I'm new

Hey my name is Sara and I am new to this!!! I am loving it.... I need all the help I can get. Looking forward to meeting my goal and meeting new peolpe....:happy:


  • Snick7227
    Welcome Sara! This site is a great tool to help lose weight, I started in late October and have learned so much. Good Luck and stay strong!
  • smada
    smada Posts: 2
    Hi I am also new to this site. I started on Monday and so far it has been very helpful!
  • USLJH10
    USLJH10 Posts: 22 Member
    I love it too. Just started Monday and have found it very useful. :smooched:
  • Belle84
    Belle84 Posts: 36
    hey i start bout a week ago and i love this place now xx