Starting over after baby

tmdugger Posts: 132 Member
Hey y'all. I lost 40 pounds in 2011 using MFP and then got the best news that I was pregnant. I gained 60 during my pregnancy. I tried to watch what I ate but was always hungry and ultimately gave up on MFP.

Now I have a beautiful 7 week old daughter and I need to get back on the bandwagon. I want to live a long a healthy life for her. I've gone from 250 before delivery to 218. When I started MFP in 2011 I was 224. So yeah, starting over with the new challenges of being a mom and finding time to exercise when husband is away because of the Coast Guard.


  • Hey there! I know the feeling! I lost 34 lbs on MFP as of August 2011, then found out I was expecting. I gained 40 lbs during my pregnancy. My son is now 11 weeks old and I am 4 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight! I recently began MFP again about 3 weeks ago. I am excited to get started again! Good luck to you! We can do this :)
  • Louiyen
    Louiyen Posts: 69
    Congratulations on the newborn! I have a perfect plan that might work for you. I have been preaching this to several friends and family. I read, read, read, from several source and i've been doing this for 3 weeks now and see amazing results. It's called intermittent fasting (IF). It's about the easiest path for you to lose burn them baby weight off since it will be tough, now that you have a newborn. To make this short, the whole concept of IF is to fast for 16 hrs (this include the time you are asleep), and spend the next 8 hours feasting. Of course, you would stay within your caloric maintenance that will allow you to lose the weight. it's flexible so you can choose when you want to fast and when when you want to feast. I tend to fast from 7pm-2pm and feast from 2pm-7pm. My fasting is 19 hrs but you should start at 16 hrs to see if you like the idea first. and no, this is not bad for you either. I hope this helps.