I started Myfitnesspal after Thanksgiving.

I started my goal to get to 140 pounds in April. I started walking nearly everyday starting in May. But then I went back to school and the days got shorter and my walks have walked away from me. My co-worker introduced me to this website, so I thought I would try it. I stalled at 148 pounds about September when I started school. After I started with Myfitnesspal, I lost another 6 pounds. I had lost about 25 pounds until I lost ground when the holidays hit. I gained about 2 of those pounds back. My willpower has changed direction on me and now my willpower says, "I WILL eat that chocolate, and those fudge bars, and those cookies. Help me to turn my willpower around, Please! Oh, ya, How could I forget! Those flaming HOT FLASHES are ROASTING me.:explode:


  • kenya84
    kenya84 Posts: 41
    I am going through something similar! I lost 50 pounds last year and then I moved in Aug. and just stopped working out and eating healthy. When I ate something too sweet my stomach would hurt but I would eat it anyway. The cravings are mental, I know it feels like you can't pass it up, but you can. Think about how far you have come and how hard you have worked....is that piece of cake really worth it? No matter how much it pains you, you've got to just walk away. It will get easier, I promise, pretty soon looking at sweets is going gross you out!

    One thing that I had to do is cut sweets out of my life completely. i used to eat those Atkins bars, it tasted like a Snickers...the next thing I know I was reaching for the real thing. If you are still eating sweets or things that take the form of candy or a candy bar slowly phase that out of your diet. I don't know the science behind it but it's something about sugar, even a little bit, makes you crave more!! Try chewing gum to satisfy your cravings. Extra has sugar free gum that comes in mint and fruit flavors the gum is pretty sweet and might hit the spot!

    You can overcome this Stay strong your goal is just around the corner!
  • Debof6
    Debof6 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you, I appreciate the boost.