Not Losing Weight

Hi all -

I've been using the My Fitness Pal site for 15 days now, and every day I have been to the gym for at least an hour (doing an hour of cardio minimum and weights on Tuesdays and Thursdays). I have never eaten over my calorie goal (1200) and I am making generally better lifestyle choices, like walking a lot more often and drinking water instead of sodas.

Somehow, I've managed to GAIN a pound! I don't understand! I'm not sure what the problem is and why I'm not slimming down. While I know it is just for reference, the "if every day were like today" feature has told me that I should be halfway to dropping 20 pounds by the first week of September. Instead, I'm gaining.

However, my clothes are fitting a little looser and I *feel* stronger...I wake up easily and can go all day instead of getting tired.

Any suggestions? Does anyone else have this problem?


  • dbarrett30
    I completely understand. Be patient. You're going to be building muscle. I haven't lost more than three pounds in months now, but my body has completely transformed.
    Measure success in how you feel, how your clothes fit, and the choices you make.

    You may also need to eat more calories. Sound crazy, but true.
  • leannehoggdodd
    Hiya- dont know what you weigh etc but fat can turn to muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. I think that can be the only explanation.

    Try taking body measurements weekly it will show up in inchs lost.

  • emilym_3
    emilym_3 Posts: 62
    Yes, definitely need to measure inches more than believing in the scale. Muscle builds and you plateau, but if you keep powering through, you will kick start again. Also, try changing up your routine. work different muscle groups and eat lots of protein.
  • 1holegrouper
    1holegrouper Posts: 323 Member
    Give it time. It sounds like you are doing the right things. Take a look at your sodium levels. This is worst case water weight gain and best case muscle and in no case fat. (that takes 3,500 extra calories)
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    I can't see you info or your diary but I will bet that you are not eating enough.

    Take a look at this thread - it will help you to understand what you need to do calorie and goal wise.
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    Hiya- dont know what you weigh etc but fat can turn to muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. I think that can be the only explanation.

    Try taking body measurements weekly it will show up in inchs lost.

    Fat does not turn into muscle. They are two separate things.

    Fat and muscle weigh exactly the same (a pound is a pound is a pound is a pound). Muscle is less *dense* than fat, meaning one pound of muscle takes up less room than one pound of fat.

    OP, if your clothes fit better and you feel better/stronger, then you're probably gaining muscle tone and reshaping/reducing the fat. The number on the scale might not move for a while, but have you taken measurements? They're usually a better gauge (in addition to how your clothes fit).
  • S108HAN
    S108HAN Posts: 30 Member
    Generally, I'd expect you to have lost something in the first week because when you first go on a detox/weight loss programme and reduce your carbs intake, you'll be holding a lot less water in your tissue. If your are genuinely overweight and you haven't already seen your physician, I would do so if you haven't lost anything in a couple of weeks.

    A view ideas (really obvious ones first):
    - Always weight yourself same time of day before you've eaten/drank but after you've used the bathroom.
    - Use the same scales to weigh yourself.
    - Make sure you have a good set of slimmers scales to weigh your food. If there is one thing you eat everyday, check you've entered it right
    - Keep your cardio low resistance but high with a higher number of reps. This will stop you bulking muscle, which is denser than fat
    - The sweat should be pouring off you if you're in fat burning mode. If it isn't, again see your doctor, as that's a hint at thyroid problems.
    - Your weight loss will fluctuate with your menstrual cycle. I know this from every successful diet I've done. If I was losing half a stone every month, on a weekly basis it would look like -2, 0, 0, -5, -2, 0, 0, -5, -2, 0, 0, -5,
    - Make sure you eat three meals. Don't save too many calories to be a reward at the end of the day.

    Good luck. I hope some of this is useful. I'm sure you'll see the results on the scale as well as in your clothes too.