P90X Nutrition?

Hello fellow MFP folks.

I'm giving a second go at P90X after just finishing Insanity and was wondering if any of you level headed, experienced folks have 1) General thoughts/critiques of P90X nutrition plan and/or 2) for staying within phase one macronutrient ratios on a vegan diet?

I'm relatively new to eating vegan, I'm only on day two, but it seems nearly impossible to keep at the recommended 20% fat, 30% carbs, and 50% protein without meat or dairy without having to down at least 1.5 protein supplement shakes a day.

I've read the one article online about it, but I'm just curious folks thoughts on this nutrition plan in general and the different phases. I'm not going to buy any beachbody products from any coaches lurking though ;)



  • Hi there. I'm starting P90X for the first time this weekend. I have been tracking my diet here for about a week to figure out what the biggest challenges are going to be to stick to the calorie goal and ratios of carbs/fats/protein, especially for phase 1. It's not going to be easy to keep that protein up! I am going to supplement with whey protein, but not buying any shakes, etc, as I am a big locally grown/whole food buff. I think egg whites and whey protein with milk are going to be key for me but I'll keep an eye out for vegan friendly options. Alton brown has a recipe for homeade protein bars on the foodnetwork site, and I see in the reviews that people have modified it to make it vegan.

    I found out about this site and mobile app from a coach (google "teamripped") but I also am not buying through any coaches to participate in their multi-level marketing thing. There are some great articles on using this site and calorie ratios to stick to the diet versus trying to follow the portion plan or menus from P90X.

    It would be great to exchange tips and results as we go through the program. My particular goals are to gain weight (lean muscle) and reduce body fat %. I'm skinny and not as muscular or defined as I want to be.