Looking for some friends to keep me motivated!

Had a really awful diet day today...went to Coras for lunch and over ate...and now sweating like crazy trying to make up for it, I need some friends to keep me motivated so I don`t go so far off track again!!!

A little bit about myself, my name is Katherine, I am 25 years old, I`m 5`4 and I weigh 145 lbs, trying to get down to 130, my before University Graduation weight! I work as an insurance agent, and I work late into the evening (3-11) I try hard to stop the night time snacking, but its so hard!

Looking for some people trying to lose a smaller amount of weight to keep me motivated! I see all the success stories, and I want to be one! I just want to feel better agian!


  • Smak38
    Smak38 Posts: 8
    I'll be glad to encourage you. I'm new here, so I don't know how to do a lot yet, including adding friends, so If you'd like to add me, please feel free!!
    We all have bad days... don't beat yourself up. The next meal is where you can get back on track... You got this!