
I need some help. I have a scale at home, one a the gym, and one at the YMCA where I volunteer. Now I don't know which one is accurate :$ They all say different weight. At home when I weigh myself in the morning, I'm 138. At the gym after I've eaten and worked out, I'm 128. At the YMCA in the evening, after eating,sitting around doing nothing than bussing there, I'm 135-136

So I don't know which to trust, I would think my home scale cuz I've been using that for the longest. But it's also old. The ones at the gym and the Y are a lot better...

what do you think?


  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    Probably none of the scales are totally accurate, so just pick one and use that one exclusively.
  • ArchBunx
    ArchBunx Posts: 8
    Why dont you go to a local boots store etc and use their weighing machine? I know its like 50p or something but at least you get an accurate weight then. If you don't fancy paying 50p all the time once you have weighed yourselve on one of those machines you can then compare and see if any of the other 3 machines have the same reading and just use that one from then on... :)
  • jwuchef87
    jwuchef87 Posts: 110 Member
    You should choose one time during the day to weigh yourself because your weight will fluctuate alot during the day with eating, drinking etc. I usually myself on monday mornings(only weigh once a week! More than that will drive you crazy) as soon as I wake up so my body will have the least fluid retention and weigh then. That way you're getting your true weight and not your body fluctuations. Hope this helps!!
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    Can't gaurantee any of them are accurate unless they have be calibrated on a regular basis. Check the scales at the YMCA and the Gym to see if they have a sticker that indicates they are calibrated and when it was last done. I would be less trusting of the scales at the Gym and YMCA, as these locations have multiple people using and you never know if someone did something that would mess up the accuracy. If your scale at home is old, think about buying a new scale (manufacturers are required to make sure a new scale is calibrated per NIST guidelines)
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    No scale is accurate. Just pick the one you can use consistently and stick with it.
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    What I have done recently was just set up a check up at the doctors and used the weight they recorded as my accurate weight and then I compared it to my home scale right after I got home. Luckily it was the same weight as the doctors scale so I know my scale is accurate!

    However if you do not want to do that I would just take an average of the three and use that!

    So in this case your average would be around 134!
  • Each scale is going to be different, but it should be consistent with itself, that is, it shouldn't drift all that much over time. So keep this in mind if you use multiple scales, and try to only compare their numbers to numbers you previously got off the same scale. Really though, the best way to do it is to wake up in the morning, use the bathroom, weigh-in, and don't think about it until the next morning. Weighing yourself multiple times a day is just going to give you anxiety about every little thing you do and consume. I've been weighing myself in the morning almost everyday for 2 years.
  • Thanks so much for all your replies! Really appreciate it!! :)