i want this SO BAD!!

i'm 35 ... 6'2" and 390lbs. i'm DONE living this way!! i want to make changes ... RADICAL changes ... i am ready to be the ME i know i am supposed to be!! i've started C25K ... i haven't told many people, because i don't want to fail and have everyone give me that look again. i'm a big boy, always have been ... so running hurts. i have friends who run miles ... every day ... even upwards of 10 miles a day. i want that SO BAD!! i want to fall in love with running, with fitness, with striving to be better!! so far, i have finished the first week of C25K, and i can't wait to start week two tomorrow!! i feel good, and i'm actually excited about running. i want to run everyday, but i'm trying to stick to the program so i don't fail. now i just have to find that daily, moment by moment motivation to push through. i'm excited about this site, and i'm so stoked by all the encouragement i've seen here. i'm hoping that this site, and C25K, can help me achieve my fitness goals!! i'm here to stay, and looking to make some connections ... with those who are struggling like me, and those who have already reached their goals ... i need ALL THE HELP i can get!! thanks!!


  • Anappy
    Anappy Posts: 45 Member
    Feel free to add me!!

    I hear you.. something in me snapped a few weeks ago looking at my mother and realizing that if I didn't really put my mind to this, I would end up like her. (NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!) So I have recommitted myself the being healthier and more active. I am not denying myself but I am really making better choices.

    Looking forward to watching you in your journey :flowerforyou:
  • noahsmommie
    noahsmommie Posts: 71 Member
    Wow. All I can think is "Yeah... what he said!" it's awesome that you're so gung ho about this. I'm feeling the same way right now. I'm actually out of commission due to an injury but I'm totally geeked about this lifestyle change and how it can make me a better me. Best of luck!
  • I love your topic line! You want this? Then get it! It can be done, I promise! I think that you are off to a good start. Definitely keep up that attitude!
  • Kal_n_130
    Kal_n_130 Posts: 119 Member
    I understandddd!!!!! feel free to addd me as well. i will keep ur butt motivated! I think its awesome that you started C25k, I Hatee running as well, and hoping one day ill love it like every one else on here lol. Great job so far and keep with it, you will make it.
  • Go BIG DADDY!!!! :)
  • tannst
    tannst Posts: 6
    I am 56 years old and I am female, 5'4" and over 300 lbs.i can tell you this. Whatever it takes stick with it! The older you get the harder it is. Just discipline yourself . If you fall off get right back on.
  • MommyofLily
    MommyofLily Posts: 149 Member
    You can do this!!! For your daily motivation, go to the Success Board posts on here. That's what gets me through the days when I want to give up! I'm doing C25K right now too! I just started week 4 on Tuesday. Tonight's my running night. :) You just have to keep making time to take care of yourself. It's hard to do, but if you want to live a long life, you have to make yourself a priority. Keep up the good work, it sounds like you're serious about this, so just keep at it and you will have success!
  • Gimpdogg
    Gimpdogg Posts: 163 Member
    I was 5' 9" and 326 so I know exactly how you feel. I've lost 71 pounds so far in a little over 4 months. JUST KEEP GOING! Even if you have a bad day (i've had more than a couple) just forget it and start fresh the next day. Keep moving towards your goal, it's a lot of work but if you want it bad enough you can do it.
  • I'm also in this group, it may be of some help: www.jointhereboot.com

    Watch the documentery (it's short)