Returning to MFP

Hi guys--

I was on MFP a year ago... lost 10 lbs ... joined WW in December and the weight has slowly crept back up because my motivation level is 0. :[

I'm okay with the dieting part (sorta) but I run into problems on the weekends and when I go out with my boyfriend... and I have a gym membership but I don't use it consistently because of my lack of motivation.

I know this is probably going to get a lot of "you can only help yourself" replies, but how do you all stay motivated?




  • susie18
    susie18 Posts: 4 Member
    Welcome back! This is my second day back on MFP. My motivation tends to run low a lot and I thought by socializing on here along with tracking will help with the motivation. I TRY to use visualization. Imagining myself being at a healthy size and being able to go to my closet and pick one thing out and be able to wear it. I usually spend too much time trying to find something that fits. I have so many clothes of different sizes (waay more smaller sized clothes). I dislike having to buy bigger sizes so I avoid that.
  • playycrackthesky
    playycrackthesky Posts: 5 Member
    I understand! I have been avoiding going clothes shopping as well because I don't want to buy bigger sizes... I just hate that I've gained weight back in the first place!! Alas, that's life I suppose...
  • whatsonmymind88
    whatsonmymind88 Posts: 15 Member
    I just returned to MFP too. I was just 5 lbs away from my goal before I stopped tracking :( I loved that feeling of 'almost there' and how my clothes fit. Clothes is a big motivation for me lol. Ways that might help you keep up the motivation is set smaller goals with rewards to spoil yourself when you reach them! Lose 5 lbs - get your nails done. Lose 10 - buy that top you've been eyeing. Lose 15 , 20... And so and so. The more you lose the better your rewards will be and it will hopefully keep you excited! Another way i found motivation is pictures with motivating statements like the ones on this site- I pick one I know that will make me think twice (my profile pic is what im using now) about what I eat and use it as my lock screen for my cell, so when I'm heading for the MFP app I see it and think 'do I really need this? Is it healthy enough?' Hope I helped.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member

    I've been here since the end of January and the reason I keep at it is because it is not a diet. It is a LIFESTYLE change.

    Keeping that in mind, I know that I will not always be perfect, but tomorrow is another day. There is no way to fail when changing your lifestyle, but under the guise of dieting - there is plenty of room for failure.
  • tanyasas
    tanyasas Posts: 1 Member
    I had the same problem! I lost 12 lbs and gained a lot of it back. I can't put a finger on the motivation thing. It's almost like a dark mysterious thing for me. I don't know where it comes from. I think that through life we all have our ups and downs.

    I just got back on this thing I've only been on for three days but I'm starting to get my motivation back!

    You should be proud of yourself too!

    Sometimes all it takes is a start, and like a fire, little by little our motivation will fuel on to itself.
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    I struggle with motivation and things that have worked for me are: setting realistic short term goals (ones that I am going to actually have a snowball's hope of achieving - like exercise 3 times a week), focusing on the food first - I know people bang on about how important exercise is, and it is, but I kept giving up as I was not meeting my exercise goals, once I lost 10kg (22lbs) then I actually felt like exercising and the food side of things was mostly a habit so I didn't feel overwhelmed. I also only take things a day at a time, I eat everything in sight if I think about a whole week but if I only have to worry about my calorie intake until bedtime then I can do it. I eat relatively healthily (a combination of where I live in the world - there just isn't the eating out or processed food culture here and the fact that we were too poor to buy anything fancy) but eat chocolate and cake and things like that but only if I can work it into my calories - which has made me exercise more! I know a 30 minute run sorts out a chocolate bar which is great motivation for me!! And lastly if I do go crazy and eat a whole tub of icecream I don't beat myself up too much, I just regroup and keep on trying. As Ed Hillary said (famous countryman - first to climb Mt Everest - Yay! Go NZ): climbing a mountain only takes one step at a time.
  • expoduck
    expoduck Posts: 59
    I'm in the same boat as you. I've been back on MFP for a bit over a week and I'm at around about the time I gave up last time.

    I find reading the Success Stories threads on the message boards is helping with my motivation (so far).
  • Aloha everyone :happy: I've been here on and off for the past year or so. I keep coming back because it holds me accountable to keeping those promises to myself to eat better and exercise. I like how I feel when I know I've done something good for myself... like going for a walk vs. endless hours on the laptop. I've pretty much put all online social media on hiatus for awhile (so far... don't miss it either! *lol*) so I can focus on a better, active lifestyle. I eat relatively healthy due to severe food allergies however I know I don't always take care of myself like I should. MFP reminds me to keep my priorities straight and stay focused on what I need to do to take care of me... for the body, mind and soul.

    Wishing each of you an amazing rest of your week!

    Stay positive, be healthy and keep smiling! :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • ivan1964
    ivan1964 Posts: 435
    Hello and welcome back . You can do anything you put your mind too. I hope you have a great day and feel free to add me if you wish.:smile:
  • playycrackthesky
    playycrackthesky Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone! Today is day 2 back on MFP so I am trying to keep myself motivated. Here's to losing the weight we want and looking our best! :)