Need friends who are serious about loosing

I have 45 pounds for my goal, i need friends that eat healthy. I am getting tired at looking at people's diet logs that clearly show no self control. I know it is hard, but we need to start taking care of ourselves and form healthy diets. Is there anyone out there who is really committed to loose and shake their bad habits....if so lets me friends.


  • atlas68
    atlas68 Posts: 1
    I'm here for you. I know you don't know me, but I'll be here for motivation if you ever need it! My friends all say I don't need to loose weight, but I know I need to, so I'm committed about loosing all the fat on my stomach and legs. I've tried different workout plans, diets, but now I feel like I can actually control everything and keep track of it. Plus, I have five hours of dance a week which helps!
  • I am dead serious about losing weight! I just had my daughter 7 weeks ago and I am trying to lose 35 more lbs. I'm new to this site and I totally have slipped up a couple times this week already but maybe it would help knowing someone else is peeking at my food log =x