very low carb, suggestions?

Ok so I seen my diabetic specialist yesterday and he put me on yet another medication. Now I take 2 insilins and two different pills. Thats ive shots and five pills a day just for my diabetes. That doesn't include all the crap I take for everything else. I am losing weight and eating better and it's not helping fast enough. I am so frusterated. He also cut my food down to no more then 15 to 20 grams of carbs a meal. Any idea how hard that is? No white flour at all, no white rice or potatoes, only yams.I am also taking limstyles because it's suppoed to help get your sugar down. Any interesting meal suggestions that are under 20 gram of carbs?


  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    if I were you and I sort of am (type two diabetes & weight to lose) I would start investigating the importance of natural fats and good proteins and all of the benefits, create meals from those, the carbs will occur naturally and shouldnt be the star of every plate.

    roasts or foul can be enjoyed roasted or baked or in slow cooker and leftovers transformed into soups stews.

    use real butter.

    thats what i think. :)

    im really starting to get into a new book i bought months and months ago and man i can hear the authors voice in what i just typed! lol a blessing and a curse ;)
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    You may want to check out the low carb group:

    I am below 50g of carbs for a day and have been for months (I started below 30g a day, crazy, I know ...). It's takes some adjustment both for:

    1) The body ... It needs to get used to running on primarily on a fatty acid/keytone mixture and not glucose, this can take a few weeks and results in an entirely natural and safe state. There can be some adjustment issues which are transitory and can be resolved by adding some salt into you diet (yup, sounds like a dangerous thing from what we have all been told about salt consumption but isn't because it is just compensating for your kidneys dumping sodium and will pass).

    2) The mind ... It is natural to think of 'I'll just get a sandwich' or 'How can I have that without the pasta?' kind of thing but I adjusted pretty quick once I realised I just didn't need this stuff in my diet from a nutritional point of view. Whole grains too, I just don't think they are healthy for me. A big leap of faith that but here I am, still alive ;)

    Check out the group, plenty of meal ideas in there :)
  • takingnameskickingbutt
    Have you read "Blood Sugar Solution". I am not diabetic but it is geared for diabetics and it has revolutionized my eating habits!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    it's not hard at all.

    i eat low carb on purpose! and i only eat 20 grams a day (instead of per meal)

    it seems daunting, but really, eating meat and veg makes it so easy.
  • krisbelle00
    krisbelle00 Posts: 88 Member
    Im a low carber 20 less a day. He said 20 a meal? Thats not that hard. I do 5 a meal. But Yes eat healthy fats Avocado, real butter. get most of your carbs from veggies so you feel full and satisfied. You can request friends from me if so you can get food ideas. :)
  • zozzabubba
    zozzabubba Posts: 137 Member
    shirataki noodles :) they're amazing, I legitimately like them better than regular noodles in asian dishes, to the point where even if nutritional value were the same, I'd choose them over regular noodles, purely because they absorb flavours better.

    this is not necessarily a "recipe" but it's what I have for at least one meal a day usually.

    Get however many shirataki noodles you feel like having (a whole bag if you're hungry!), and rinse them, then dry fry them. Set them aside.

    Spray nonstick oil stuff in the wok/pan and cook some chopped onions, garlic and chopped up chilli (i use 1 or 2 of the mini chillis per bowl of noodles - spicy!).

    Add a chopped up chicken breast, a teaspoon of dark soy sauce and a teaspoon of sweet chilli sauce (what can I say, I like my spice :P).

    Wait a few mins for the chicken to be relatively well cooked, then add the noodles. Mix it all in together - the noodles will soak up alllll the flavours so stir it all around well until the noodles look the same colour as the other stuff in the pan. AFTER and only after this, you can add some water (a few tablespoons) if it looks a bit dry. If you add the water before the noodles, the flavour will be majorly diluted, so it's important to let the noodles soak up all the flavours before water is added.

    As this isn't necessarily a definitive "recipe", I don't have nutritional info for it, because I always change it up - diff amounts of onion, garlic and chicken, adding broccoli/bell peppers etc...but I'm pretty sure it's majorly low carb compared to a lot of other similar tasting dishes!

    You can also make this recipe "italian" by instead of adding chilli, chilli powder and soy sauce, adding a few tablespoons of pesto (just be aware of the high cals + fat) and some chopped tomato, but keeping everything else identical (the onion, garlic, chicken and noodles).

    Hope this helped! I have at least one of these 2 dishes every day, if not twice.
  • new_blossom
    new_blossom Posts: 111 Member
    I have a lot of weight to lose, and have PCOS and under active thyroid and high blood pressure and in Feb. told high cholesterol, The PCOS causes insulin resistance. I use to do the low carb thing. I would do great at first and then gain it all back plus. I really find that just following the MFP really truly works in a balanced type formula for your body size and height. It is a balance of all the nutrients. If you follow that and get your calories from the good proteins and less fats, it will all fall into place. I am just learning by trial and error that what they say is totally correct. EAT ALL OF YOUR CALORIES MFP SUGGESTS! I do not eat back my exercise calories, but others do and it works for them. I do see a difference on the scale when I eat all of my calories.

    I do not eat really high carb items, but do eat what it suggests for the day, and do not go over. I do go over on protein sometimes.

    -Dreamfield's Pasta- 5 net carbs for a serving
    -Joseph's whole grain low cal, low carb pita's and lav-ah bread. Near the deli at wallie world.
    -Hunt's sugar free spaghetti sauce
    -Egg Beaters or egg whites - I did not realize how much cholesterol was in an egg. 2 whole eggs had half of my allowance for the day. So, I would just use egg whites. Walmart sells their brand too.,
    -Lots of veggies- high fiber ones too- roasting them in the oven with a LITTLE O/O and salt to taste is always good.
    -Fruits, though not bad for ya, they have a lot of sugar. Just do your allowance for the day, do not go over. Berries, Honey Dew and Cantaloupe are high fiber and better for low carbs
    - just read labels and sugar content. I would opt for more natural everything. I pretty much gave up eating regular bread, and just eat the Joseph breads now. But, the Sunbeam whole grain has only 120-140 calories for 2 slices and 4 sugars. And there are others out there that have high fiber, no sugar.
    -nuts- dr. oz has good suggestions on his site on this
    - of course, chicken, fish, lean pork are better meat protein options.
    -turkey pepperoni taste great, and is good to make mini pizzas on your pita breads. Also good in salads.
    -Silk Almond Unsweetened Milk (low cal, low carb, no sugar) - love it. Love the regular better, but it has a lot of sugar, so I use this one. I have one of those individual blenders, where you put the cup on it with your ingredients in it and it blends everything up. You can find it at walmart for $20. I use 4oz of the milk, ice, water, and 2 tablespoons of Hill Brothers sugar free/low sugar Cappuccino for a nice treat. I drink one for breakfast instead of coffee. I sometimes add 1/2 banana into it.

    Hope this helps you.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    I eat around 50 carbs a day and cook dinners my husband will like too -- low carb, high fat cooking is absolutely delicious. My diary is open if you want to take a look, notice the lasagna & pepperoni pizza? They weren't crappy versions of the real thing and I get, "This is diet food?" a few times a week so you can still feed your family, diet and keep your carbs under control.

    Just don't get caught up in the low carb diet products, most of them aren't really low carb and they're terrible for your blood sugar so eat real food instead.

    It's going to be hard, it's a big change and you're going to feel terrible at first but I promise you you're going to feel so much better this time next month. You can do this. :smile:

    LCHF for beginners: Everything to get you started including a shopping list, ideas on what to eat and a few recipes.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    -Dreamfield's Pasta- 5 net carbs for a serving
    -Joseph's whole grain low cal, low carb pita's and lav-ah bread. Near the deli at wallie world.
    -Hunt's sugar free spaghetti sauce
    -Egg Beaters or egg whites - I did not realize how much cholesterol was in an egg. 2 whole eggs had half of my allowance for the day. So, I would just use egg whites. Walmart sells their brand too.,
    -Lots of veggies- high fiber ones too- roasting them in the oven with a LITTLE O/O and salt to taste is always good.
    -Fruits, though not bad for ya, they have a lot of sugar. Just do your allowance for the day, do not go over. Berries, Honey Dew and Cantaloupe are high fiber and better for low carbs
    - just read labels and sugar content. I would opt for more natural everything. I pretty much gave up eating regular bread, and just eat the Joseph breads now. But, the Sunbeam whole grain has only 120-140 calories for 2 slices and 4 sugars. And there are others out there that have high fiber, no sugar.
    -nuts- dr. oz has good suggestions on his site on this
    - of course, chicken, fish, lean pork are better meat protein options.

    Hope this helps you.

    dont overcook the dreamfields if you choose to eat it. the longer you cook it.. the formula that keeps it low carb breaks down.. and then its not low carb anymore.
    i didnt explain that very well :P basically only eat it al dente :P

    cholesterol that you eat doesn't affect your cholesterol levels.

    Although it is still important to limit the amount of cholesterol you eat, especially if you have diabetes, for most people dietary cholesterol isn't nearly the villain it's been portrayed to be. Cholesterol in the bloodstream, specifically the bad LDL cholesterol, is what's most important. And the biggest influence on blood cholesterol level is the mix of fats and carbohydrates in your diet—not the amount of cholesterol you eat from food.

    'doctor' oz is an idiot, i wouldn't believe anything he says.
  • angelmeanttofly
    Thank you or all your responces everyone. I will check out that group and I will look for those noodles. I will also look at some brands of pitas we have here and see if I can find one low in carbs. I am going to the library tomorrow to pick up a few low carb vegetarian cook books and check them out as well.Hats of to those of you that gt by on less then 50 carbs a day, being big on rice, pasta and toast it's going to be a real change or me. I know it can be done if any of you would like to add me I'd love to check out your diaries.
  • new_blossom
    new_blossom Posts: 111 Member
    Yes, it does not take long for that pasta to cook at all. Al dente' is better for this pasta.

    I like Dr. Oz. Some of his stuff is a little weird, but I like the way he explains things and he is out there trying to get people in better shape and in better health. His purpose for the show is for a good cause I believe.

    I need to look at the Cholesterol site you provided. I have a thyroid issue and was in the hospital in Feb for it. I was not on meds for it for 2 years and it really went out of wack on me. Severely. My family thought I was having a stroke. Doctors said that it may have helped contribute to the spike in high blood pressure and the high cholesterol which I never had before.

    FYI for those with thyroid issues, it is really not something to mess with. If you have a disorder, get help. It will mess up so many functions in your body if not taken care of. It can eventually cause a stroke or heart attack if it gets that bad. I was lucky my family made me go to the hospital for it. I was so bad off, I just could not even think or function normally at that point. I felt so much better in a short time, from the $4 medication.