories while getting moving. I just am frustrated with weight -- always have been -- and want to be healthy for my kids!
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Stay FAR away from the HCG diet!! It only allows 500 calories a day and that is insanely unhealthy. Anyone would lose weight doing that with or without the HCG added. I just can't see weight loss from a program that restrictive as being permanent. Weight Watchers is expensive.

    If you need a diet program with a good kick start and need to break some bad eating habits try Dr. Ian Smith's Fat Smash diet. I lost 6 pounds in the first 9 days. It is a lifestyle change. Unfortunately, for me, I didn't stick to it after the first 9 days. It's not that it's all that difficult, I just have horrible will power and "in-laws" that like to celebrate every little thing with massive meals. You can find the guidelines for the diet on the internet without spending any money. I think phase four is the way to go for permanent eating habits. Then go back to earlier, more restrictive phases to undo any damage from indulging. Indulging will happen in your life. It's okay, it should, you just have to make up for it later. Enjoy yourself or you won't succeed. Now that I mention it, I may go back to this diet AGAIN, myself.

    Just be sure to do extensive research on any diet you consider. Don't just take someone's word for it. Some of those programs are actually unhealthy and others are unnecessarily pricey.
  • Hello Melissa,

    If you need someone to message, someone to confide in or just support along your journey I am a great listener and it makes it easier to have friends along the way. I workout alone, due to other family having commitments, even other friends. So that little bit of chat and inspiration helps. I can share recipes or tips that I find along the way.
  • lulu3561
    lulu3561 Posts: 85 Member
    I started with Weight Watchers counting points and liked it because it was easy and with the phone app I was able to scan items at the grocery store to make better decisions. I am still doing Weight Watchers just counting calories instead of points. For me it's more of an accountability factor with the weekly weigh ins and attending the meetings helps keep me focused on my journey. Any plan that you can make your lifestyle works as long as you work it. Everyone is different and need to do what works best for them. Wishing you sucess on your journey.
  • thekid2169
    thekid2169 Posts: 21 Member
    You are motivated and want to make a change that is half the battle the other half is consistency and will power! Whatever you choose if you keep these in check you can do anything! Good luck.
  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 246 Member
    Hey Melissa, good decision. :smile:

    I did weight watchers for the first 50 pounds, but didn't like the changes they implemented last year...and then I decided free is better anyway.

    I think you can succeed at whichever you choose - consistency is the most important thing.

    I do like that i can look at calories without having to convert to points. That seems easier to me.
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    I have decided that Im going to hit the gym 3 times aweek. Im hoping that I can maybe get my Husband to go with me, but time will tell.