Surprise Benefits of Weight Lifting!



  • evilmonkee
    evilmonkee Posts: 55 Member
    -I spend a lot of time sitting in front of computer, and I'm large-chested, so I used to have lots of neck, back, and shoulder pain. Since I started lifting seriously, the pain is completely gone.
    - I second (more like fifth) that being able to lift and carry things is awesome. Yesterday I carried a large TV down to my basement without any problems.
    DH and I rebuilt our garden couple weeks ago. We carried more than 400 lbs of wood planks, and what seemed like an infinite number of bags of fertilizer. I spent the entire day carrying and lifting things, and I was completely fine the next day. No pain whatsoever. It also takes me a lot less effort to clean and unload groceries, because I have much more upper body strength. Now I can clean my oven in half the time, and it's just as clean.
    - Improved libido. If I lift regularly for 2-3 weeks, my libido goes through the roof.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I think my funniest lifting surprise happened on Tuesday when I was shopping. I was trying to put back a sweater that I pulled off a rack and I wound up snapping the hanger in two.. I was like whoops.. sorry.

    It's also nice to only make one trip when bringing in groceries!
  • ars1300
    ars1300 Posts: 159 Member
    All great additional benefits to weight training! I love being able to go into the store and pick up and carry out a 15 pound bag of dog food like its nothing!
  • cmccorma
    cmccorma Posts: 203 Member
    Smaller bat wings (less flabby back of my arms)! I didn't even notice but other people have!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I love being able to bring in all the groceries in one trip!

    The negative side effect is that my city has a 30 pound weight limit on garbage bags. As a guideline, they suggest if you can lift it with one arm, it should be ok. I've had the garbagemen refuse to take my trash because it was "too heavy." Nevermind that I'm 1) a woman, 2) twice their age and 3) half their weight. :laugh:

    So then I have to split it up into two bags, but I'm really tempted to wait outside and offer to lift it for them.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I love being able to bring in all the groceries in one trip!

    The negative side effect is that my city has a 30 pound weight limit on garbage bags. As a guideline, they suggest if you can lift it with one arm, it should be ok. I've had the garbagemen refuse to take my trash because it was "too heavy." Nevermind that I'm 1) a woman, 2) twice their age and 3) half their weight. :laugh:

    So then I have to split it up into two bags, but I'm really tempted to wait outside and offer to lift it for them.

    That's too funny! It's because the garbage men can't lift your bags? lol
  • CurlyQ59
    CurlyQ59 Posts: 3 Member
    What type of routine would you recommend for a complete newby to weight lifting. I've lost so much strength in my upper body and need to build that back up again and also melt alot of hip, tummy and thigh fat off. How do you do lunges and squats without it hurting your knees. It kills mine. I'm about 30 lbs overweight.

  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    What type of routine would you recommend for a complete newby to weight lifting. I've lost so much strength in my upper body and need to build that back up again and also melt alot of hip, tummy and thigh fat off. How do you do lunges and squats without it hurting your knees. It kills mine. I'm about 30 lbs overweight.

    Do you have a knee injury that you're working around or generally healthy knees and those movements hurt?

    Edit- Either way actually, for you I would suggest checking out the newest New Rules of Lifting book- New Rules of Lifting for Life. It has modifications for many of the exercises to address specific problems you may have. As far as Squats and lunges hurting- with proper form neither one should hurt your knees, I might get a trainer for a session or two to show you good form, or check out Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe- it's like the proper form bible.
  • Abbygrlbff
    Abbygrlbff Posts: 52 Member
    I would love to start weight lifting, but I am totally clueless. How did you start? What program did you use?
  • Siekobilly
    Siekobilly Posts: 401 Member
    LOL- I don't think men realize how much of a benefit this really is!
    My first job back in the day I worked in a kitchen at a restaurant, and one of my duties was to clean the bathrooms. The men's was no picnic, but at least we only had to stand to go most of the time. The women's was pretty gross too. I can definitely understand the benefit.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I love being able to bring in all the groceries in one trip!

    The negative side effect is that my city has a 30 pound weight limit on garbage bags. As a guideline, they suggest if you can lift it with one arm, it should be ok. I've had the garbagemen refuse to take my trash because it was "too heavy." Nevermind that I'm 1) a woman, 2) twice their age and 3) half their weight. :laugh:

    So then I have to split it up into two bags, but I'm really tempted to wait outside and offer to lift it for them.

    That is funny.

    I don't think my town has a limit... but I should prob. find out!
  • Ohmydaze
    Ohmydaze Posts: 403 Member
    I would love to start weight lifting, but I am totally clueless. How did you start? What program did you use?

    Bumping for the same reasons - I'm clueless but would love to know where to start. I'll admit I'm intimidated by lifting weights. I was taught in gym class and every gym/athletics club that unless you want big muscles, you should do lots of reps of small weights.

    I can't currently afford a gym membership, and the only weights I have are 1kg, 2.2kg and 3.5kg..
  • jdswaker
    jdswaker Posts: 36 Member
    I think my funniest lifting surprise happened on Tuesday when I was shopping. I was trying to put back a sweater that I pulled off a rack and I wound up snapping the hanger in two.. I was like whoops.. sorry.

    LOL that's cute.

    I notice the improved posture and the relief of chronic pain. Is it just me but on the days I lift I am absolutely RAVENOUS..
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I would love to start weight lifting, but I am totally clueless. How did you start? What program did you use?

    I would say the best starting points for a beginner would be New Rules of Lifting for Women, or Stronglifts 5x5. There's groups on here for both of them, and they'll give you a really well rounded program. I actually took weight lifting as a fitness elective course in college, so I didn't start with any of these programs- but my program most closely resembles SL 5x5.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Wonderful stuff!! You are awesome:) Someone told you you can't build muscle in a deficit? Well whoever said that should see my legs but they don't get to until it's before and after time. Also, since I started kayaking, my upper body has really toned up:)

    You keep doing what youre doing, obviously you are on the right track;) denise
    So we all know the obvious benefits of strength training: sexy muscles, looking better in your clothes, accelerated fat loss, increased bone density, being strong- and yet still I see posts asking "If I can't build NEW muscle in a deficit, what's the point in strength training?". Well, I'm constantly finding new reasons why it's awesome and some have surprised me.

    1) It's improved my running!
    2) It's eradicated a chronic pain problem in my neck/shoulder (common for people who work at a desk).
    3) I can eat more and still lose weight.
    4) I can squat over a public toilet with ease!
    5) My whole life, I wore racerback bras because I have sloped, weak shoulders and straps always fall down. Now, I can wear regular straps, and strappy tank tops/dresses and they stay up! It's not a huge change- probably not visible, but it might be my favorite change of all!

    What surprise or shocking benefits have you found- let the naysayers know!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I would love to start weight lifting, but I am totally clueless. How did you start? What program did you use?

    Bumping for the same reasons - I'm clueless but would love to know where to start. I'll admit I'm intimidated by lifting weights. I was taught in gym class and every gym/athletics club that unless you want big muscles, you should do lots of reps of small weights.

    I can't currently afford a gym membership, and the only weights I have are 1kg, 2.2kg and 3.5kg..
    If you're new and don't have access to a gym, bodyweight routines are the way to go- not the 1 million light rep route. :)
    There's a great book called "You are your own gym" that gives a whole program that can be done at home, with some household items. The bodyweight stoff is squats, lunges, pushups, chinups, dips, mountain climber type things, etc.
  • I love all the benefits & I think there's still more but for me the one that I like the most is this:
    It's eradicated a chronic pain problem in my neck/shoulder (common for people who work at a desk)
    I have a desk job & since I started getting serious with weight lifting, that problem that I had greatly improve & also my posture as well.

    As for not building muscle in a deficit, while it is true but whether you're in deficit or not, your bone density will increase which is why we're getting stronger despite of being in a deficit plus strength training minimizes muscle loss when in deficit.
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    My favorite think - it's lifting my butt back up where it belongs - LOL
  • TropicalFlowerz
    TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    My favorite think - it's lifting my butt back up where it belongs - LOL

    YES! Perky butt should have made the original list.