MoM's With children under 1yrs old

I'm having a hard time trying to keep everything going with an 9month baby girl. I'm a stay at home mom and the father works 12-14hrs a day so its just basically me. I was wondering how do you other mom's find time to exercise? I've tried mornings, afternoons, and nights and I just have a rough time. She's barely takes naps and when she does its in the late afternoon when I need to lay down myself and re-engerize. I really don't have family here to help me and I really don't have many friends, the ones I do have work all the time.


  • ogdenca89
    I was wondering the same thing, I have a 20 month old. I found some exercises online you can do with you baby. For toning, use her as your "weight" lay on the ground and play with her by lifting her in the air! She will love it and its a great workout for your arms. For cardio, take her for a walk in her stroller... I also found that if I work out in the morning I have a LOT more energy to play with my son during the day... Maybe try waking up an hour before she does to workout alone, then fit working out into her schedule too? Good luck!
  • krisbychiken
    krisbychiken Posts: 72 Member
    I got a gym membership that offers day care for an extra 10 bucks a month, and its awesome! She gets to play with other kids, and I get time to myself. Best part is she'll nap an hour after we get home, so I have time to relax too without using up "nap time"!
  • amyhoss
    amyhoss Posts: 414 Member
    I exercise after she goes to bed at night. I put her to bed at 8pm and at 9 months, she would sleep until at least 3am, so that gave me time to exercise and then unwind before bed.
  • Mama_Mila
    Mama_Mila Posts: 511 Member
    You don't have any way to exercise at home WITH your baby?? I did with my son...he was walking at 8 months so he would dance and do zumba with me...or just sit next to me and play with his toys!!

    These days, he goes to bed at 8pm and I do my 30 day shred then :)
  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    I have 2 kids. One is 19 months and the other is 4 months. I used to go for an hr walk with them for excercise. Now I wake up early and do the 30 day shred ( which takes about 25 min total) I find the best time to excercise is b4 they wake up or with them, like taking them on a walk or using the baby as a weight. Good Luck!
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I don't, and quite honestly I didn't even start thinking about joining a gym until my son was 2, but... I definitely look back with regret that I didn't try to do more back then.

    Are there any Mommy and Me groups around you? I've seen "stroller aerobics" groups in the park near us--quite jealous that they didn't have anything like that when my son was young. Or--how about investing in a jogging stroller and getting out, just you and your daughter? That was one of the best purchases we ever made. I never ran with it, but we used to go on epic walks with our dog (3-4 miles). Our son was always a champ in the stroller (and sometimes it induced nap time even when he didn't usually take one), and we continued those until he was 5 years old.
  • Sharon909
    Sharon909 Posts: 46 Member
    My kids are now 8 and 3, but I remember what you are describing. When your so tired all the time its hard to keep a routine especially when your life revolves around a baby.
    I have a couple suggestions: When your BF/Fiance/DH gets home, give him half an hour to pee, change clothes and settle. Then give him the baby and take 45 minutes to exercise. Get on your treadmill or pop in a workout DVD ***IN A DIFFERENT ROOM*** or go running or WHATEVER. If your expected to be cooking dinner during this time, start using a crock pot that you can set in the morning.
    Or try breaking down your workout into small strength training sprints when the baby is in the bassinet or swing or exersaucer. Do push ups, crunches, squats, leg lifts, etc. You can do ALOT in 30 minutes.
  • AshleyBananas
    When my son was that age I took him on walks religiously, he would nap yay because he wasn't easy to get to take a nap, and I got exercise. I know it's not an extreme work out but you can do some levels of speed walking. Also if there are any parks or playgrounds, even mall playgrounds you may be able to go there and meet other mom's in the area, or sign up for a mommy and me class, it's a great way to make new friends and have someone to go for walks with or help motivate each other in all sorts of arenas of life. Good luck!
  • MsRiah
    MsRiah Posts: 15 Member
    Hey ! I'm also a mother of the sweetest 10 month old baby boy, and I used to wonder the same thing, when will I have time to work out ?!? I work full-time, monday -friday 7a-4p & have school tues-friday 5p-9p & saturday 9a-430p. So I'm literally on 12 hours days 6 days out the week & my only rest days are saturday afternoons & sunday. Yes, I usually am extremely pooped after I'm home around 930p, but thats when I find my most motivation. I work out at night, my fiance is the primary caregiver for our son right now because he is a stay at home dad, so when I'm home thats the time I finally get for myself & I use that to work out. I also get an hour lunch break at my job, so I usually walk/jog for 40-45 minutes everyday & then at night I do a workout DVD or 2, if I'm up to it. You just have to remember this is a temporary situation, you arent going to be loosing weight your whole life, so bust it out even when your tired & before you know it, you will be at your goal weight & you can start maintaining. Little things can make a big difference, if you have a stroller, put the baby in it & go for a 20-30 minute walk, if your watching tv, on the commericals maybe bust out 25 jumping jacks, I mean the possibilites are endless. Just hang in there & you can do it !
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    I’ve got 5.....16 girl, 12 girl, 10 girl, 3 boy, and 9 months girl. The three older ones are my stepdaughters... however since they are older they are more work sometimes then the baby! HAH! I have to workout in the morning.... everyone morning. You just HAVE to do it and get it over with or you won't all day long. Walks are good too. I do that. I bought an elliptical machine 3 days after my son was born and I had both by c-section but I was on that thing just 3 days after birth for just 20 min. As long as you workout hard you don't need no hour workouts. You can spare 20 min! Same with the last one. Every morning! EVERY MORNING. Is it tough??? YES! You just have to commit. I didn't start doing more then 20 min until recently so 20 min is all you really need! AND A GOOD DIET AND WEIGHTS!

    Oh and I work full time, leave the house around 6 and don't get home until 4:30 every day. I get up at 4-4:30 to workout. Ikk!
  • CChandler81
    CChandler81 Posts: 100 Member
    That's a tough one! Is it cool enough to take walks with her? I bought a double stroller after I had my second son and took 30 minute or so walks several times a week. So look into a jogging stroller (used on craigslist is a good place to start).

    Even though my kiddos are 4 and 6 now, I still struggle to work out with them asking questions non stop, trying to climb on me, getting into fights, etc. Add two cousins to the mix and my house has been all kinds of crazy this summer. Instead of tackling longer length dvds, I've settled for shorter, 20 minute ones that are more intense (read circuit training).

    Also, if you have access to a pool, go swimming together. Stick her in one of those baby saucer floats and grab on and kick behind it. She'll think it's fun to cruise around:-D
  • athenagv
    athenagv Posts: 63
    well...i can tell u what i do. Im a mother of a 7yr old and a 4mth old. i work full time and im still breastfeeding. my husband has his own lawn care business, so he stays home w/ the girls. well, the baby now b/c the oldest just went back to school. so, the minute i get home..he's ready to run out. he's been great support in letting me have a little bit of time to some kind of working out at home, but it is difficult when there are 3 people at home, a household and a job that depends on you.
    so, i know its hard, but (new pet peev)...anything is better than nothing!
    Here is just a little insight into my schedule:
    4:30~ crawl out of bed, get dressed, 10 min of calesthentics (stretches, pushups, crunches, squats, hip lift progressions, etc..smthng)
    5:00~ 1-1 1/2 mile run
    5:30~ shower and begin getting ready for work
    6:30~ get the oldest up to get ready for school and breastfeed the baby
    7:00~ finish getting ready for work and put the oldest on the bus
    7:30~ head off to work
    8:00~ coffee, breakfast & water
    10:30~ pump breastmilk & 10 min calesthenics
    1:00~ lunch, breastfeed & 10 min calesthenics
    3:30~ pump breastmilk & 10 min calesthenics
    5:00~ home, breastfeed & 10 min calesthenics
    9:00~ breastfeed and bed!

    Now...this is pretty much my day. Of course there or times it might fluctuate. Like for instance, a rough night and i cant workout & run in the morning. In this case...I'll wait till everyone is down for bed and i'll go for a quick run.

    Any time I can squeeze a some kind of workout in...i do. I mean, even though im at work...i have to take time to pump, so ...i squeeze 10 min of real quick pushups and squats in.

    Anything is better than nothing~!!!!

    Hope this helps you ma'am. And good luck! :D
  • srhershey
    srhershey Posts: 181 Member
    My daughter is 4 now, but when she was a baby I found it hard to find time to work out as well. She didn't nap much during the day, so I couldn't work out while she napped. The only thing I was able to do at that time, she was probably 4 months old, was to put her in the stroller and take her for a nice walk. The neighborhood behind our house is pretty hilly, so I would walk for 30 min or so going up and down hills while pushing the stroller. It was a great workout, calves would hurt and I'd be breathing heavy. I really enjoyed it because it was something I would do with her, it was our thing. It was also nice to get out of the house as well. Now that she's older, I still find it hard to workout because she always wants to play. I'll tell her I need to workout and she'll sometimes leave me alone so I can workout, but other times she keeps interupting me. I bought the Just Dance for the Kinect so that I can get a workout in but still do something fun with my daughter, and she loves to dance with me.

    Definately find something you can do with your child and keep with it.
  • tinytoyjess
    tinytoyjess Posts: 139 Member
    This is why I love the 30 Day Shred. It's such a quick workout that you can squeeze it in before the kids wake up in the morning, while they're napping, or when they go to bed. And *it* energizes you to wear you won't feel the need to nap yourself any longer.

    And if you're a SAHM I'd supplement the 30DS with lots of walks w/ baby. Especially at this time of year.

    It's one of those things that seems impossible until you start doing it. Then you realize "oh yeah, I can totally do this." Good luck. :)
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    That was one of the things I was going to mention. When you workout in the morning it will give you energy where you won't need the nap. The more in shape you are, the less you will be tired.
  • TimDaddy
    I'm not exactly a mom...

    I have an almost 3 year old goddaughter who stays alone with me most of the time. I work at night, so it's tough just to get enough sleep with her here. I got a running stroller last year for $15 at a yard sale. It made all the difference! I noticed I tend to get fat when a baby is in the house, because I spend so much more time sitting around the home. I gained a lot of weight when my goddaughter moved in, as usual, which is why I got the runnning stroller. Anywhere I go during the day before work, I go on foot. And if I feel like going for a run, the stroller is made for it. They baby loves riding in it, so I don't have to drop her somewhere while I exercise. Oh, I also got a backpack carrier for hiking, because I usually stop doing any hiking for a long time after a new baby shows up.
  • Bobbie_89
    Bobbie_89 Posts: 146
    You don't have any way to exercise at home WITH your baby?? I did with my son...he was walking at 8 months so he would dance and do zumba with me...or just sit next to me and play with his toys!!

    These days, he goes to bed at 8pm and I do my 30 day shred then :)

    I can exercise with my baby, BUT...would kind of exercise? And she really doesn't like to be held much maybe for a mintue or 2.
  • Bobbie_89
    Bobbie_89 Posts: 146
    My kids are now 8 and 3, but I remember what you are describing. When your so tired all the time its hard to keep a routine especially when your life revolves around a baby.
    I have a couple suggestions: When your BF/Fiance/DH gets home, give him half an hour to pee, change clothes and settle. Then give him the baby and take 45 minutes to exercise. Get on your treadmill or pop in a workout DVD ***IN A DIFFERENT ROOM*** or go running or WHATEVER. If your expected to be cooking dinner during this time, start using a crock pot that you can set in the morning.
    Or try breaking down your workout into small strength training sprints when the baby is in the bassinet or swing or exersaucer. Do push ups, crunches, squats, leg lifts, etc. You can do ALOT in 30 minutes.

    Thanks for the advice...only problem I have is that my BF doesn't get home till 2am or after so thats kinda of hard and there's more with that issue that I don't want to blast in open air. I try my best to do what I can. The walking is kind of hard this summer with it being so HOTT outside.
  • Bobbie_89
    Bobbie_89 Posts: 146
    That's a tough one! Is it cool enough to take walks with her? I bought a double stroller after I had my second son and took 30 minute or so walks several times a week. So look into a jogging stroller (used on craigslist is a good place to start).

    Even though my kiddos are 4 and 6 now, I still struggle to work out with them asking questions non stop, trying to climb on me, getting into fights, etc. Add two cousins to the mix and my house has been all kinds of crazy this summer. Instead of tackling longer length dvds, I've settled for shorter, 20 minute ones that are more intense (read circuit training).

    Also, if you have access to a pool, go swimming together. Stick her in one of those baby saucer floats and grab on and kick behind it. She'll think it's fun to cruise around:-D

    It's been pretty hot here...I live in Kentucky so we have ALOT of humidty in the air that makes it hotter and muggier.
  • santanna935
    santanna935 Posts: 18 Member
    This is why I love the 30 Day Shred. It's such a quick workout that you can squeeze it in before the kids wake up in the morning, while they're napping, or when they go to bed. And *it* energizes you to wear you won't feel the need to nap yourself any longer.

    And if you're a SAHM I'd supplement the 30DS with lots of walks w/ baby. Especially at this time of year.

    It's one of those things that seems impossible until you start doing it. Then you realize "oh yeah, I can totally do this." Good luck. :)

    This is what I do! I have 4month old twins who are on opposite schedules, but once they both go down for a nap I do the 30DS. I'm home with them all day while daddy works and I don't have friends and family to help either. So far tho the 30DS is paying off :)