Looking for vegetarian friends

Fairly new and loving MFP!! Just now getting into the message boards. I would love to have friends (vegetarian or not actually) so we can support, encourage and get ideas from each other! Jill- RRT from Ohio


  • patelkinnari
    patelkinnari Posts: 31 Member
    I am vegetarian too... It would be great to have you as friend. ..
  • veg4ev
    veg4ev Posts: 1
    I'm new... and also a vegetarian :) Would love to share ideas & support!
  • spirit80
    spirit80 Posts: 327 Member
    Why a vegetarian?
  • I am also Vegetarian, leaning towards Vegan. I would love to share ideas, recipes etc.
  • volamena
    volamena Posts: 30
    Hi, I'm new and vegetarian...looking for friends and support too :-)
  • xshortiex
    xshortiex Posts: 120 Member
    Me me me! :)
  • heliumheels
    heliumheels Posts: 241 Member
    Vegetarian for 8 years, very recently went vegan. Feel free to add me.
  • LilacDaffodil
    LilacDaffodil Posts: 148 Member
    Hi everyone :)
    I have just joined the site. I've been vegetarian for 32 years. Please feel free to add me, I'd love to make some new friends and would appreciate the support of some fellow veggies.
    Thank you.
  • Hi! I'm a vegetarian too :) I'm going to send you a friend request and would love for others who have replied to add me as well! My doctor has currently advised me to limit my carb intake so I'd love to get some new food/recipe ideas.
  • jillebean60
    jillebean60 Posts: 78 Member
    Strictly following my palate and love the health benefits from this eating style. I've been cooking more and more Mediterranean dishes and eating tons of beans, lentils, quinoa etc... love it all!
  • chicaaax3
    chicaaax3 Posts: 6 Member
    Vegetarian for 5 years here! Feel free to add!
  • JellyButter
    JellyButter Posts: 160 Member
    Vegetarian here.
    Feel free.
  • ColletteNicole
    ColletteNicole Posts: 145 Member
    sending you a request. I'm a former vegetarian but seriously considering going back soon, would love to check out your diary for ideas! :)
  • New here and a vegetarian. Anyone can add me.
  • I'm a vegetarian too.. feel free to add me :)
  • jenwalton
    jenwalton Posts: 87 Member
    Sent you a request! Love having vegetarian / vegan MFP friends. My diary is open, in case you ever want ideas for vegetarian meals / snacks, too!
  • pen_thief
    pen_thief Posts: 78 Member
    Hi there! I'm a fellow vegetarian since last November :) I actually tried to go vegan to support my mom who has cancer, but she started a protocol called the Budwig Diet which requires cottage cheese, so we both went back to dairy. And I cannot lie; I love my cheese and eggs. Feel free to add me! If your friends list is growing out of control I will understand though.

    Now back to this lovely salad (with cheese)...
  • HitenL
    HitenL Posts: 38 Member
    New vegetarian member here too.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Vegetarian since 1989, and always happy to have new friends.
  • davinasaunders
    davinasaunders Posts: 6 Member
    Recently with the addition of some fish, mostly RAW. And following the Body Ecology Diet.