~10 lbs @ a Time Challenge 2010!!~



  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Well ... I started MFP back in June of 2009 and I love it here ... this past month has been bad ... back to my old habits. But now it's a new year and I want to get back at it. I felt so much better when I was drinking my water and eating right and being more active(see that little mind game? ... I can't say "exercising" because that sounds like work but "being active" sounds like fun ... LOL). Any who ... 10 lbs. at a time sounds great so if you don't mind I would love to join in with you all ... how do I report and stuff ... can someone fill me in? Thanks. :flowerforyou:
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    So I am back as promised and I went to the grocercy and I am fully stocked! I actually went to 2 stores and then realized that I prefer my fav to the one I was in...even the sales couldn't keep me there. I guess we are all creatures of habit...I love shopping at stop and shop because of the shopping buddy...ringing as you go was the best idea EVER! ;)

    Anyway I got in about an hour of exercise...very low impact but I DID IT!!!

    Hope everyone had a Fan-tab-u-lous DAY!!!

  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    hello all .... just wanted to let you know i have not forgotten the group .... i broke my foot on newyears day so i am in a cast for 6 to 8 weeeks not the way i wanted to start out the new year but ohwell damage is done nothing i can do about it ...... i am watching what i eat and i sit on my couch lifting my 5 pound weights ... i want to do soooooo much more but know at this time i cant do much .. better be safe than sorry ...........hope everyone had a great xmas and happy new year ..... wishing everyone alot of success in their weight loss journey .........i will be on the sidelines cheering everyone on
  • csnealey
    csnealey Posts: 251 Member
    Hello everyone. Just checking in to let you know that I have done great so far with my exercises this week. Hope all is well with everyone.:flowerforyou:
  • jeanneisfat
    Thanks for welcoming us newbies! I am learning how to navigate the site now. One thing I never put in my post were my goals, so I want to write them now... the first 10lbs come off the easiet but have trouble with the last 20, so I'm going to try to work it off more slowly.

    SW: 175-CW: 174
    2/1 Goal: 165
    3/1 Goal: 160
    4/1 Goal: 155
    5/1 Goal: 150
    6/1 Goal: 145
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Megan: I'm sorry to hear you're unable to do your full workouts, but I hope you heal completely and quickly! Keep up on those upper body workouts and keep posting so we know how you're doing!

    Last night I stayed within my calories, didn't eat the 569 calories earned from exercising and drank eight servings of water. Woohoo. The water intake is a huge accomplishment for me, but I'm feeling so energized. Plus, but cutting down to 1 diet soda per day, I'm retaining less fluid and swear I can see some of the cellulite shrinking. The cardio kickboxing DVD I did for my workout last night is SO much fun that I don't even know I'm working hard. It makes it so much easier to stick to.

    The new Community Ed booklet came in the mail yesterday and I'm happy they're offering Zumba drop-in classes for $5! The classes are three days per week, so I should be able to fit it into my schedule at least once per week. My sister's friend is joining a volleyball drop-in league, so I'll be able to play volleyball a few times per month as well. This year is all about being active!
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member

    Last night I stayed within my calories, didn't eat the 569 calories earned from exercising and drank eight servings of water. Woohoo. The water intake is a huge accomplishment for me, but I'm feeling so energized. Plus, but cutting down to 1 diet soda per day, I'm retaining less fluid and swear I can see some of the cellulite shrinking. The cardio kickboxing DVD I did for my workout last night is SO much fun that I don't even know I'm working hard. It makes it so much easier to stick to.

    Do you find that you are craving water now? I am a water person and always have been, sometimes I crave a soda, but when I am thirsty the only thing that can really cure the thirst is water! Maybe I am just a weirdo from birth...lol but I find it so refreshing, I go NOWHERE without water, all my friends make fun of me. What are your thoughts?? Are you loving or hating the water?
  • cfischer81
    cfischer81 Posts: 111 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm a little late coming in but I'd like to join if I can! I have about 100 lbs to lose! I can't even believe it's THAT much! I've yo-yoed up and down over the last 5 years between 30-40 lbs. I am SO ready to take that off and more and KEEP IT OFF!!
    It's only been a few days but I've stayed within my calorie range, now I want to add in some exercise.
    My work and insurance will pretty much PAY ME to join a gym ($20 back a month EACH) as long as I go 8 times a month so that is my goal! I am a bridesmaid in a wedding in October and the thought of being the only BIG girl there was really depressing me! Not that I don't have thousand better reasons but the immediate, looking better goals are always my target for motivation! :laugh:
    Anyway, that's a small part of my story...my goals are about 10lbs every 5 weeks...

    SW: 257
    Feb 11- 247
    Mar 18- 237
    Apr 22- 227
    May 27- 217
    Jul 1- 207
    Aug 5-197
    Sep 9-187
    Oct 14-177
    Nov 18-167
    By Christmas-155-160
  • 33KIKI
    33KIKI Posts: 304
    Sorry I am late to respond - I zumba every week. It is fun...you just dance -doesn't matter if you don't catch all the steps..keep moving and smiling. I love it. I hope you enjoy it and kudos to your friend for giving you a little nudge..:flowerforyou:
  • LCreutz
    LCreutz Posts: 17 Member
    Hi my name is Lauren...I am working at doing this slowly so on 3/1 I want to be 180
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Okay ... so last night I finally got back to the gym ... between Zumba and 20 minutes on the treadmill ... I burned 439 calories according to my HRM ... WOO HOO!!! You know ... my gym membership allows me to attend 3 different locations in my town and last night was the first time I was really grateful for that. I went to the Zumba class at the location I usually go to and it's so true ... the instructor makes the class ... it was the first time I went to a Zumba class and was very disappointed. She was a terrible instructor ... you would at least expect her to keep with the music right? She was more interested in herself in the mirror then what any of us were doing. I remember thinking to myself "If this is the first time that any of these ladies attended a Zumba class then they would be thinking "What's so great about Zumba?" and that broke my heart. If the instructor knows what they are doing ... it's just plain "FABUTASTIC". My favourite instructor gives 2 classes on Saturday so I'll hit one of those. Hope you all have a great day my friends ... it's so great to be back.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Yes, I am starting to crave water and I feel so energized lately! I've also noticed that the elastic on my socks don't indent my leg anymore, which means I'm retaining less fluid. So awesome. My sodium levels are looking good from cutting out the sodas and frozen dinners, too. I can't believe I've been missing out on this happy, excited feeling for so long!

    Yesterday, I stayed within my calories even after eating a large hot fudge sundae from Dairy Queen (needed something sweet after eating tacos and ice cream is my huge downfall). I didn't eat any of my exercise calories, so I had 800+ calories available at the end of the night. I drank 72 oz of water yesterday and did the W6D2 workout of C25K. Gotta love it!

    Tonight is wing night, but I'm going to log them this morning before I eat them to figure out what I can have for lunch. We're having a potluck at work, so it will be a good way to limit myself! Plus, the main dish is sauerkraut and polish sausage and I hate both, so it should be easy to just have a salad. Woohoo.

    I hate to sound like I'm bragging, but I'm just so darn proud of myself lately that even though the scale isn't moving, I'm happy, happy, happy!

    Have an awesome day!
  • csnealey
    csnealey Posts: 251 Member
    Good morning!

    Yes, I am starting to crave water and I feel so energized lately! I've also noticed that the elastic on my socks don't indent my leg anymore, which means I'm retaining less fluid. So awesome. My sodium levels are looking good from cutting out the sodas and frozen dinners, too. I can't believe I've been missing out on this happy, excited feeling for so long!

    Yesterday, I stayed within my calories even after eating a large hot fudge sundae from Dairy Queen (needed something sweet after eating tacos and ice cream is my huge downfall). I didn't eat any of my exercise calories, so I had 800+ calories available at the end of the night. I drank 72 oz of water yesterday and did the W6D2 workout of C25K. Gotta love it!

    Tonight is wing night, but I'm going to log them this morning before I eat them to figure out what I can have for lunch. We're having a potluck at work, so it will be a good way to limit myself! Plus, the main dish is sauerkraut and polish sausage and I hate both, so it should be easy to just have a salad. Woohoo.

    I hate to sound like I'm bragging, but I'm just so darn proud of myself lately that even though the scale isn't moving, I'm happy, happy, happy!

    Have an awesome day!

    I hear you girl. Sounds like you are doing a great job. Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou: :drinker: I have worked my butt off:laugh: this week and I am looking forward to weighing in tomorrow. Hope everyone is doing well. Have a great weekend!
  • gebnpb
    gebnpb Posts: 166
    I want to try this to!!I like to have small goals instead of big ones.
    current weight 207 jan 8th
    goal weight 197 feb 8th.
    march 8th 187
    april 8th 177
    may 8th 167
    june 8th 157
    july 8th 147

    Final Goal 140 I would be so excited if I got down to this!!! Heres to hard work!!!
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    They have Zumba at my gym but I still haven't done it! I want to so I am getting the schedule again so I can join in. I love dancing and that sounds like a fun and excellent way to burn calories!! WoooooHOOOOO!

    I was thinking of making pizzas tonight but I find that the premade wheat dough is not my friend...it doesn't cook like I want it too, it burns easy. Any suggestions on a good alternative?
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Omg i love your challenge. I am so up for it. My weigh in are on thursdays.

    1st weigh in of the month December 31 2010 - 194.5 pounds
    goal weight February 4th - 184.5
    March 4th - 174.5
    April 1st - 164.5
    May 6th - 154.5
    June 3rd - 144.4
    July 1st - 134.4

    Final goal is 130 pounds. Time to get this show on the road

  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    i use sandwhich thins for my pizza ... or use a whole wheat pita .... good luck
  • fbref9
    fbref9 Posts: 74 Member
    I just signed up for MFP and this was the first post that caught my eye. I like what have read and would like to join in. I weighed myself this morning and I was at 290. Good luck to everybody!

    2/1/2010: 280
    3/1/2010: 270
    4/1/2010: 260
    5/1/2010: 250 (College Graduation Weight)
    6/1/2010: 240
    7/1/2010: 230
    8/1/2010: 220 (Ultimate Goal Weight - Also High School Graduation Weight)

  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    welcome to the group mario
  • pz5wjj
    pz5wjj Posts: 95 Member
    Hi! Can I join in too?

    I'm not sure I can do 10 lbs per month, but but I'll try. It actually fits into my goal to be down to 130 by May...

    My weight today is 160
    Goal weight 130

    2/15 -- 150
    3/30 -- 140
    5/15 -- 130

    Fingers crossed!!!