Need some advice.

washcapfan Posts: 21 Member
edited September 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
So I have not been on here in couple of weeks had an injury and some personal family things going on and I just lost any and all motivation I had, but I am trying to get back on track. So here is my question, I just finished reading Valerie Bertnelli's Book. She talks about being a unconcious eater and I lot of what she said struck a cord with me. She said that talking ot the consultant at Jenny Craig really heIped her but I can not afford to join Jenny Craig. I have noticed that when I am having issues with my family and I am home alone I tend to eat for no good reason, just because it is there. I have tried taking all of the not good for me food out of the house (I live alone so that was pretty easy) but I will even overeat the good for me stuff just to be putting food in my mouth. I know that I need to not eat during those times but that is easier said than done. So what do you do when you have those time when all you want is comfort food and more comfort food and more?


  • washcapfan
    washcapfan Posts: 21 Member
    So I have not been on here in couple of weeks had an injury and some personal family things going on and I just lost any and all motivation I had, but I am trying to get back on track. So here is my question, I just finished reading Valerie Bertnelli's Book. She talks about being a unconcious eater and I lot of what she said struck a cord with me. She said that talking ot the consultant at Jenny Craig really heIped her but I can not afford to join Jenny Craig. I have noticed that when I am having issues with my family and I am home alone I tend to eat for no good reason, just because it is there. I have tried taking all of the not good for me food out of the house (I live alone so that was pretty easy) but I will even overeat the good for me stuff just to be putting food in my mouth. I know that I need to not eat during those times but that is easier said than done. So what do you do when you have those time when all you want is comfort food and more comfort food and more?
  • KrisKabob
    KrisKabob Posts: 1,250 Member
    That's a tough one...

    First of all, I guess I try to make sure that I am aware of why I am over-eating. Then if I discover it is b/c I'm emotional then I try to do something totally unrelated to eating. I might work out, call a friend to go do something (unrelated to eating), etc. I find that if I am emotional that it's better if I am around someone... this way food is not my friend, they are!!

    I hope you feel better soon! :flowerforyou:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Measure things out. If you are eating out of the box, bag or whatever, you are more likely to overeat... harder to say just 5, I'm only having 5 crackers. If you measur eout your food, or count it out, and put it on a plate or in a bowl you can see what you get to eat, and when its gone its gone. If I eat from the box I always have trouble stopping.
  • Well first of all just don't give up, don't give up on yourself and your goals. In the end you are all you have and if you don't keep up with it, then you may lose you.

    But, I have just recently gone through a very stressful time in my life and I eat like that too. So I figured well raw veggies are "free foods" for weight watchers so technically if I go over my calories because I am eating a lot of veggies its not a bad thing because they are good for me. So when I wanted to just naw on something because of stress I would snack on veggies constantly, mainly carrots because they have a sweet flavor to them and apples.

    The other thing I did was, I work with food, like pizza and pretzels and stuff so I am constantly tempted. What I did was if I really felt that I needed a piece of pizza I would break off a piece of it and eat that and told myself that I got what I wanted and was very satisfied with it and didn't feel guilty because I didn't pig out. I LET myself have a little bit and no more. I'd break off a piece of it and then throw the rest away so I wouldn't go for it again.

    I hope this helps!
  • travelbug
    travelbug Posts: 153
    Try doing something else that keeps your hands busy. Something you would enjoy so it doesn't seem like a chore. Maybe a sport, game or a craft and sometimes chores keep you occupied enough that there isn't enough time to over eat.
  • mkeithley
    mkeithley Posts: 399
    I log my food in BEFORE I eat it. I am ALWAYS logged on to MFP, hence why I am on here all of the time:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    If I'm not at home I write it down on a piece of paper before any food passes thru my lips. Pain in the butt? Yes, however it slows me down and makes me more aware before I overeat something. You just need to change the pattern, it's a habit, all habits can be changed and replaced with new one:happy:
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    Hey Wash,

    Wow, I'm not sure where to start. I guess I'll start by saying that I empathize with you having troubles. I know what it's like to go through hard times, and I want you to know that you aren't alone, no matter how it might feel.

    Wash, I might be off base here, but from reading your post I feel like you might be dealing with some depression issues. I feel like your overeating isn't neccesarily the issue, but a symptom. Could it be that you are overeating as a coping mechanism? I would really urge you to speak with a professional (family doctor, etc) about it. My depression was so bad at one point, before I started taking lexapro that I went about a week without eating ANYTHING at all (my coping mechanism was just the opposite, I couldn't eat). I have always hated medicating myself, but I finally had to give in and start taking it. It was surprisingly gentle, and I never felt like a 'zombie'. It was just enough to get me over the 'hump' as they say and help me to focus on regulating the things in my life I was too overwhelmed to deal with (like eating).

    I hope you take this for what it's worth. I don't mean to pry, and if I am off base then please disregard. It's just the impression I got from your post. I pray that things get better for you, and if you ever need anything (just talk, whatever) please don't hesitiate to send me (or anyone else here) a message. This community is an amazingly special place, and we are glad you are back.

  • Katy009
    Katy009 Posts: 579 Member
    I might be off base here, but from reading your post I feel like you might be dealing with some depression issues. I feel like your overeating isn't neccesarily the issue, but a symptom. Could it be that you are overeating as a coping mechanism? I would really urge you to speak with a professional (family doctor, etc) about it.

    I agree with this.
    I really hope that you feel better of luck!
  • washcapfan
    washcapfan Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you all very much for help!

    Jeremy, thank you for your candid reply. I am scheduled for a wellness check with my doctor June 10 and I will bring all of this up to her. As far as eating as a coping device I know you are dead on with that one. I have always had weight issues, and I noticed that I am most out of control when my mother is in the picture (long story short - I was an accident and never ever lived it down, so she walks in and out of my life because of my siblings). My lowest weight and best health was during a two year period when my ex husband and I lived out of state so interaction was limited but I really missed the rest of my family. I tried lexapro once in the past but I had went "numb" when I was on it. I had no reaction to anything. So I came off it and did not go back on anything. I probably should have asked for a lower dosage or a different medicine.

    Anyway thank you for taking the time to respond. I am going to start using this site as more of resource. I was tracking pretty well on the site but did not do much on the message boards but now I see how awesome you all are and hopefully I can be of help to someone else.
  • HannahRoo
    HannahRoo Posts: 48 Member
    When I'm having a rough day and start reaching for snacks, I have to realize that there are other ways of dealing with my feelings than to eat and eat and eat and that is to talk to someone who I know will listen. This is usually someone that is not a family member and has also come to me for advice in the past as well. I have a good friend that I call everytime I am having one of those days who is eager to listen and always has sound advice. I always feel better after speaking to her. Maybe the consultant at Jenny Craig was Valerie's source for comfort and advice as well, but a good friend is cheaper!
  • bigdane321
    bigdane321 Posts: 233 Member
    Here is something for you to try. Every time you feel the urge to eat because your alone or having family issues or stresses just do 10 jumping jacks, push ups or crunches. I started doing this and found that it changes your mind set away from your craving. It releases endorphins in your brain giving you a euphoric feeling. Our eating habits are 98% mental. Think of your life change as a reality show you have to out wit out play out last your own mind.

    Hope this helps

    The added exercise is good no matter what .
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