Day 2 of 30DS and already that lazy feeling.

Give me some motivation! I stayed up too late last night and now i'm all "uuugh i dont want to.." D:


  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I have started the 30DS at least three times...but never finished it. Don't be like me, keep going! It's only 20 minutes and it will get you WAY better results than excuses will, unless what you want to get out of exercise is the satisfaction of NOT exercising! :laugh:

    (Who am I to talk? I was going to start the 30DS again today for my birthday, but my excuse is that I got a muscle cramp in the middle of the night and I'm afraid I'll hurt myself!)
  • Once you do some exercise you will not feel so "eurghhhhh dont want to".

    Yesterday I had one of those days, instead of doing 30DS I did some jogging and some ab work. Only about 45 mins altogether, but I felt great afterwards!
  • tony2009
    tony2009 Posts: 201 Member
    Why not?

    If you want changes, you gotta work for them.

    Just do it, you got this!
  • SusieGirlRN
    SusieGirlRN Posts: 104 Member
    Go For It ~ Just Push Play ... you will be glad you did in less than 45 minutes!!! Not to mention the feeling of accomplishment afterwards :-D
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 510 Member
    Keep going, the hardest part for me was pushing play on the DVD player. Once I started, I loved it and had to force myself to take a day off. Its not the same for everyone and if you end up not enjoying the work out, try something else. Once you find the one you like, you'll WANT to do it everyday.
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    I'm with ya, girl! I just started for the 2nd time yesterday. I didn't want to get up this morning, but I did! I feel much better. :bigsmile:
  • Just finished 6w6p and I sure didn't FEEL like doing it! But it's done now and I'm one day closer to finishing! That's the only way to get er done! One workout at a time. Suck it up buttercup :smile:
  • cpegasus01
    cpegasus01 Posts: 400 Member
    Totally agree with everyone else's posts. You just have to go for it! No ifs ands or buts! you will feel so much better after you get started.
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    It's only 20 mins, ANYONE can get through 20 mins! AND I've only been doing it for 2 weeks and have lost as much as 3 inches in spots...

    go kick her *kitten*
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    The results are worth it. If you don't want results, don't do it. Simple as that. You've got to decide what's important to you. If it's important enough, you'll push through the lazy feelings. I've been doing it (making myself push through) since April. Trust me, I've had those days. But the results are worth it to me, so I make myself just do it. What's 20-30 minutes out of 24 hours in your day?
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I have done the Shred 2x completing it all today will be Day15 Level 1 of Shred it with Weights....take a break here and there....our bodies need a rest day. Once you do it you will be glad you did. P.S. it gets better after Day 4.....the pain goes away!
  • ckay220
    ckay220 Posts: 271 Member
    Give me some motivation! I stayed up too late last night and now i'm all "uuugh i dont want to.." D:
    I've lost 5 pounds...and I'm on day 7! Also, an inch in my hips and 3/4 an inch in my waist! I'm sure you can get results like this if you keep going too! I felt the same way after day 2 because I was in pain, but I promise you, it'll wear off! You can do it!
  • mewaybright
    mewaybright Posts: 240 Member
    Some of my best workouts have come when I least felt like getting off the couch... motivating yourself to actually do it is the most difficult part... once you start it's over before you know it and you feel like a million bucks.
  • Nikocan
    Nikocan Posts: 92
    No no no..push through..the 30 DS has done so much for me. Agreed it not so much a weightloss workout as an inch loss workout but boy, it tones you up. Also, its ups your stamina so much that from then on, you are ready for all workout..My only advice is o push through. Just force yourself to hit the play button cause at the end of the 30 days, trust me, you will be sooooooooo thankful.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    I would love a 20 minute workout, mine is an 1 and a half today with P90x Yoga, wanna trade?
  • omg thanks guys :D You are right i'm glad I did it. I noticed only on day 3 and my armpits are already getting toned<3 and i have a bit m ore endurance! yaay~
  • Way to go!!!! Word of advice - buy a REALLY good shaver - those armpits are going to become a challenge to shave :)