Can I get a support group???

I have been at this for about 4 months and I feel like I am really making some serious waves in my weight loss efforts but lately I feel like I'm losing my stride. I have seen little to no gain in the past 10 days. I think I have reached my Plateau and now I'm getting anxious. This always happens i do good then I start to back slide and put all the weight I loose back on. I just need some daily words of encouragement, and maybe some dairy meal and exercise suggestions and I think I will be okay. The good thing is i finally realize after sever years that I am a back slider :-) and I will be damn if I do it again.


  • tlnurse
    tlnurse Posts: 229 Member
    Hi....feel free to add me as a friend. We all need each other's support....especially through the plateau's. Stay consistent with your logging and your diet and maybe shake up your work-out routine to get the scale moving. Good luck to you....and remember....the weight didn't come on overnight....and won't go off that way either!:flowerforyou:
  • RokkinRobin
    Hi Patrick. You can add me too. I too have "yo-yo'd" through the past 15 years and each time I start gaining again, I put on more than I lost the time before. I'm sick of gimmick diets and hope this time I really do it. We can all be here for each other. Plateaus are a natural part of weight loss, but don't give up hope! Stick with it, and maybe try something new. I have heard that if you change the type of exercise, you know, get out of the rut and add a little something else, it can help. Let me know how you are doing and good luck!
  • hm195
    hm195 Posts: 8 Member
    This happens to me a lot too throughout the years, i have been doing good the past couple months but have struggled and and gained the same few pounds the last couple weeks so i know where you are coming from believe me. Feel free to add me if you like we can encourage eachother
  • freew67
    freew67 Posts: 348 Member
    Realizing your issues is 50% the problem, fixing it is the other 75%. Ive lost 108 lbs and when I hit 260 lbs (80 lbs lost at that point) I stayed there for almost 2 months. 6 weeks at 260!!!! That was pure hell, BUT I knew it was going to happen. Happens to everyone at some point, some sooner than later. That is when I started to jog. I really havent jogged much so it was a big change since all I did up to this point was walk. We can spew the most motivational crap out of our mouths, but at the end of the day you have to want to change. I ramped my exercise it up by doing more of it, and just kept under my cals those 6 weeks. Eventually you break down that wall, and back to the scale moving in the right direction. Boy does it suck waiting though. :)

    Good luck!
  • karenkaypounc
    I NEED friends,,,I don't have any here where I live ,,I guess I'm just too big for I would like to start this plan with posative thoughts, from people who knows what I am going through,,,,