Are my goals unrealistic? Or unhealthy?

Hey gang,
I am 5'8.5 (or 174cm for all the metric users!) and currently at 124ish pounds (56.4kg)

Before joining MFP I was nearly 160 pounds (72kg)

I was aiming for 122 or 123 which I know is getting close to underweight. But whenever I look at other girls of my height they all seem so much slimmer! I am not usually one to compare myself but I have worked so hard to get here, I don't want to just give up right before the end. Is my goal weight unrealistic?


  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    You're perfect. The only sane thing is to set your calories for maintenance.
  • reid95
    reid95 Posts: 18 Member
    Not at all!! That last bit just in your reach! If you are trying to lose the last few pounds for a special event then just lose those 2 pounds of water weight and youll be good as gold!
  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    You think that they're slimmer because you have a poor self image. . . said so in your profile that you are a recovering anorexic. Nourish your body, don't mess it up, keep it beautiful. Your boyfriend looks happy with the way it is.
  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    Minimum healthy weight for 5 foot 8: 125
    for 5 foot 9: 128.

    You are already underweight by a pound or two.
  • JMari25
    JMari25 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey there Fuel!

    I just joined yesterday...and I completed my first day today.

    I hope this is not too personal but I think we have similar goals. I am about 160 with similar height and shooting for 125. Just curious what your goal settings might be. I wasn't sure which goals to start with either. :/

    Do you mind if I ask how long it took with those goals??

    -Curious Noob :)
  • Adelasamy
    Adelasamy Posts: 8 Member
    I have the same height and I think 160 pounds is exactly what fits my body. I guess depends on the age.
  • I'm recovering from bulimia :) which caused weight GAIN and a lot of sadness. I'm doing it the healthy way now. Just don't want to give up right before the end. And how to get into maintenance without gaining again!
  • Hey there Fuel!

    I just joined yesterday...and I completed my first day today.

    I hope this is not too personal but I think we have similar goals. I am about 160 with similar height and shooting for 125. Just curious what your goal settings might be. I wasn't sure which goals to start with either. :/

    Do you mind if I ask how long it took with those goals??

    -Curious Noob :)
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I would say 1 or 2 more lbs is not unrealistic at all. It is a bit unrealistic to think that 1 or 2 lbs is going to change your body image, though. You may do well to stop focusing on the scale, and start focusing on BF% and body composition. Having a higher LBM and lower BF% can actually make you heavier on the scale, but will make you look leaner, if that is what you want.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,910 Member
    Hey gang,
    I am 5'8.5 (or 174cm for all the metric users!) and currently at 124ish pounds (56.4kg)

    Before joining MFP I was nearly 160 pounds (72kg)

    I was aiming for 122 or 123 which I know is getting close to underweight. But whenever I look at other girls of my height they all seem so much slimmer! I am not usually one to compare myself but I have worked so hard to get here, I don't want to just give up right before the end. Is my goal weight unrealistic?
    Well it does sound like you're comparing if you're concerned about how other girls look. Bone structure, muscle mass and lean body weight will differ from person to person even if they are the same height. Don't go for underweight.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • I lost the first 30 pounds or so without MFP, didn't count calories at all and was on a high protein diet. However I wouldn't recommend this at all- cutting out any major food group isn't sustainable in the real world.

    My settings now are at around 1600 calories per day without exercise. So about a 500 calorie deficit. However I have found it hard to eat back any calories earned from exercise so I have lost weight a little more rapidly.

    Hope this is helpful!
  • I lost the first 30 pounds or so without MFP, didn't count calories at all and was on a high protein diet. However I wouldn't recommend this at all- cutting out any major food group isn't sustainable in the real world.

    My settings now are at around 1600 calories per day without exercise. So about a 500 calorie deficit. However I have found it hard to eat back any calories earned from exercise so I have lost weight a little more rapidly.

    Hope this is helpful!
  • JMari25
    JMari25 Posts: 4 Member
    Congratulations :)

    I completely understand. I am trying to get back into my old running shape and want to do it the healthy way as well. While it may be in my head, the amount of calories I was allocated to eat made felt like a lot to me and I'm afraid of gaining :/ That's why I thought maybe my goals were off. I'm new to the calorie counting world completely.
  • laineyluma
    laineyluma Posts: 358 Member
    You look wonderful now. dont understand why you need to lose more..
  • JMari25
    JMari25 Posts: 4 Member
    Yesss!! Super helpful!!! Thank yooouuu :smile:

    Those exercise calories are super hard to make up! I think those were the ones that were making me feel like was eating too much. I tried to eat a little extra to make up for working out to try to stick to the plan.

    I have done high protein diets before, as well, and you're totally right that moderation is best so I was also thinking I may need to look at the goal carb intake because it seems rather high. It's set at 60%. Is that too high??
  • I think that they should make it easier in the long run, in terms of weight maintenance at the end? Like if you had a food deficit of 500 calories and then made that a 900 deficit with exercise your body would find it harder to adjust at the end? Or would perhaps affect your BMR? For someone starting out I would say eat back most of them! Or else set your projected weight loss a little higher?

    As long as they are wholegrain high fibre carbs, no way! They are the bodies main power source, especially if you are exercising!

    I am a month in at the moment- love hate relationship with the counting! Can become seriously obsessive :/
  • JMari25
    JMari25 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the wisdom :)

    I agree about the love/hate relationship...I can see myself becoming obsessive lol

    I think I am going to try and stick it out for a bit and keep that in mind about the multi grains.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Hey gang,
    I am 5'8.5 (or 174cm for all the metric users!) and currently at 124ish pounds (56.4kg)

    Before joining MFP I was nearly 160 pounds (72kg)

    I was aiming for 122 or 123 which I know is getting close to underweight. But whenever I look at other girls of my height they all seem so much slimmer! I am not usually one to compare myself but I have worked so hard to get here, I don't want to just give up right before the end. Is my goal weight unrealistic?

    Build muscle IMO.
    Youll shed any excess fat you may have and actually look better at say 135-140lbs.

    BMR 1383
    TDEE appx 2150

    Perfect weight at 20years old 5'8.5" 144lbs

    Eat at 10% above TDEE 2300 every day for 33 weeks to gain 15lbs.
    If you lift heavy 3x a week youll put on pretty much pure muscle.