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For those who have fallen off the wagon...

BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
...and gotten back on, what motivated you? I'm having a very hard time getting back into the healthy living frame of mind, and I don't want this to be over...

I've tried focusing on where I want to be in 6 months or a year, and I've thought about my health, and how much better it feels to eat healthy and exercise...but it's not happening for me. I know it has to come from within, but something must spark it...what worked for you?

I have that desperate feeling...I've gained back about 13 pounds, lost 2 or 3 again, but my motivation isn't lasting for more than a day. I have over 30 precious pounds gone that I do NOT want back. :(


  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    I do think it comes from within. I think the question you have to ask yourself is, do you believe that you deserve it? If yes, then you're in the right frame of mind. If the answer is a no, then why not? And that's where you have to dig deeper...

    For me, all the extra pounds I'm still carrying reminds me of my past life (what should have or should not have happened, etc.) and now that I've gotten to a point where I've let go, I'm finding that I'm a lot happier and more positive, and I want to move forward and there is no way I'm going to go back to the person I once was. And that in itself, is a huge motivation :).

    I was also depressed for a short while after experiencing some "life" transitions. I found that when I started to do the things I wanted to do, i.e. travel, go back to school, move out, really brought me back to my ''reality". Also, the important thing was that I started to take care of myself and stopped worrying what others around me were doing.

    There's a great saying that, ''if you want to know your present, look to your past. If you want to know your future, look at your present self..." So in saying that, where you will be in 6 months, 10 years, etc. will be influenced by your decisions now.

    Okay, enough of my rant but I hope this helped! :) Good luck and keep your chin up because you can do it!
  • OMG this is such a good question... Try to think of your weight loss as something you are doing for yourself-- something you OWE yourself. Put old pictures of yourself on your fridge, in your car, at work--wherever you're hit with temptation. Remind yourself of that sinking feeling you get when the number on the scale goes up instead of down...all that hard work wasted. Find food you love that is delicious without being too "costly."

    And learn from my mistake!! I was down to 142 lbs (from 179) and i am right back up to 170...the only thing that is different is that i am 6 years older now-- freakin bummer!!! but i believe we can both do this! keep it up!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    BrendaLee, I feel your desperation and it is hard to tell someone something that may have worked for them when one other may think that it is the dumbest thing ever! I put myself around happy people, around people who exercise and people who will support me! I also got myself naked, yes I said naked! I stripped and stood in front of a mirror, I then asked myself if this is how I want people to see me at any time in my life with that answer I placed a mirror where I could see myself eat. You get the picture! I still am NOT happy with things but it is a helluva lot better than it was 40 pounds ago! I am a firm believer of working your *ss off too. It not only burns calories it kicks in the happy endorphins that give you power to deny temptations and lifts you from depression! It is hard to tell ourselves that we ARE worth it when we are down in the dumps but go for that walk around the block, not only will it lift the mood but the fresh air removes the doubt and the fear!! Those times you do not believe in yourself get on here. Believe this, YOU can do this because YOU are worth it! Come join us at Fab Fours where you can tell us your daily trials, temptations, errors and success's, we are a fun group!!! I believe in you!!!
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    well I had some trouble last week getting back on. I was ready to quit and really, coming here and reading the forums do help me. Some people are unfortunately threatened by disease by how large they are and have no choice to loose the weight, some people have been fat longer than me and are still trying to get healthy. It inspires me..it reminds me that I dont want to suffer the rest of my life attempting to lose this weight and hindering opporitunities I could have if I were healthier. Stopping now is just going to prolong the process, so stick it out. I'm always telling myself that this is it, this is the last time I'm doing this because this is the time I'm going to finaly do it. Dont give up. =(
  • rori20
    rori20 Posts: 61 Member
    I was down to 165 a couple of years ago and now I'm at 208. Changes in my life, that caused stress and depression, made me eat more and drink more. I ballooned up in just two years. I'm over the things that initially caused me to be down, but now I can't get positive again because my weight is the worst it has ever been. I should be happy but I'm not and that's my biggest motivator right now to stay on this program for good.

    Exercising will make me happy. A better, more nutritional diet will make me feel better. Looking hot again and getting rid of these "fat" clothes will make me feel good again.

    I've started seeing a therapist and a psychiatrist, but I'm interested in knowing just how much of a change my healthier lifestyle can make in me. I'm not going to do slide back again, for my mental and physical health.
  • best advice....JUST DO IT!!!! nike was so right! i never FEEL LIKE making good choices but sometimes you have to make yourself get up and go to the gym or purposefully stand on the other side of the room of the candy because after you acomplish that little goal will feel soooooooooooooo much better. and if you keep doing it long enough it will become habit and it won't be a constant struggle. WE'RE RIGHT THERE WITH YOU LADY, DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!:heart:
  • betowt
    betowt Posts: 2
    RE: MariSama44
    You're an inspiration, Sis. :-)
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